Any time you visit a restaurant, ask "Does this restaurant provide paid sick leave for employees?"

If no, then say "I can't afford to eat where sick people are forced to work" then leave.

If a million people do this, Paid Sick Leave will become standard.

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But if it doesn't, and it might not, aren't you hurting the employee you asked? Maybe if you subscribe to this plan, you could provide what you expected to provide in a tip to that employee to help them in the meantime. I just fear your well-intentioned advocacy could take money out of a lot of peoples' pockets in the meantime.

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You must be a manager. Look, people have the right to avoid getting sick. I work at Wendy's and if youre sick there they just tell you to get better and get back to work. You do know that if more people die then that's less people that can leave a tip, right?

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I leave details of implementation to the will of the people.

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Thank you so much for exposing one of the largest and most powerful lobbies in the country. Most restaurant workers employed work under conditions that haven’t changed in years. The pay is horrendous with the paying public expected to pick up the majority of the burden via tips. Funny how no one sees that as a tax. As for no health care coverage, I might could see that as a stretch too far for small family restaurants but for the big chains it’s inexcusable. Of course the ACA was supposed to fix a lot of this problem but we know that what’s left of it, thanks to republicans, is now in front of the Supreme Court and like the Right to Choose, is in severe danger of being gotten rid of completely. The restaurant lobby is a millstone around the service industry and now could actually be a threat to the nations health. Why not ask yourself if you really have to eat out now as much as you’re used to. By going home, opening a can of soup, grilling a cheese sandwich and adding a salad you made might save your life or the life of someone dear to you. Stop feeding the fat cats in the house until they clean up their act.

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I'd like to know which states have effective sick-leave laws, and also which restaurant businesses have paid sick leave. I might choose to patronize those chains over others.

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With you all the way. Proud to know u

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Another reason to not eat at OliveGarden, Outback and McDonalds, not that I needed another one.

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This is the society in which we live. It favours businesses and corporate profits over everything else. If it forces sick employees to work and thereby risk the exposure to potentially thousands of people to various illnesses, so be it. One thing is for sure: I can guarantee you that the Orange Asscactus and his flunkies in the Senate don't give a rat's a-- about it.

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Sadly, I must agree. They don't.

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1% corporations like Darden get a big ol tax cut, too from Trump Adm/Congress in 2017.

I saw a boy who had just picked out my candy at a store using his gloved hand, scratch his nose afterward. I advised him to get a new glove. He gave me the look, but got a new glove. We started over.

Safe Serve is offered at local community colleges to teach staff how to safely handle food. Little good it does when the worker has to go to the job sick. My youngest is a server. She gets $2.13 per hour. After her flu shot in Oct. she still got the flu in Dec. Different strain. One reason Trump cutting funding at CDC has reflected the roll of the dice in developing the shot every year is they estimate which flu strain to develop the vaccine. With less money and staff how do you think that is going?

Back to servers. Everyone bitches and moans when there is a call in sick. No health insurance, no paid time off for being sick. Relying on tips to make a living is an up and down life and having to work no matter to keep a job. I am avoiding eating out. I am over 60 with Diabetes and no health insurance. Coronavirus makes me nervous.

I have two families of friends that hopped on cruise ships Friday. Both sets are Trump supporters who think this is all about the Media blowing it out of proportion. They believe every lie out of Trump's lips and on Fox News. Wonder how many of those cruise ship folks docking in CA today to get treatment thought the same way? You just can't fix stupid.

Judd you have been credited much over the weekend for FB and for coronavirus. Kudus!

On a lighter note. How about ol Ted Cruz shaking hands with a coronavirus victim? Now he is self quarantined. Ha. Bet the weasel is giving his beleaguered wife fits. Imagine Ted Cruz with the what Trump would call Man flu coronavirus. 🙄

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As a jaded writer, this story has restored my faith in the power of good journalism. Thank you for doing what you do!

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As a physician, I am glad you focused attention on the Darden Group and its restaurants. Even since I learned that they and companies like Papa John's actively oppose paid sick leave, I have not eaten or patronized them for the last several years.

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Wonderful coverage, as usual, Judd! Before I forget..., regarding covid19, why is there no advice being given for people to eat healthfully? Washing hands and self quarantining are good advice if sick, but to eat junk that makes us vulnerable to depleted immune systems is downright dangerous and foolish. [oranges, lemons and honey, plenty of fresh water, chicken soup (or miso soup)]

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I have a relative that has to go work sick or cannot pay his rent--he works directly with customers in face to face transactions. No sick pay or health care. Its definitely rolling the dice when going out to eat so we are not eating out--especially if you are eating a raw salad or other prepared food that is artfully arranged on a plate--all done with someone's hands. Our town has cruise ships showing up once or twice a month--so definitely will be avoiding tourist haunts that they frequent as well as tourist attractions.

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congratulations on the hard work and great and important reporting. journalism lives!

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Hi there. This policy does not extend to Darden restaurants in Canada. In order to access the emergency sick leave fund we must prove that we ourselves have coronavirus or that we have been in direct contact with someone who has been diagnosed. Our CEO just told us today that while they want to stay operating in order to continue business, they cannot afford to pay us all the 40-50 million dollars it would take to pay all employees sick leave and will have to make ‘tough decisions’ if we are mandated to close in Canada.

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This is nothing more than an example of the republicans taking regulations and allowing businesses to take every benefit from every employee. Its about the bottom line, in most cases businesses people can be replaced but their money cant. So just make ppl disposable, companies make more money and disband all unions. This is the new America and this trend will become the standard and the more they take from us the less we can fight back. We are giving our lives and dreams to wealthy Americans who control our lives thru a government for the wealthy and the ppl will be the stepping stone to be walked over to make money while you use every dollar to pay for food, rent and medical expenses. Gotta love the system of hell.

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