So we are discovering that corporations, as a regular practice, say one thing and do another. Could that be because they are ashamed and embarrassed about where they choose to put their money? When I was a child, we would call anyone who did that a LIAR. I think it might be time we made a master list of these liars and paid to advertise their behavior in the media. I kind of like the idea of including a picture of their CEO along with their hypocritical quote to the contrary. One has to ask: “ Do you want a liar leading your corporation?”…because one has to wonder what else they might be lying about…

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Great idea! This is the time to clean up everything, and bring all deceit into the light. But, it is not for Judd to do--he's fully occupied with Public Information. [but, if I'm stepping out of bounds, please say so, Judd] So, who's going to step up and get this master list of LIARS out there?

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Facebook: donation was “standard practice” and was intended to be used as “membership dues”


Talk about self-incriminating. They’re admitting to paying to be a member of a group supporting suppression. And admit it is standard practice.

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“Kum & Go is also proud to announce joining Time to Vote, a business-led, nonpartisan coalition that aims to increase voter participation in U.S. elections. In addition, Kum & Go has signed a pledge with Civic Alliance to affirm our commitment to encourage our American audiences to participate in elections, and empower our U.S. Associates to vote and be civically active.“

Oh yeah. Sure thing there. These are starting to be comical. Material for SNL’s Weekend Update.

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I’m glad you called out Barra by name. Please make sure others are named too.

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I appreciate this continued focus on corporations hypocritically claiming to support voting rights while donating to Republicans hell-bent on subverting them, but damn if it doesn't feel like a gut punch sometimes. It's so hard to try to make progress when you feel like the opposition has all the resources and so many people who would support stronger action on this issue are either too focused on other pressing needs or have simply tuned off from politics altogether. It just gets discouraging.

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I think that is the essence of Judd’s point in reporting all this! The underlying question informing these stories is “How, over the course of forty years, has the steady growth of anti-democracy messaging taken hold? Particularly in light of the general public sentiment supporting one person, one vote?” Part of the answer is the deft hand of Republican financing and proliferation of interconnected PAC monies.

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And just how many "citizens" are going to "stand up" and NOT buy from them because of that? It's literally impossible to keep up with all the lying and corruption. Name a car company and I'll name an immoral practice. I drive a Toyota, but they make a great car so... I'm personally grateful for the information, but the average individual has no idea what to do with that kind of information.

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Judd, serious question: if Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, can continue to lie about election integrity and push debunked false claims, why is there not a push to censure him? Why do we allow these traitors on the right to continue to push debunked false claims of voter fraud? Why can't someone write a hit piece on him regardless of validity? If he is able to constantly lie to his constituents why can't someone write an article about him accusing him of doing something that didn't happen? Because he would obviously sue for defamation if that happened, so why is he allowed to do the exact same thing without consequence? I don't understand what is happening in the country right now.

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No one is going to attempt to 'censure' Shirkey because the MI legislature is dominated by the GOP. No large media outlet is going to attempt to write a 'hit piece' on Shirkey because the MI legislature is dominated by the GOP and would most certainly retaliate. Same goes for the small, independent outlets in Michigan. They don't have the kind of money it would take to defend a lawsuit. Shirkey and the GOP *do* have the money to both bring AND defend lawsuits of that nature, so the robber barons have the upper hand here in hoodwinking their constituents.

There are any number of independent outlets hollering about Shirkey's duplicity, as well as Ruth Johnson's perfidy, but the quaint, little towns & hamlets that elected them really don't hear or see those pieces.

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And you have it right there. The problem lies with the rural areas that almost never get reliable information that debunks these people's effort to remove democracy and install their [preferred form] Christian theocracy.

The very reason we have a secular constitution, the founders knew what this type of government leads to.

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Exactly right. The small towns in my part of MI have more churches per capita than bars OR restaurants. Tells ya everything you need to know. ;)

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Sounds like you both nailed it. That's just sad and unfortunate. I wouldn't have known about Shirkey if not for Judd so you're both right.

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Gerrymandering turned a purple Michigan into a raving, rabid reactionary legislature. The next election cycle will be based on districts set by an independent commission. It's possible, though not terribly likely, that 2022 will see Dems take one of the chambers.

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Oh, I could only hope! But still, yes, we may yet have a legislature that rules & promulgates laws based on the needs of the PEOPLE and not the donor class.

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You make the argument of just why censure of Shirkey and Johnson should be publicized, and (pointedly) brough to all the little towns and hamlets that elected them. Ways can be found...with in person grassroot work and simple fliers with their photos.

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I was talking about official censure, as in the Legislature censuring either of them. That would necessitate someone putting forth a motion, it being voted on, and passage before they were officially censured by the Legislature.

They can certainly be called out by their constituents that disagree with them but, and I'm living proof here, these enclaves are very close-knit and insular. Very little would be accomplished, short of getting tires slashed or threatening phone calls, were one to go after "beloved" Ruth Johnson in the Holly area. Trust me on that, I tried.

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The QOP members of the Michigan legislature love Shirkey. A motion to censure can't even get sent to committee, since the Dems are shut out of all legislative actions.

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Exactly. Thank you!

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I just bought a new car, a Honda Insight. My 20 year-old Saturn finally had too many things break at the same time. It's my first non-Detroit car in maybe 40 years. When the blob announced he was suing California over emissions and mileage regulations, GM, Fiat, and Toyota stood up the same day and signed on. That alone made those three brand families completely taboo.

I'd been waiting for Detroit to edge towards the EPA 50+mpg standard set under Obama. Instead, Detroit stopped making cars and make SUVs, which fall under truck standards per EPA. I looked at Ford, but all they offer today is the Mustang. I'm not a Mustang kind of guy.

I thought about plugin, but the apartment where I garage my car has a leaky roof over the only available outlet. So, I went with the most efficient non-Toyota/GM/Fiat car I could find: Honda Insight.

Why does this matter? Because bad behavior by corporate players should have consequences. In this case, it's a slew of things, mostly related to political actions. I wish I didn't need to buy a car, but I'm thrilled I could find what I wanted in the space outside those three nameplates.

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