Supporting Trump is a cult-like behaviour. So, essentially, being a QAnon supporter is like being in a cult within a cult. Truly scary stuff.................

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QAnon is likely someone/group foreign or national who knows that a good portion of the GOP can't spell anonymous. The idea of the pal of

the late Jeffrey Epstein, who just happens to be POTUS protecting against child trafficking is almost as bizarre as it gets. The fact Rudy Guilani got caught with who he thought was a 15 yr old girl in the midst of his Hunter Biden escapade still gives the notion of the Keystone Kops and the GOP

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Unfortunately the 40% of Trump backers won't get the truth no matter what.

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Even if they would get the truth, they would stupidly refuse to believe it. To these people, Truth is anything but.

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You are Correct!

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Thank you 😊

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Always good interacting with you! I have already voted as blue as the Autumn sky.

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Absolutely the scariest facts, in Georgia especially. This has to start and stop at the top. Then it'll be much easier to debunk all this. And the ones that promote it need to spend some time in jail. To me it's a form of treason, sedition at least. You know you're desperate for a win when you're promoting this. And the ones that believe it need their heads examined.

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Every time “the White House” issues a statement about what president Trump is doing to help people, I wonder immediately whether he even knows anything about it. Helping people is the antithesis of most of his tweets. And if QAnon is a fabrication of the mainstream media, who are all those people with Q signs at Trump rallies? Some Republicans may be distracted by QAnon, but the transformation of the party is driving many people away from a party that bears no resemblance to its historical ideology.

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One problem with that post: that poll doesn't really ask about Q Anon per se, or whether it's valid. It asks whether Donald Trump is trying to dismantle an elite sex-trafficking ring involving Democrats. That's a core Q Anon belief, to be sure, but not the only one. And I can imagine someone believing it without believing at all, or even knowing about, Q-Anon.

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The problem with the QAnon theory is it presumes the Democrats are even coherent enough as a big-tent party to organize such a criminal enterprise. As much as I embrace Democratic values and individual Democratic lawmakers, on the whole, Democrats in Congress too often appear dysfunctional.

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If you would call Democrats dysfunctional, then what are republicans? Democrats, IMO, are more disorganized. They want everyone to like them and they are scared of being tagged with the far-left toe tag which by actually going to the trouble to burn political bridges by actually fighting for ANY KIND of health care that isn’t Medicare or Medicaid, is exactly what led to the steamrolling of said Democrats by this current iteration of “republicans”. Republicans have had this goal in their playbook since the rise of the so-called Moral Majority in response to the civil unrest/protests surrounding the Viet Nam war, the SDS, Black Panthers, and hippie culture and then given large injections of steroids by Reagan and Newt Gingrich’s famous Contract for America. That was a complete misnomer as it should always be referred to as the contract ON America. The 2000 poisonous election and its Supreme Court decision put republicans in the catbird seat. They pulled the trigger in the 2010 midterms. We’ve never recovered.

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Amen to this!

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Frightening statistics.

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I'm losing friends over this election and I don't care. The amount of ridiculous conspiracy theories coming from the right is absurd. Anyone that could possibly support this level of lunacy, I want nothing to do with. I'm glad my neighbors are displaying political signs because at least I know who to avoid in the future. Great article, per usual.

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I’m with you in that. I’m flying a big Biden flag hoping they’ll do likewise.

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Q is far more insidious. Thanks to an historian (Sorry, can’t remember his name - he was on Jake Tapper? a couple of weeks ago), I learned that the Q conspiracy very closely mirrors the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It contains references to: Jewish deep state, Satanic and perverted beliefs, pedophilia. Sounds familiar right? Just swap Jewish for Democrat. This document spread widely in the 1900’s, and is part of the rise of the Nazis and the European progroms. Same hateful ideology for an electronic age. Very dangerous.

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Yeah I also heard Q was regurgitating old conspiracy theories

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