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When I first read the AT&T OAN scandal I remarked you had first noted the DTV connection since AT&T bought them out. Again a 1% corporation pushing an agenda that is ruining America.

Campaign finance reform is a must. I feel so helpless, I hear the time bomb ticking on 2022.

Thanks for this report.

ps Got a flyer in mail from my pillow trying to sell me a pillow etc because so many retail outlets have dropped them. Mikey is desperate. Bet LeJoy made him a deal...

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Your reporting matters. After nearly 20 years with Att I moved to another provider. Thank you for making me get off my ass.

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Please do a follow-up on alternate wireless carriers that we can move our service to.

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Detestable company. Needs to lose a ton of customers to cut into those profits. Thank you for the laser light on their evil deeds.

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I don't know whether it is fortunate or unfortunate that AT&T gives you so much writing material. Probably the latter given their dirty deeds are bad for democracy. At any rate, I applaud you for being such a valuable resource, Judd.

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I've never been so happy that not a penny of my money goes to that loathsome corporation.

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This is almost unbelievable. It shows just how sociopathic companies can be. #democracydying

Thank you for your work!

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Wow -- is it just because OAN is cheaper to run on DirectTV than Fox News? I found this news more terrifying than gas and oil companies lying about global warming, and other big companies supporting both the Republicans and Demos because they want access and power. Because with those companies, their motivation is so transparent -- almost simple minded. With AT&T I guess I need it explained. Why are they doing this?

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By the way, I had already stopped using AT&T. My mother, in her nineties, several times got saddled with high-priced NFL extras that cost her $400 at least. DirectTV would cancel the packages but would not refund anything that had already been ordered. And my parents had never ordered the packages. I've never been so angry at a company.

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While we can control our support for AT&T Communications and its subsidiary DirecTV, it’s a lot harder to avoid Warner Media. Regardless, we will need an unprecedented grass roots movement to have any impact, because if AT&T shareholders are happy, they’re happy. ‘Democracy be damned’ may as well be their motto.

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Between the dilemma of leaving FB and or changing my cell carrier from AT&T to another, I can't seem to get motivated. It's probably because of [all] the hassle of changing and setting up a new carrier, changing the payments (I like to pay with a credit card), and losing contact with the good people I only connect with on FB and Instagram. It creates as much stress as staying with the status quo does...

This is going to take some effort...

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Its worth it. Do AT&T first. They ripped off my 93 year old mother.

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Yeah, they rip off everyone…

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It was easy to switch to Mint Mobile. I signed up for a month trial first and they sent me a sim card through the mail (will take ages Thanks DeJoy), then paid about 1/3 the cost of our AT&T plan for a year plan with Mint Mobile.

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I can't wait until my contract is up with them. It was the only carrier that I could get service at work at the time.

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AT&T reaps big rewards in government contracts, to include defense contracts. I wonder how their record on right-wing extremism supports department of defense efforts to remove extremism from the ranks.

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I also want suggestions of other carriers please. Ready to jump. Hoping not to jump to others playing the same game. All ideas welcome!!

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Mint mobile. half the price of AT&T. good signal (you can check on their website for your area). But their 'unlimited data' means 35G before they slow you down.

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Please provide info on how customers can contact AT&T and complain. There is power in the masses. This information needs more sunlight and AT&T needs to hear from all of us.

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Good on you. Laser focus works. Thanks.

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