I am very disappointed to report that even though I have had two Pfizer shots & the booster, I still have to use the remote control to change channels on my TV….

Seriously, why would anyone think that RFK, Jr. is an expert on vaccinations?

I live in Florida, & I thought that “Red Tide Rick” Scott was the worst possible Governor, until Ron DeathSantis won (barely, with a margin of 0.4%) & has tried to outTrump Trump. He has suppressed reporting on COVID cases & deaths, & is against mask mandates & vaccination requirements, threatening large fines for those who do require them. I hope that this fall we can elect a Governor that believes in Science, so we need to turn Florida BLUE.

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I don't get it either. Our govenor annouced a rollback on mask mandates for the end of this month. Then what? We wait for the inevitable uptick in infections and deaths, then issue mask mandates all over again? These people who push so stridently against common-sense efforts to mitigate the deaths and infections are doing far more harm than good in my opinion. So long as they don't don't actively attempt to prevent those who wish to mask from doing so, I guess we'll be alright. But it's about more than individual's convenience.

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Thanks, Judd. The Misinformation Pit gets deeper and deeper. You perform a great service in exposing it.

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RFK, Jr., is rapidly evolving into one of the most evil, mendacious individuals in our society. He brings shame to that family's name on a daily basis.

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The name is associated with tragedy and scandal. So, seems on brand to me.

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I know it's not the central focus of this piece, but what's going on in Ottawa is both mind-boggling and frightening to me. There's a lot of chatter lately about "moving past COVID" amid prospective plans to roll back mask mandates. Not only does the virus, you know, not care about our feelings, though, but the scars, psychic and bodily, will persist beyond an end to the pandemic that yet seems far off.

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What is happening? That’s intended to be rhetorical. Also, congrats for inspiring DAGA to pressure RAGA. It’s been a good week for PI.

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So many threads I have downright missed, all tied together here. Thank you PI! —I did hear Trudeau & others call for an end to the de facto embargo which is costing Canadian jobs and well being. Frustrating to watch US insanity creep northwards.

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As a Canadian, I wholeheartedly agree, although I am not surprised that the insanity has spread. We've been suffering from THAT pandemic for decades!

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Did Children's Health Defense also seek opportunities to "educate" AGs in the Democratic Attorneys General Association? If not, it looks like RFK Jr. just illegally funneled $$$ to GOP politicians. Great work, Judd and Tesnim!

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A Republican organization of, basically, REPUBLICAN ATTORNEYS, accepting an illegal contribution? Oh, say it isn't so!! Not even gonna' get started on this one.

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