On Sunday, Americans for Prosperity Action (AFP Action), one of the principal political organizations controlled by right-wing billionaire Charles Koch, released a memo to the media.
Koch is a poison on this country. Typical of extreme right wing apologists, he denies what he is doing and claims to be everything he is not. He will never support a democrat. Another narcissistic jerk.
This country has a long history of wealthy industrialists thinking they have a right to pull the strings in government. I suppose it’s the same everywhere but, now in the US, following Cit United & with a right wing dominated SC, they must feel doubly empowered. Every so often Koch comes out with some PR announcement to make the Koch network of influence look good. We have only to look at Ron Johnson to realize that that’s all it is: PR.
At the root of it all, IMHO, is social Darwinism. These super wealthy think they are far superior to the common masses because they’ve accumulated enormous wealth. They seem to also think that their superiority gives them special privilege to pollute, over run local governments, determine policy in Washington, and, of course, control elections. Because, after all, they can’t have elected officials who believe in good government, decent wages, reining in deadly toxins, etc. I’m left wondering how to rewrite these spoon-fed headlines to be truthful without being accused of liberal bias.
Follow the 💰 money. The pie chart says it all. So, this extremely wealthy man thinks he can buy our elections? Is he the autocrat running the government with his “generous” donations? It would appear so. How is it the media are so baffled by actions that speak volumes more than words? Time for a rules “reset” in campaign finance. This is alarming beyond the ridiculous. Thank you for your concise and timely summary. Now, let’s spread it everywhere by all means possible.
Ian if only that were still true. Koch and the oligarchs spend fortunes obfuscating their actions and projecting their false words, which sadly are swallowed whole and regurgitated by the “main stream media”.
Thanks for this analysis. The project of getting our mainstream press to actually THINK about and seriously contextualize what they are reporting is indeed a sisyphusian undertaking. Your examples of the irresponsibly vacuous and sanitized reporting on the Koch brothers’ and their sponsorship of the astounding growth and mainstreaming of so much of our right-wing ecosystem is merely one example (but a very good one) of how elite “reporting” is so entrenched in a “professional” narrative that is cookie-cutter in its entirely non-reflective, rote, and elite-satisfying journalistic paradigm. It’s sanitized reporting designed for the comfort and care of those of us who are privileged.
Heaven forbid that our leading press organizations would publish anything that would upset elites over their morning coffee or cause us to reflect on our privilege and how we tolerate and accept such propaganda as the Koch network so confidently feeds to the public through these so-called “trusted” sources -- or how we so blithely accept as unremarkable the Koch Family’s treacherous, generations-long, and extremely effective project of effectively buying state and federal legislative and tax system support for their empire of companies and investments, while undermining our democratic institutions and laws, and now supporting outright the current leadership of our native authoritarian insurrectionists?
And I also wonder how much the cleansed reporting on the Koch brothers and the many others of our native reactionary billionaire cabal, who are underwriting almost all of the insurrectionary, pro-authoritarian movement in the US (and elsewhere), is due to the fact that these people also fund all sorts of “good works” like biomedical research, museums, symphonies, think tanks, etc., etc., the benefits of which (they very well know) almost all accrue to the benefit of the same elite strata that churns out this dreadfully scrubbed and prescribed journalism?
Thank you for some perspective! I have to admit, I had forgotten how often we've heard this before. It is manipulation. A narrative then immediately repeated at MSNBC, CNN, etc. Not counting on it, but wouldn't it be great if, next time, media doesn't fall for this?
I wonder if they "fall for it" because the Kochs are huge donors to their networks. Maybe media are hoping the public reads between the lines. Still, it's misleading, dishonest and flat out wrong to buy news media, opinion or not. It's obvious they have all the money they need to interpret collected data to design their world view, then pitch it via the media. Every time i pick up a piece of plastic, I think of the word Koch. Gross.
Hosts on MSNBC all blame "wages" for our inflation despite the fact that economists reported that half of our inflation is the result of corporate price gouging for higher profits:
If you watch PBS TV shows, many credit Koch foundation funding. Wouldn't it be interesting to know how this impacts their news coverage? For example, why are leading analysts such as Noam Chomsky never, ever interviewed on issues of war and peace?
This is so depressing that the media is so bad at their jobs. Thanks for holding them to account a la Eric Boehlert, who’s vital voice is greatly missed
It does seem that Koch is playing down his right wing tendencies and getting the media to believe him. But I don't really understand what his motivation is in doing so. Why not just openly and unapologetically support Trump and other right wing candidates? When the press obediently prints Koch's memo, what audience is he hoping it will convince? I'm genuinely mystified by this. I don't see the downside for him of just being openly far-right.
The long arm of the Koch family is well documented. Dark Money by Jane Mayer is a good place to start. Here is an interview she did on National Public Radio that may answer some of your questions. https://www.npr.org/transcripts/463565987
Any updates on Koch continuing to do business in Russia? Even Exxon pulled out at the beginning of their unlawful Ukrainian Invasion.
As the foremost climate change denier in the world in terms or organization and financial support, what does he have to say about the death, starvation, and destruction he has sowed with his concerted efforts?
As an advocate of low taxes and small government does Florida relying on the Federal government every year to supplant their low, regressive, taxation policies bother him or is he all in on fascist DeSantis?
Florida's annual budget: 105 Billion, with revenue mainly provided by a regressive income tax system where the wealthiest Floridians pay the lowest tax rates and the poorest Floridians pay the highest rates. Hurricanes aren't Florida's only environmental challenge, but Ian's projected costs are 258 billion*
and yet, DeSantis spends his time banning books, and attacking teachers and librarians. Koch and DeVos like all Republicans are fearfully opposed to public education and an large educated citizenry.
This isn't a surprise at all. I hope other media outlets amplify your reporting on this. Let's see if they do or if Koch has more people in his pockets. It's incredibly lazy reporting to simply report what he says and not what he does. Thank You Judd for shining a spotlight on this lying hypocrite.
Koch is a poison on this country. Typical of extreme right wing apologists, he denies what he is doing and claims to be everything he is not. He will never support a democrat. Another narcissistic jerk.
This country has a long history of wealthy industrialists thinking they have a right to pull the strings in government. I suppose it’s the same everywhere but, now in the US, following Cit United & with a right wing dominated SC, they must feel doubly empowered. Every so often Koch comes out with some PR announcement to make the Koch network of influence look good. We have only to look at Ron Johnson to realize that that’s all it is: PR.
At the root of it all, IMHO, is social Darwinism. These super wealthy think they are far superior to the common masses because they’ve accumulated enormous wealth. They seem to also think that their superiority gives them special privilege to pollute, over run local governments, determine policy in Washington, and, of course, control elections. Because, after all, they can’t have elected officials who believe in good government, decent wages, reining in deadly toxins, etc. I’m left wondering how to rewrite these spoon-fed headlines to be truthful without being accused of liberal bias.
Exactly what Tucker Carlson said about the wealthy on Fox. Saw the clip on Twitter last week.
Makes me sick.
Follow the 💰 money. The pie chart says it all. So, this extremely wealthy man thinks he can buy our elections? Is he the autocrat running the government with his “generous” donations? It would appear so. How is it the media are so baffled by actions that speak volumes more than words? Time for a rules “reset” in campaign finance. This is alarming beyond the ridiculous. Thank you for your concise and timely summary. Now, let’s spread it everywhere by all means possible.
Actions speak louder than words, and the Koch family's actions speak the loudest of all.
And, it's a voice that only Republicans hear.
Ian if only that were still true. Koch and the oligarchs spend fortunes obfuscating their actions and projecting their false words, which sadly are swallowed whole and regurgitated by the “main stream media”.
Thank you! One would think reporters in reputable media outlets would do something besides act as stenographers for this group.
Thanks for this analysis. The project of getting our mainstream press to actually THINK about and seriously contextualize what they are reporting is indeed a sisyphusian undertaking. Your examples of the irresponsibly vacuous and sanitized reporting on the Koch brothers’ and their sponsorship of the astounding growth and mainstreaming of so much of our right-wing ecosystem is merely one example (but a very good one) of how elite “reporting” is so entrenched in a “professional” narrative that is cookie-cutter in its entirely non-reflective, rote, and elite-satisfying journalistic paradigm. It’s sanitized reporting designed for the comfort and care of those of us who are privileged.
Heaven forbid that our leading press organizations would publish anything that would upset elites over their morning coffee or cause us to reflect on our privilege and how we tolerate and accept such propaganda as the Koch network so confidently feeds to the public through these so-called “trusted” sources -- or how we so blithely accept as unremarkable the Koch Family’s treacherous, generations-long, and extremely effective project of effectively buying state and federal legislative and tax system support for their empire of companies and investments, while undermining our democratic institutions and laws, and now supporting outright the current leadership of our native authoritarian insurrectionists?
And I also wonder how much the cleansed reporting on the Koch brothers and the many others of our native reactionary billionaire cabal, who are underwriting almost all of the insurrectionary, pro-authoritarian movement in the US (and elsewhere), is due to the fact that these people also fund all sorts of “good works” like biomedical research, museums, symphonies, think tanks, etc., etc., the benefits of which (they very well know) almost all accrue to the benefit of the same elite strata that churns out this dreadfully scrubbed and prescribed journalism?
That’s a rhetorical question.
Rhetorical, but, I wonder if it may be the oldest brother, Freddy (the gay one), who donated to anything related to beauty and the arts.
Thank you for some perspective! I have to admit, I had forgotten how often we've heard this before. It is manipulation. A narrative then immediately repeated at MSNBC, CNN, etc. Not counting on it, but wouldn't it be great if, next time, media doesn't fall for this?
I wonder if they "fall for it" because the Kochs are huge donors to their networks. Maybe media are hoping the public reads between the lines. Still, it's misleading, dishonest and flat out wrong to buy news media, opinion or not. It's obvious they have all the money they need to interpret collected data to design their world view, then pitch it via the media. Every time i pick up a piece of plastic, I think of the word Koch. Gross.
Hosts on MSNBC all blame "wages" for our inflation despite the fact that economists reported that half of our inflation is the result of corporate price gouging for higher profits:
If you watch PBS TV shows, many credit Koch foundation funding. Wouldn't it be interesting to know how this impacts their news coverage? For example, why are leading analysts such as Noam Chomsky never, ever interviewed on issues of war and peace?
This is so depressing that the media is so bad at their jobs. Thanks for holding them to account a la Eric Boehlert, who’s vital voice is greatly missed
Great independent, investigative reporting!
It does seem that Koch is playing down his right wing tendencies and getting the media to believe him. But I don't really understand what his motivation is in doing so. Why not just openly and unapologetically support Trump and other right wing candidates? When the press obediently prints Koch's memo, what audience is he hoping it will convince? I'm genuinely mystified by this. I don't see the downside for him of just being openly far-right.
The long arm of the Koch family is well documented. Dark Money by Jane Mayer is a good place to start. Here is an interview she did on National Public Radio that may answer some of your questions. https://www.npr.org/transcripts/463565987
He would be missing a big step in Republican process.
The GOP? Requires lies in all its endeavors
So he might fool a few people i doubt it .
But he may have the effect of really pushing the Media to look the other way .
I for one am happy i do not understand how these evil peoples minds work .
Keep in mind the MSM is corporate owned and clearly put Trump over the top to receive their expected "middle class tax break":
Yes, it is painfully obvious he has become clickbait.
He is evil
This country has a serious Koch problem and it's time for rehab.
Any updates on Koch continuing to do business in Russia? Even Exxon pulled out at the beginning of their unlawful Ukrainian Invasion.
As the foremost climate change denier in the world in terms or organization and financial support, what does he have to say about the death, starvation, and destruction he has sowed with his concerted efforts?
As an advocate of low taxes and small government does Florida relying on the Federal government every year to supplant their low, regressive, taxation policies bother him or is he all in on fascist DeSantis?
Florida's annual budget: 105 Billion, with revenue mainly provided by a regressive income tax system where the wealthiest Floridians pay the lowest tax rates and the poorest Floridians pay the highest rates. Hurricanes aren't Florida's only environmental challenge, but Ian's projected costs are 258 billion*
and yet, DeSantis spends his time banning books, and attacking teachers and librarians. Koch and DeVos like all Republicans are fearfully opposed to public education and an large educated citizenry.
* https://www.preventionweb.net/news/how-costs-disasters-hurricane-ian-are-calculated-and-why-it-takes-so-long-add-them
Great article: cleverly revealed the underlying intent, strategy and tactics - along with the parts played (unwittingly?) by the media.
This isn't a surprise at all. I hope other media outlets amplify your reporting on this. Let's see if they do or if Koch has more people in his pockets. It's incredibly lazy reporting to simply report what he says and not what he does. Thank You Judd for shining a spotlight on this lying hypocrite.