I’m so goddamned angry about this I couldn’t even finish it.

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"To keep the hospital operating through June, the state will have to pay Cerberus $24 million.

Where is the money coming from? Taxpayers."

Unfortunately taxpayers have no share of the profits, which is what these organisations are ultimately about. What more information do we need to convince the nation we need a national health service?

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I have to wonder how much money is enough to satisfy a wealthy individual? How many houses are enough? How many cars? How many stocks and bonds? How can some of these greedy people look at themselves in the mirror & be proud of who they are? The love of money is the root of all evil.

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The answer is there is never enough. There is no logic to it. As their wealth grows, so do their "needs."

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Greed is a mental illness.

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Republicanism is a mental illness. Never forget: Greed & Republicanism go hand in hand.

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Does this mean that there are a lot of mentally ill folks, looking for a way to make a bit more money at the expense of their fellow human beings & to the detriment of the planet? Because I see a lot of greedy people around.

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Me too

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This goes to a point I have frequently made--the richest among us got government "assistance", both during the financial crisis of 2008-2009 and then again now. This time, those at the bottom of the financial ladder got SOME (not nearly enough) assistance as well. The big chunk of us in the middle got absolutely nothing, then and now.

This country sucks right now.

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My spouse worked there. They now have a few COVID-19 patients and the working staff are not adequately prepared or protected. It's a quintessential example of corporate/equity firm greed run amuck.

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Aw. The 1%. How I love to hate them. Equity firms are leeches worse than robbers because they work within legal parameters.

In a lighter note. We will all be kilt-off if Trump fires Fauci. He is likely to replace him with one of his FLA golf toadies.

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Fauci is respected by almost everyone (except for OAN and a few of the more nutty Fox News talking heads). If he is fired, I hope that there will be a huge public outcry.

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Nice how, in response to people dying, private equity firm CEOs will give the equivalent of a coupon to municipalities for rent. 🙄

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Thank you, Judd, for another extremely painful report on the egregious pirates and vandals who are wrecking our world. We MUST understand how free market fundamentalists have overtaken the public sphere; they are jihadists in suits. Ow. I need to lie down.

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We got a big surprise bill for over $1000 from Altheon when my wife was sent to the Virginia Hospital Center ER. This was in addition to the hospital charges. I looked up the CPT code and found the usual charge to be closer to $100! Thanks to Popular Information I now know why. Virginia Hospital Center should be embarrassed dealing with these carpetbaggers!

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Another post from me here, sorry. This in praise of Judd. I am reminded of a passage:

Bosch, Lost Light

by Michael Connelly

There is no end of things in the heart.

Somebody once told me that. She said it came from a poem she believed in. She understood it to mean that if you took something to heart, really brought it inside those red velvet folds, then it would always be there for you. No matter what happened, it would be there waiting. She said this could mean a person, a place, a dream. A mission. Anything sacred. She told me that it is all connected in those secret folds. Always. It is all part of the same and will always be there, carrying the same beat as your heart.

I am fifty-two-years old and I believe it. At night when I try to sleep but can’t, that is when I know it. It is when all the pathways seem to connect and I see the people I have loved and hated and helped and hurt. I see the hands that reach for me. I hear the beat and see and understand what I must do. I know my mission and I know there is no turning away or turning back. And it is in those moments that I know there is no end of things in the heart.

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GREED is truly the most terrible challenge of our times, and capitalism is its tool, its means to power and more greed.

Greed is a (contagious) mental illness, an unfillable hole, a hunger that denies justice, a brutal expression of broken egos.

Greed is having a million times as much as the poor and still feeling you don't have enough.

Greed consumes the earth without respite, and is a cancer on humanity.

Greed destroys us and our children and their future.

Greed is death.

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Judd, eternal Al


I read this in a rage, screaming that this is possible, that this callous and criminal disregard for human life MUST be met with manslaughter extortion charges, and the "men" involved should be set to live in horror and pain for the rest of their sorry worm-like lives. </rant>

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Judd your reporting should be featured in prominent newspapers across the country. How can we make this happen?

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Reading about these greedy mfers makes me sick.

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