Please pass this on to everyone you know and every media outlet and journalists that you can. This is not being covered enough and it should outrage the voters themselves. No matter what their regular political inclinations are . What can happen when one party lies and cheats and gets away with it is that it can happen on the flip side.

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I certainly hope we don't descend into the clownish slap-boxing match that scenario would create. The RW's try to convey this sense of tit-for-tat with democrats when in reality they (the RW'z) are the ones titting ansd tatting.

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The thing about this issue is that it's not even a "both sides" issue. I don't know of any Democrats refusing to certify results, though it's not like it's theoretically impossible. When it comes to voting, the Republican mantra seems to be "lie, cheat, steal."

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Nope! Rules are like guardrails and while not perfect (think Menendez) dems don''t have near the level of sheer criminiality of the R's. They have a DEEEEEP bench to draw upon!

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I have no doubt that when he loses, and he will lose, Trump will claim that it was another rigged and stolen election. Vance will claim that all those illegal cat eating Haitians voted. I also have no doubt that some county and state level Republicans are going to try to f'k with the results. But...how many lawyers will want to throw their law licenses away for the Big Loser? How many local election officials and politicians will want to risk the wrath of the local voters for the Big Loser? And how many MAGA red hats will want to risk prison if they try another J6?

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Agreed! I also think there has been much behind-the-scenes preparation. Biden may be old and slipping but he is wiley, knowledgeable and motivated. The miscreants and losers may find themselves terribly surprised if they try for a J6.2

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I read that he also had the Dems begin organizing teams of lawyers some time ago to prepare for the GOP tricks. After all they’ve made no secret of them. The Heritage Foundation has a passage in Project 2025 about the ‘reluctant’ judiciary that to do its job will need to hear persistent loud voices - including visibility “in the streets”.

(Major changes on their website now. Didn’t see how to get to info on their ‘plan’ without entering contact info. That’s a tell.)

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I like the concept of an ambush. Like the jaguar who drops out of a tree to surprise and dispatch his/her prey. Why waste energy? So the maga-mites come swarming, then... SMACK!!!

It'll be like that. Like the first time you said the "F" word as a child and mommy's hand swept in from nowhere before you could draw a breath and delivered a stinging rebuke to the side of your face that still hurts to this day. Like that. SMACK!

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Of course he will!

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Vance learned from steroid-using baseballer Mark McGwire's answer at a Congressional hearing: "I'm not here to talk about the past."

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A weird pivot. He should have added … “Unless it is a lie about the Dems” because his pivot went to a bogus claim about Kamala Harris censorship.

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Just goes to show how full or it he is, and Walz nailed him!

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These people trying to overthrow rule of law don't seem to have any appreciation for how much work it would take to run this country. Even if we went into a feudal state where each pseodo leader could run things as they like, it would be a lot of work and a lot of upset people who would want to go back to when they could focus on their own lives and not bother running everyone else's lives too. Also, it would ruin people's savings, retirement, etc. -- all this so rich people don't have to pay taxes?

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They don't know what they don't know and do not care to learn? If they burned the country down due to their own ineptitude, guess who they'll blame?

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Guess we all know the answer to that question...

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Yep. I just play the role of Capt Obvious. Hahaha!

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No, it is because of White, christian ,men worried about losing their power.

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They don't know that in clinging to their "power" they doom not only themselves but everyone else too.

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The Republican Party has accepted the inconvenient truth that on a level playing field they cannot win. They're cornered and must cheat to avoid extinction.

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And Georgia’s entire state election commission is now comprised of election deniers and Georgia’s Secretary of State has been officially removed from the commission. The new election commission has directed county officials that every ballot must be counted by hand, which would take years, not months, to accomplish over the objection of Georgia’s Secretary of State because that would violate state law.

It is not clear what the House can do if even one state refuses to certify the results before the Electoral College convenes, but you can be assured no Republican will vote to certify any states votes if Georgia can’t or won’t, certify their own results.

Since 1980 when Ronald Reagan said the most dangerous words you can hear are “I’m from the government and I am here to help you” the Republican Party has been working slowly but surely to undermine our system of government. I fear they have succeeded.

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Thanks Judd. Great info. One question worth researching is how many elections have they refused to certify if the results were in their favor? I bet the answer is ZERO.

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Great if alarming report, Judd. I keep seeing federal troops going to the polls in my mind, as if we were in the early years of southern racial integration.

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Since Judge Chuckan released the files to the public domain of all of dumpster 's crimes on J6 , you would think people would not vote for this asshat douchebag but they will ! They are in a cult if they vote for dumpster and Shady Vance ! I just can't understand why ?

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On the Beat last night, Ambassador Sondland repeated the unproven assertion of voter fraud, especially if democrats are able to pass their legislation. Member just let it pass. I am so tired of these butts saying this crap and not being put in their place.

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I wonder what our October Surprise will be?

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This worries me a great deal. Thank you for this informative report. I’m glad to hear that these things are being anticipated, and I hope addressed, by the Dems.

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The continued probing the Republicans about “will they accept the 2024 election results” is indicative that the Regime asking the questions knows full well that they intend to cheat.

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"This has been a growing problem since Trump began spreading lies about election fraud during the 2020 election. The Brookings Institution found that in 2020, 'at least 17 county election officials across six swing states attempted to prevent certification of county vote totals.' In 2022, it grew to 'at least 22 county election officials' who voted to delay certification in swing states. This year, there have been 'at least eight county officials' that have already voted against certifying election results for primary or special elections." This is very disturbing, and of great concern. Waiting on pins and needles to see what the Democrats can do to ensure an honest election.

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Thank you

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