Lawyers who actually file absurd, frivolous lawsuits like this should be sanctioned by courts. Why are they not?

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Exactly, it would seem a slam dunk. You can't simply knowing lie, fabricate a story, ignore your oath of office, act like an idiot...without repercussions... on a professional basis. You need to loose your legal professional standing/position/professional accreditation. Noyt rocket science guys.

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Donnie fooled around & found out in round 2 a fake defamation case. The judge sanctioned him & Habba (jointly and severally) for almost $1M after bringing the fake case a 2nd time.

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This guy, like his soulmates Ken Paxton and Ken Kobach, are elected and re-elected for one reason and one reason only - to make MAGAs and other Red State Republicans feel smug about owning the libs. If they can throw a monkey wrench into a policy that would help real people, all the better (witness Paxton's ability to impact everything from student loans to Medicaid to abortion). And since they do little positive or negative most of the time in their states, people don't much care. But you would think that eventually the day will come when the people of Missouri, Kansas and Texas (and others) would get tired of the embarrassment and the waste of taxpayer dollars.

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Kansas AG is Kris, not Ken, Kobach. Regardless of first name, Kobach remains an embarrassment to many Kansans. Oh, he also lost the Republican primary for the U.S. Senate.

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Sorry. But I mean either way Kris Kobach Kansas is stil KKK.

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Andrew Bailey is disgusting and a disgrace to the citizens of Missouri. (I also think he’s a complete moron, but that’s beside the point.)

As I said a few days ago, thank you, Judd, for exposing lying, right-wing scumbag, David Smith of Sinclair.

Speaking frankly, I don’t see any difference between Sinclair Broadcasting’s owner, David Smith, and Nazi Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Adolf Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda. [With the one exception that Goebbels has long been dead and Smith has not yet met his maker (which I certainly hope will happen sooner rather than later)].

NewsMax, OAAN, FOX, Sinclair, all part of the Fraud Trump, Convicted Felon Trump, Disgrace Trump Nazi-like Propaganda Machine.

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Speaking frankly Joel, in my opinion you are absolutely, 100% correct.

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Andrew Bailey could be a character from a satirical comic opera, one of many lawyers, and with the necessary bona fides of proving his racial bias. All of his positions are without merit, but dramatic enough to win public news attention. Just looked up his local Missouri actions and found he blamed DEI for a young highschool girl being so beat up that she suffered brain damage--if it weren't for DEI, Bailey claims the school would have had a law enforcement officer present. Do not try to figure out any sense from this position! Just know that Sinclair Broadcasting included his news. I ask, how come Bailey gets to have the imprimatur of ABC, NBC, and CBS if the news doesn't meet valid criteria?

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Another proof that President Truman was right back in 1948 when he said "The only 'good Republicans' are pushing up daisies."

Also, got "When the Clock Stopped" this week and am loving it. Brilliant analysis of what led us to now.

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And appropriate of you to paraphrase Truman—he was from Missouri :-)

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Truman was right about the republicans and what their daisy dynamic should be.

Just googled your book suggestion. Thank you TCinLA. This will make a fine addition to my collection.

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Are you referring to John Ganz "When the Clock Broke"?

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Thank you. I'd googled and found myself in the weeds.

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"Even though he’s still never won an election, Bailey is a rising MAGA star."

This description speaks to young Andrew's ambitions and intentions (lie, cheat, grift and steal, then do it again annnd again annnd again on OUR dime) as well as the depth and quality of talent these RW guys have on their bench, aided by assists from a friendly chain of news/propaganda stations.

Let's kick the shit out of these mopes all across the board. Make them experience yet another red washout.

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We had one in KY as AG. He lost his run for gov against our Dem incumbent. Probably biding his time to compete in the GOP wrestling match to replace McConnell.

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Good. May the RW mope lose again, bigly dammit!

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These stunt lawsuits are right out of the Trump playbook: I don't like something, so I'm threatening to sue--even if I have no standing and no real pretext for suing. It struck me that now, in many ways thanks to the 5th Circuit, the lawsuits are actually filed are now clogging up our court systems all the way up the Supreme Court. So you might track how many right-wing lawsuits are now tossed for lack of standing and how many more this is than, say, 10 years ago. Because, of course, Republicans are like Trump in that all they do is project their own sins, thus their outcry over "lawfare."

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They're a form of harassment that is meant to harm the reputation of the respondent and force them to spend money on legal counsel. Look at what happened to Jamaal Bowman and what AIPAC did to him.

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Perhaps complaints need to filed against these attorneys and any public official to have their licenses reviewed as they are perpetrating an obvious fraud against the public, their justice system, oath of office, the government, and the public. As Public servants and representatives of the associated courts, they have a sworn obligation to protect all of these items of responsibility. I believe there could be a case for election interference.

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This illustrates just how important it is that we have people running for all down ballot races. The only way to stop this foolishness is to get Republican leaders like this out of office. What a waste of taxpayer money!

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The more uninformed you are, the easier it is to react (or be fooled) rather than to think. Yet another reason Republicans are against education. Assuming (God forbid) Trump wins and we become a Christian fascist state, how will we compete globally as a county that prides itself on being uneducated?

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I remember the days when Missouri was not completely represented by embarrassing morons.

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Who pays for this? The citizens of Missouri ? If you wish to have your money spent elsewhere then vote vote vote because they are pocketing your money to fund this lawsuit... best of luck.

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Great. Let’s sue Aileen Cannon and the Supreme Court, both doing real election interference, running point for Trump. The shameless projection never stops…

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Ed, Can you start this to happen? I think we absolutely should. We should also get these non lawyers impeached and disbarred

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Hi. Believe it or not, I haven't forgotten about this. I'm checking up on whether a class action is possible in these cases.

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I'd love to, but I'm not certain how to do it as a mere peon rather than an entity such as a sovereign state or one of those shadow billionaires fronting an AstroTurf group. I'll check into it.

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More conmen for the right, what else is new? Be brash and say things but don't actually follow through on any of it. That's the right-wing playbook because their base is nothing but uneducated, religious, and racist people who are too dumb to follow-up on anything.

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Except Jake , they are not religious…. Or if THEY are, I am not!

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It pisses me off that these AG'S are doing these bullshit shams to help a convicted felon, loser , liar and traitor to avoid accountabilities for his criminal activities ! Dumpster should not even be allowed to be on the ballot as per the Constitution, but here we are ! There is something inherently wrong where a minority of people are foisting their beliefs on the majority ! How can that be ? What the hell is wrong with people that they would want to have their rights removed , basically to let billionaires continue to keep the money/power and their interests at the top of the chain and to hell with everyone else !

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You are totally correct. What we must insist in

is that we all get the word out about what the rich really want: to have everything with no payment due!

Great read: “21 Lessons for the 21st Century”Yuval Noah Harari

Every young person and complete read by older persons! Very very articulate and marvelous thoughts.

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The defendants in this bogus lawsuit should take Rule 11 and shove it up Bailey's ass sideways with a twist. And go after his bar card. it's a completely frivolous, fraudulent, and vexatious piece of litigation.

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