Donald Trump has created a powerful political base of supporters, many of whom are attracted to his swashbuckling style. But much of Trump's policy agenda is deeply unpopular — particularly with swing voters. There is little support for enacting tax cuts for corporations, repealing Obamacare, or rolling back environmental protections.
This is why Trump is attempting to distance himself from Project 2025, the radical blueprint for a second Trump administration. The 920-page document was written by his allies, more than 80% of whom worked in his administration. But Trump claims he has "nothing to do" with the people who wrote it because he does not want to be associated with unpopular policies. For Trump, the less people know about his plans for a second term, the better.
This is particularly true on the issue of abortion. Trump gladly takes credit for the repeal of Roe, which was made possible through Trump's nomination of three anti-abortion Supreme Court Justices. The repeal of Roe has cleared the way for many states to enforce draconian abortion bans. But, for the leaders of the Republican Party, repealing Roe was only the first step. The ultimate goal is a federal abortion ban. This goal was included in the Republican Party platform in 2016, which was ratified again in 2020. Specifically, the platform said that abortion was prohibited by the Constitution's 14th Amendment and called for legislation and a Constitutional amendment to make that "clear."
The Constitution’s guarantee that no one can “be deprived of life, liberty or property” deliberately echoes the Declaration of Independence’s proclamation that “all” are “endowed by their Creator” with the inalienable right to life. Accordingly, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to children before birth.
This is a very unpopular position. Currently, 80% of Americans — including 66% of Republicans — oppose a national abortion ban.
The Trump campaign strategy for the 2024 GOP platform is to say much less about everything, including abortion. The previous GOP platform was 66 pages. The new GOP platform is 16 pages.
The 2024 GOP platform continues to assert that fetuses are protected by the 14th Amendment. But it drops the explicit call for federal legislation and a Constitutional amendment.
We proudly stand for families and Life. We believe that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied Life or Liberty without Due Process, and that the States are, therefore, free to pass Laws protecting those Rights. After 51 years, because of us, that power has been given to the States and to a vote of the People.
The new language sounds slightly different and emphasizes state action. This is consistent with Trump's strategy of avoiding answering questions about abortion by claiming the issue should be left to the states. It is written to be more palatable to swing voters. But, substantively, the policy is exactly the same. The platform says the 14th Amendment protects the unborn, a position that would require a complete abortion ban. This position, if adopted by judges appointed by Trump, could impose a national abortion ban without legislation or a Constitutional amendment.
But many media outlets fell for this sleight-of-hand and claimed that Republicans had moderated or "softened" their position on abortion.
The New York Times: "Following Trump’s Lead, Republicans Adopt Platform That Softens Stance on Abortion"
NBC: "Trump pushes new GOP platform softening party’s positions on abortion and same-sex marriage"
Roll Call: "RNC softens platform stance on abortion"
HuffPost: "New GOP Platform Strikes National Abortion Ban"
AP: "Republicans move at Trump’s behest to change how they will oppose abortion"
These headlines are inaccurate. The truth is that the Republican Party's position on abortion has not changed. That's why anti-abortion groups who support a national abortion ban have embraced the new platform, citing its language on the 14th Amendment.
On July 2, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, an anti-abortion group that aggressively advocates for a national abortion ban, released a letter warning Trump not "to remove national protections for the unborn in the GOP platform" and to continue its "ironclad commitment to protect the unborn." On July 8, the group announced that the language included in the new platform meets its demands. "It is important that the G.O.P. reaffirmed its commitment to protect unborn life today through the 14th Amendment," Marjorie Dannenfelser, the president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, said in a statement. "Under this amendment, it is Congress that enacts and enforces its provisions. The Republican Party remains strongly pro-life at the national level."
Ralph Reed, who leads another anti-abortion group, the Faith and Freedom Coalition, similarly embraced the new platform. "The Republican Party platform makes clear the unborn child has a right to life that is protected by the Constitution under the due process clause of the 14th amendment," Reed said in a statement. He described the new platform language as "unapologetically pro-life" and emphasized that the new platform calls for "federal as well as state action."
These statements are completely inconsistent with the notion that Trump "softened" the Republican position. But the media is allowing Trump to create two realities: one for swing voters and one for anti-abortion activists.
Nothing makes me angrier than “ProLife”. 1. It assumes conservative women don’t use birth control, need reproductive healthcare, or sometimes need an abortion. That’s a lie.
2. The flagrant disregard for the pregnant woman’s life&health. We now have examples for very young girls pregnant, usually by a family member not allowed abortive care.
3. Women are refused care during a spontaneous miscarriage. Bleeding out or sepsis a real possibility.
This isn’t a “Prolife” stance, it’s hate&need to control women.
Thank you Judd. Once again, watch what they do not what they say and you do that very, very well.
In Nancy MacLean book Democracy in Chains, she uncovered in James Buchanan's papers that one of the most important strategies that the libertarians and free market leaders must employee was one of "stealth". That meant NEVER sharing the actual goals of their policies, which to put it straight forward is "might is right". Then follow that thread to the Lewis Powell Memo you can see that the conservative leaders with fascist autocratic dreams added the Nazi Joseph Goebbels strategy of accusing others of that which you are doing or will do. We see that with this whole weaponization of the justice system accusation, claims of smaller government, deregulation...everything they do.