Nothing makes me angrier than “ProLife”. 1. It assumes conservative women don’t use birth control, need reproductive healthcare, or sometimes need an abortion. That’s a lie.

2. The flagrant disregard for the pregnant woman’s life&health. We now have examples for very young girls pregnant, usually by a family member not allowed abortive care.

3. Women are refused care during a spontaneous miscarriage. Bleeding out or sepsis a real possibility.

This isn’t a “Prolife” stance, it’s hate&need to control women.

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it is "Pro-birth" but beyond that day, you are on your own.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

I would argue against the term pro-birth, since the births of dead or soon-to-die babies are possible results. Better terms are pro-choice and anti-choice.

Not pro-abortion, since it is not promoted and people have the choice of carrying to term. Not pro-life, since insufficient health and social services infrastructure exits, at no larger than the county level to avoid excessive travel times, to provide enough post-natal care.

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No, I'd say supported Women's Health or NON supported Women's Health. Women's Health, physically, mentally and emotionally is the bottom line in ALL of it. Sometimes women don't feel they have a "choice" PERIOD.

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I never use that term — it’s “anti-choice” or “pro-forced-birth.”

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Every time I read the words”need to control women” I wonder which men are being kind, thoughtful, supportive after being rejected by their wives because the wife is counting the days between periods … and hubby is not invited into intimacy at this very ‘fertile time of the month’ …..

Lots if relationships are going to have HUGE adjustments yo smooth out the calendar so a wife can welcome intimacy.

Quite different from all these YEARS of being FREE to snuggle without FEAR.

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I’m copying and sending round in my small rural world. Thank you for your straightforward explanation of what REPUBLICANS/TRUMP are offering all 50 States of these United States…

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Alabama is "Pro-Life" yet they have the 3rd Highest Murder rate in the Country. It's all about "family values" that none of those proposing the new LAWS, actually possess. They simply want women BACK under the thumb of "men" it's abjectly disgusting.

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Thank you Judd. Once again, watch what they do not what they say and you do that very, very well.

In Nancy MacLean book Democracy in Chains, she uncovered in James Buchanan's papers that one of the most important strategies that the libertarians and free market leaders must employee was one of "stealth". That meant NEVER sharing the actual goals of their policies, which to put it straight forward is "might is right". Then follow that thread to the Lewis Powell Memo you can see that the conservative leaders with fascist autocratic dreams added the Nazi Joseph Goebbels strategy of accusing others of that which you are doing or will do. We see that with this whole weaponization of the justice system accusation, claims of smaller government, deregulation...everything they do.

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Thank you! Never did I ever know that was a Joseph Gobbles trick-accuse others of what wrongs you are doing. Gosh I hate that-always reminds me of “I know you are but what am I?” Childhood chant.

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1) Awesome reporting on Project 2025. I've now seen it all over the place whereas in the past it was invisible.

2) Smart or dumb, lucid or demented (take your choice), Trump plays the media like a fiddle.

3) Let's hope folks get the message...Trump's plan really is that bad.

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It’s not invisible. Oklahoma has hired one of the authors of Project 2025 to implement the projects goals in the Oklahoma educational system. 2025 has started.

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Agreed...it's alive for sure but was not being actively reported by the mainstream media.

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Trump doesn't HAVE a plan - he just lies and piles on whatever he thinks his MAGATS will buy, and BUY is the operative word; he sells his soul for cheap tricks. Keep writing, blasting out the truth about his stupid tricks. We're on to all of them, media just coming late to the truth. But better late than never!

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Once again, Judd gets it right while the MSM gets it wrong- due to their lazy and uninformed approach. Does the MSM even know what the anti abortion movement means when they declare that they want to invoke the 14th Amendment? They mean they will demand a federal law that recognizes fetal personhood. This would mean that from the point of conception, the fetal cells would have the same rights as the woman carrying those cells.

Additionally, by “leaving it to the States” trump is implicitly endorsing draconian laws that are being enacted in red states. Laws that are essentially a total ban on abortion. Yet the MSM presents that as a moderate approach.

And why is the MSM not writing about the fact that trump allies are preparing for him to direct his DOJ to enforce the Comstock Act in order to end the mailing of abortion pills and medical instruments used to carry out abortions?

For additional reading about what is actually going on in the anti abortion front, read Abortion, Everyday by Jessica Valenti- on Substack.

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Or write about how NYT last April (2023) had talked with Dr. Kevin Roberts. Their article focused on Project 2025 and the “linked-in” style database. But it’s also included a paragraph that said ***Roberts told them they had briefed trump and DeSantis on the project.**

(And staff for the other main candidates including Haley and Pence.) Which means they have the info to point out this lie [crickets].

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MSM - mainstream media would be helpful in guest inference.. for older, slower and younger, too — minds.

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In first instance of use

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For all these “pro-life advocates who proudly fight for the rights of the unborn, where is your fight to take care of the child AFTER it’s born? I don’t hear any calls for support to the families of these children. No calls for comparative wages for employed parents. No assistance with the cost and quality of healthcare. Same for education, housing, cost of living, etc. You right to lifers want the glory of fighting for the unborn, but when it comes time to put up or shut up after the child is born, you cowards all want to shut up. There’s your hypocrisy.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

Not really on topic, but I ran across this superb description of Trump: https://londondaily.com/british-writer-pens-the-best-description-of-trump-i-ve-read.

The last line is worth the price of admission.

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This is BRILLIANT, and for all of us looking for words to describe, phrases that work and spot-on observations of the orange turd, this is a masterpiece of language.

Thank you, BTAM, for sharing this with us.

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At some point, I think we need to take back the label “pro life“.

With no legal option for abortion, the Guttmacher Institute estimates the number of women dying trying to end a pregnancy multiplies by a factor of 10 or more.

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Back to the back rooms, ladies.

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The investigative reporting that Popular Information has done and continues to do is critical.i love Popular Information but I also love the NYT. I have read the NYT every day since high school (traveled by train with adults going to work and reading news) and I continue to support it. But if this Substack continues to uncover stories that they are missing or failing to publish I hope the NYT and the other legitimate media will see the need for in depth investigations into the conventional news stories that are grabbing headlines.

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NYT has flipped their coverage from unbiased pro rightwing. I cancelled my subscription last month, and have encouraged others to do the same.

They ignore almost every negative thing about TFG and harp on every single tiny detail about Biden that could or will make him look bad.

The once noble NYT has fallen. I won't have anything to do with them any longer.

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I followed your words & only get puzzles … quite a relief from daily ‘news’ garbage that I dint need to read/hear talk about.

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NYT editorial board has belatedly called trump “unfit to lead”.

To my knowledge it has not pointed out that trump lied about not knowing anything about P2025 — not because of cross pollination between trump and the staff of the project but because NYT wrote an article April 20 2023 that said Heritage Foundation/P2025 leader Dr Kevin Roberts said they had briefed TRUMP and DeSantis on the project. It then listed other candidates whose staff had been briefed.

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The NYT, the "paper of record," refused to cover a pro-Gaza march, in January, in Washington D.C., of 400,000 people. Hardly an accidental omission.

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When almost everything coming out of the mouth of one, Donald J Trump is a lie, misinformation, or stream of nonsense...a stated platform position is totally meaningless as are his declarations.

Judge the individual by his actions. He acts like an adolescent. His actions are those of an adolescent. He is an uneducated adult child, endowed with the ability to incite violence among the under educated US population with rightful grievances, utilizing a style not unlike that of Hitler back in the mid to late 30's. He is easily impressed and swayed by corrupt individuals who have money and power, from which he can gain the same, and he has, and will, sell out all others to achieve what ever he perceives to be his immediate needs, on a minute by minute basis.

He is quite literally the near "perfect tool" of the latest US oligarchical upper echelon of the "no holes barred" business world. The only very real concern these oligarchs need to pay attention to... in regards to the possible Trump leadership option... is that of the control over the military.

In most all of these unrealistic societal grab control over "everything" scenarios...the military becomes involved, many persons die, and all, except the wealthiest, end up paying the price with their lives and property. The problem nowadays is the unpredictability of the Nuclear weapons systems around the world manned by way too many individuals... some of whom are not that reliable. A wayward WWII, prior to 1944, B-17 could be considered a minor issue...a wayward nuclear ballistic missile submarine is quite a different story.

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Hidden in Trump's doublespeak is 'Fetal personhood' in the 14th Amendment which gives an embryo the same rights as person!

Here are 10 ways these 'personhood laws' are currently being used to imprison women and force others to pay to attend Christian religious indoctrination to avoid jail time.


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and facts never matter when it comes to their agenda. There is nothing scientific about their life begins at policy, and there is nothing Biblical either. FACTS BE damned. This is a purely power play built on emotion and their personal interpretation of faith.

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GOP's pro-life is the antithesis of pro-gun, while also being anti-6th Amendment (applauding deaths of persons judged, jurors and executed - Trayvon Martin, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, etc).

I'm really sick and tired of the hypocrisy. But had the most interesting convo with Chuck Grassley's staffer, Kay, about abortion. She applauds Israel, which offers abortion as healthcare, abortion on demand and abortion without apology, but says no federal funding should go towards abortions. She claims that no funds for Israel or for abortion, they're funds to allow Israel to exist peacefully, to do what it wants. Does anyone want to explain the hypocrisy to Kay, who also defended 90-year-old Chuck Grassley still in office, and not resigning until 2028?

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I feel like the framing of “how Trump played the media” gives him too much credit. This isn’t 6-dimensional chess. For whatever reason, the mainstream media seems to -want- Trump to win. Not sure what the upside of fascism is for the media but they seem to be doing everything in their power to pave the way. It was nice to see Rep. Ted Lieu pushing back and calling reporters out for not covering Project 2025, Trump’s clear cognitive decline, etc.

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For the msm, chaos pays off with clickbait headlines while "getting stuff done daily" is boring and doesn't get clicks. And, most of the msm is owned by 1%-ers who are aligned with tffg/CFDT because he enables them to profit obscenely off the rest of us.

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See how many media hosts got book deals post trump - they like the chaos, fear, although I think more viewers are just turning it off now. I have.

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I was disappointed to learn that Popular Information reaches ONLY 330,000 people by direct email. Fellow Popular Information readers —- reach out to 10 family members, business associates and friends today to encourage them to subscribe to Popular Information. We need all of or fellow Americans to know THE TRUTH, THE FACTS about what’s going on in America today, and one the best ways to get that to happen is to get them to subscribe to Popular Information!

Popular Information is a MUST READ!

Let’s each do what we can to grow Popular Information to 100,000,000 subscribers!!!

Thank you, Judd, for your efforts to better inform and educate Americans!

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Popular Information is a must to avoid for the right. “None So Blind as those who will not see.” Maybe they’ll all start seeing when Trump takes power and sends his goons after everyone who makes him nervous.

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You 3 are absolutely amazing...keep pushing back on the media as well ... some have swallowed the "Kool Aid" beyond comprehension...NYT's has truly lost their moorings

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Thank you for doing such important work! We are so proud of you and cannot imagine what our country would do without you and your carefully researched information. It is critical that you continue this at a time where we, as a country, are facing such a menace to every aspect of our lives. This is not an overstatement, it is the frightening truth.

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I second this comment. This is what we have that connects us to the facts. You are very much appreciated Judd.

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Be assured please...Biden is not doing his job, for the lousy and disgracefully, pathetically small salary of the President of the United States. $400,000./year to manage a nuclear armed country of 330+MM is a disgrace when measured against typical CEO's salaries of as much as 56 Billion/year... (Tyrannical Elon, Mr. Musky). He's doing it to protect you and others from the horrors that exist in today's world. And yes you are correct, Trump is one of those horrors that is responsible for the immensely costly violence and fear throughout the world nowadays.

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one serves the actual people, one is in it only for himself.

with tRump, America is for sale. Govt contracts, our public lands, public buildings. Everything.

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Turn off caps lock, please! Stop shouting incoherence

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Broken keyboard on computer - get a life

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You could just skip it... too painful on the eyes. Also, there are some that need the caps lock intentionally on, because otherwise they can't see the characters clearly enough. Or as she says, maybe her keyboard is broken. But at least you asked her, almost politely...

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The mainstream media's coverage of virtually every aspect of Donald Trump—his crimes, his lies, his presidency, his campaigns, and more—has been an epic failure, and is one of the major reason this country finds itself on the verge of a fascist Christian National takeover. As a 50-year veteran of journalism—newspapers, magazines, and books—I am crushed by this failure and at a complete loss to explain why it is happening. The examples Judd points to on the ludicrous headlines and stories that Trump and the GOP have changed their stance on abortion is contrary to evidence that is siting right in front of all of us. The founders imagined the Fourth Estate being the watchdog that held our government officials and others in power accountable. The present day MSN is doing just the opposite, to the detriment of all Americans.

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