The standing headline should be : How the media keeps letting Trump get away with it on (fill in the blank).

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We know that Trump has never cared about the issue of abortion. He has used appointing judges who were likely to overturn the rulings in Roe v. Wade as a means of garnering far right money and support. Trump has never shown that he knows the importance of the female in the evolution of our planet. He has never shown that he honors or respects women. His barometer is how sexually appealing they are to him--that goes for his daughter as well. His early fatherly advice to Ivanka was about the benefits of plastic surgery and how having somewhat larger breasts would be a good idea, as well as coloring her hair very blonde like her mother's.

As is true in every area of his life, he only cares about money and power as ways to be popular...his pathetic attempt to feel loved. Out of these distorted values comes cold cruelty.

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Comment is spot-on.

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Exactly. Trump doesn’t care about abortion. If office, he will sign whatever the people who praise him want.

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One more disgusting failure by the media. From the NYT to Politico they fail to tell the people the truth about Trump and abortion. (No not the likely number he paid for) Trump has bragged repeatedly, on camera and on audio, that he, and he alone, killed Roe. Sure, he couldn't have done it without Leonard Leo and Mitch McConnell, but he nominated the justices who did the dirty deed, and this needs to be hung around all their necks like the anvil that it is.

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“Failure” is the result -- agree. But that implies that MSM isn’t capable. It is/they are. Their platforms are stressed, they are in conscious need for the clicks that translate into their paychecks. And a portion of this situation clearly is b/c of the billionaires who have bought their way into ownership of these titles. But this judgment is emitting from reporters, assigning editors & copy desks. For this behavior to be across so many titles, this -- as a former newspaper/magazine journalist -- is the only rational conclusion I can find. And I find it sickening.

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My son worked for the NYT for many years. He says that all the NYT cares about is being the most powerful paper in the world, catering to the powerful. Kind of explains everything. And it is disgusting because it is a betrayal of whatever might have once passed for journalistic integrity.

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I think it is more accurate to say that Mainstream Media ALLOWS Trump to play them because RATINGS and CLICKS. They aren’t duped, and they aren’t innocent lambkins. They know what he’s doing, they know he depends on them to amplify his particular brand of bullshit, and they go along with it because it’s good for their profit margin, the people and their government be damned.

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👏👏👏👏 The fourth estate has completely abdicated any sense of decency or accountability, and it’s been going on for a LONG time. When they caved and parroted GWB’s war mongering lies we should have called for their heads on a platter. They don’t even try to hide their greed, avarice, and cowardliness now.

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Agree. Thank you for detailing this. A problem I have, though, is that the front-line journalists -- reporters, assigning editors, copy desks who do the writing, make the editing decisions -- have to be connecting the click-counts to their paychecks. The profit margins -- that’s more what the C-suite people look at. As a now-retired longtime journalist, it distresses me deeply to come to this conclusion. Would welcome someone disabusing me of this view.

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This is just typical, standard Trump bullshit. He doesn't care about abortion more than any other issue and has no plan. He just says what he thinks people want to hear. Same with how they would have the best healthcare plan in two weeks, two months, two years. But never a detail or even a vague outline. But it was going to be the best ... and remember infrastructure week, no bill ever materialized until Biden. Why the media doesn't hold him to same standards as other candidates is very perplexing, except that he draws eyeballs because his cult just wants to be entertained, not governed, and they don't care what his evil henchmen are doing to their rights behind the curtain.

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"Toto sniffs out a side chamber and tugs open a curtain that reveals a diminutive old man behind a curtain who's talking into a microphone while pulling levers and pressing buttons. Once exposed, the man jumps up and yells into the microphone, “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"

we need more Totos Jack R!!!

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Plenty of trump’s conquests have had abortions…no doubt. And then there’s his sincerity of being a religious follower! 😂😂

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I've always believed that 5 or more women who were (unfortunately for them) impregnated by the orange sadist have had abortions. No doubt.

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That any legitimate media outlet presents any Trump “policy position” as anything more than disingenuous opportunism is ridiculous. Except his plans to do away with democracy.

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Trump has no "policies." He is a crowd weathervane.

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Great analogy.

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I often wonder if these anti abortionist supporters/fanatics were told that they needed to, "by law", register as such (We are the "Pro Lifers"... and...were required "by law" to pay for the upbringing and educational expenses of these children, they so desperately want to save, and "by law" the payments would be deducted from their wages, social security, divorce settlements, or other sources of income and/or the selling off of their assets...how committed would they be then?

I know perhaps 90% aren't that committed. If they were... they would have offered to do this already. So let's present them with the option just to see what happens? Human nature and activity is driven by all sorts of motivators...real personal commitment costs in dollars included.

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Nah, the anti-choice mob don't give a feck once the "innocent life" is actually born and becomes a real human being. That would require empathy and compassion. School shootings get ignored. Blind eye turned to child poverty. No concern over lack of healthcare provision.

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Spot on...that's why you get them to confirm their commitment in writing, state their position and accept their responsibility to pay or they face a restricted voting clause indicating that they can not vote for any winning candidate that is "pro life" without a financial penalty regarding a unwanted pregnancy birth related support tax. You register as a party supporter...and now simply have to register as a pro lifer or choice advocate. Each has responsibilities and is a legal form of registry. If they are going to talk the talk they will have to walk the walk.

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Freedom of choice comes at a price. They can be free to advocate for whatever they want... but freedom to do so comes at a price. If they want the freedom to tell others what they have to do... then they should pay for that freedom. That's their option in today's civilized world.

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The media has a "conservative," and more specifically, a pro-Trump bias. They love him because he attracts eyeballs, ears, and mouse clicks. They also love him because he has cut the taxes of the owners of the media and their spokesmodels and promises to cut them even more if he's re-elected.

They are massively guilty of whistling past the graveyard of the fascism he would do his best to install if given the chance - a fascism which would end up with many of them in jail or re-education camps at the slightest whisp of a story that didn't make Trump look fabulous (this from an old man in failing physical and psychological health who's growing increasingly paranoid and easily offended over such things).

The media's "eat, drink and be merry, for to morrow we die," attitude is going to become a self-fulfilling prophecy which includes all of their owners, none of whom are too wealthy and powerful for Trump not to take them down if they bother him in the least. The joys of living only "in the moment" can get you killed if you ignore the massive train wreck you're helping to cause.

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You should submit this as a letter to the editor to every major newspaper in the USA!

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Nice reporting...thank you!

Abortion, like all other subjects, means nothing to Trump: he will take whichever side gives him the best chance of winning the election and lining his pockets.

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We need trump free weeks in the media.... they all are just playing right into his hand by maintaining he is the "top of the news" ..... it validates him as an actual human when that appears questionable..

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Every time I see that name, I wish that I didn’t. Having to be reminded that predator is there to suck up the energy of citizens is like a real life version of IT (Stephen King) appearing in the toilet.

I wish there was a news organization that deliberately gave that IT ZERO attention.

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But I am glad for Popular Information. Judd’s team has a knack for straightening the real story out .

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👏👏👏👏 exactly—I don’t need or want to hear about every single trial development every single day! But it makes them money and the rump team knows it works!

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Don’t forget the fascist and disturbingly stupid judges he appointed in Texas and the South who’d like to make using family planning a crime.

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MSM owned by the 1% are a collaborative herd of skunks constantly pandering to Donald Trump who is the King of Skunks.

How can a guy with 91 indictments in 3 states and DC get this kind of royal treatment by the guardians of the 1st amendment. The fourth estate was sold to the highest bidder.

Good reporting to remind us not only about his abortion stand history, but also the astonishing part how the major news outlets support the guy who brags he "got it done" in the overturn of Roe vs Wade

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With regard to Trump’s so called position on abortion ,or anything for that matter, PT Barnum’s philosophy that “there’s a sucker born every minute” is the best analysis of the media and it’s treatment of what he says.

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The Murdoch organization is driven by ad revenue and has always been since its beginning in Australia. Any illusions about altruism or service to society or the electorate is pure nonsense. The pessimist in me says “maybe the public deserves to be steamrolled because anyone who wants their opinions to be spoon fed to them deserves to get ripped off”. Donald Trump and his MAGA accomplices are the result of a lazy and corrupt and sloppy political party. On both sides of the aisle politicians have reduced their power by communicating with the public in bagel bites and pigs in a blanket terms that ignore the complexity of decision making and policy. I always wondered how many abortions the entire Trump family must have paid for given their egos and insatiable desires.

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Incoherent, contradictory, all-sides-ist word vomit is Trump's secret sauce, and he gets away with it with impunity. The only "negotiation" I will accept is the one that says women get to make their own decisions about their bodies and life choices.

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Why would anyone with even a sliver of a brain believe anything coming out of the ex-president felon's mouth? The main stream media, especially the NYT, ceded the pretense of honest, unbiased reporting to investigative, independent sources long ago. I find it appalling that people take thesen news reports to heart. By the way, Politico went by the wayside when it was purchased by Axel Springer. Check out his history....he is not to be trusted, either. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/01/06/axel-springer-politico-media-scandal-germany-bild/

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Figures. MSNBC has been reporting on the strange behavior of Univision and its ‘softball’ interview with trump. All Biden and other ‘opponent ads’ were canceled for the time slot. It was promoted like a special event.

Turns out Univision a Mexican media giant, has been through some changes. Turns out it is now merged with Televisa which has changed its approach to news coverage. It also parted ways with a renowned reporter. Rumor has it Kushner lurked in the background helping set up the interview.

“ Has Televisa ever been caught putting out fake news?”

“Not exactly. Historically, Televisa’s main deception has been its biased coverage of presidential and gubernatorial elections”


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Thank you, Ann, for this information about Axel Springer purchasing Politico. How did I miss this? I've been haranguing Politico recently for them being sponsored by AMWAY, the DeVos pyramid scheme, wondering that's the best they can do? It speaks volumes when you are beholding to AMWAY to publish.

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Interesting link, thank you for sharing with us.

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D Kitterman (below) intended to respond to you with thanks for your great info …

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