Bezos and the other billionaires will continue to back racist animals like Tuberville and brain damaged morons like Walker because nothing matters more to them than the tax cuts Republicans always deliver. It's just simple greed.
How much has each of these companies donated to Democrats?
I'm just curious if they're just saturating the political field or if it's a preference. Obviously they've made terrible decisions in their funding, but I'm curious.
It's all about throwing money out there to chum for power. Racist doesn't matter, ignorant, doesnt matter, misogynist, doesn't matter; it's about control for their own greedy benefit. We have allowed our political system to become pay for play. It occurs on both sides, but increasingly and overwhelmingly it is the RepubliQan party PACs and Super PACs that gather the most outsized corporate and uber wealthy bribes.
Each time one of their tribe says something racist, sexist, offensive, they close ranks and refuse to speak. And the news cycle goes on. When we will insist they take responsibility for their violent rhetoric?
Tuberville should not be running for any elected office.
The fact that all of these companies who claim to support equality, and have made statements to that effect, now play the ‘no comment’ card , is an indication of who they really are.
Let me backtrack, the fact that these companies were donating to Tuberviles campaign , in the first place, itself, speaks volumes.
These are all cause for alarm.
Its been a problem for years and supports the hate the Republicans have been all too ready to display in recent times. They have harbored it for centuries, but now its not a subdued cry, its a scream.
Many powerful corporations that contributed to the GOP, the party of promoting a coup in America. When found out,
apologized , claimed ignorance and pledged to never again donate to these Republicans. They
have resumed this practice. Some of these are Wells Fargo, fedex, Toyota, Lockheed Martin.
The list goes on and on.
The Oil companies of course.
Of course systemic racism is no question , if ever was it
We can thank Tommy Tubervile for expressing his rancid truth. And we can vote him out as a Representative of the United States. And we should . Vote him out.
These corporations who are supporters of evil racism, should be boycotted.
The GQP finally speaks the truth This is the America they want to take us all back to. A time where racism and misogyny were legal and time honored ways for a man to be a man! A rugged individualist. And their corporate backers? Oh check the record. They put on a performative show at any opportunity but don't believe them. They try to curry favor with "both sides" so they can be left unfettered to pursue their business interests and hey! Maybe get a sweeet tax cut or two in the bargain. C'mon folks! It's just business. Surely this is THE American way, is it not?
I wonder how the GOP would respond to a similar but reversed thought , being expressed by people of color ?
Especially at a National level by an individual
who was elected to office as a representative of this Nation? That level of hatred these Republicans see as fitting toward these people, these children of God who are not white, has to be felt by black and brown individuals in this country.
What would happen ?
Its happened in the past and is today . Ask T Tubervile.
We'd never hear the end of it! Oh the victimizers would be staggering about, clutching their heads, tearing their hair out and rending their garments, all the while weeping their little hearts out and moaning their abject PAIN to the skies, their false, hateful gods and beyond!
It would be a performance without equal or measure, never before seen in the history of the world!
Yup. Even tools like Larry Eldritch and Candace Owens would be tap dancing while disavowing the "perpetrators of this great evil!" And of course, Kanye the Great would make a cameo appearance and demonstrate "free thinking" techniques sure to amuse the whole family!
It used to be that when you give these racist, ignorant, lying politicians enough rope, they'd hang themselves. But Trump has let the demons out of the box and now these hateful people are lauded for their actions or at least rationalized.
Remember, that Republicans were the biggest non-interventionists in the early days of WWII because many were admirers of fascism and Hitler. Many were also anti-Semitic, like Henry Ford. Prescott Bush, a US senator and the grandfather of George W Bush was another acolyte of Hitler's Germany.
Fascism isn't new and when hate spreads - and is allowed to spread unreported and unchecked - it gains a foothold. Too much history has been forgotten. Rachel Maddow's new Ultra podcast is a worthy listen.
Democracy dies when the majority subordinate their voice to the screamers and the duplicitous.
Over the weekend I learned Minden was a sundown town for Native Americans, so they have a disgusting, racist history there. Minden is on the NV side of Tahoe so it’s very close to CA where currently there is a lot of attention to reparations for the descendants of enslaved people. Reparation is a term that has been used with Native Americans as well. Tuberville knew exactly what he was saying and I believe he deliberately excluded race so that the rally attendees as well as the replay audience would read into it whatever best suited their discrimination preference. Tuberville is vile.
Many of the same corporate cretins show up on every disgusting list.
Home Depot is one and UPS (*DeJoy* and why is he still postmaster general)
Turdeville coached college football all over the place landing like a cat for years at Auburn. The GOP thrives on this malarkey, so why pick the log out of his eye, when they have a log themselves.
He ought to be called out by his former African American players whom he no doubt exploited for the glory, the school athletic dept and the back slapping white donors who waved the Tiger flag on Autumn Saturdays.
This just fires me up.
I have voted, mailed my postcards to PA voters and I am going to be getting voters to the polls in a tight State Senate race to keep Youngkin from gaining control of the VA Senate. You gave him way too much leniency. Carlyle Group. Google it.
We can all do something that gets out the vote. I can't do a thing to impact Turdeville. But I can do things that just might, like it did in GA when Ossoff and Warnock were elected.
I am going down swinging, not sitting by wringing my hands.
in light of his racist comments about criminality let us not forget " In the complaint, Tuberville and Stroud are accused of a number of things, including, but not limited to, falsifying client statements, failing to file tax returns and mixing their own assets with those of their clients. There are reportedly seven plaintiffs in the case who are seeking damages." He's a racist and a criminal himself. (Oh yeah and a complete idiot who couldn't name the 3 branches of govt) To think he replaced civil rights atty. Doug Jones :(
Assume you are from the actual Bay Area in the state were authoritarianism rages like the out of control fires and electrical grid shutdowns. It is a hoot when lefties make that claim.
This list of donors to someone who is a proud offensive racist shows you that the Congress is bought and paid for. The amounts were small, indicative of corporations covering their butts. The "donation" is the price they pay for his vote for what they want from the "government trough."
Bezos and the other billionaires will continue to back racist animals like Tuberville and brain damaged morons like Walker because nothing matters more to them than the tax cuts Republicans always deliver. It's just simple greed.
How much has each of these companies donated to Democrats?
I'm just curious if they're just saturating the political field or if it's a preference. Obviously they've made terrible decisions in their funding, but I'm curious.
It's all about throwing money out there to chum for power. Racist doesn't matter, ignorant, doesnt matter, misogynist, doesn't matter; it's about control for their own greedy benefit. We have allowed our political system to become pay for play. It occurs on both sides, but increasingly and overwhelmingly it is the RepubliQan party PACs and Super PACs that gather the most outsized corporate and uber wealthy bribes.
This is an important question; some of these amounts look like chicken feed, just token contributions.
So token contributions to racists are OK then?
they're just paying everyone off, hoping they can continue to skin the public, unimpeded.
Political science is like toxicology and the dose makes the poison.
So you are fine ingesting small doses of poison. Personally, I'd refrain.
Each time one of their tribe says something racist, sexist, offensive, they close ranks and refuse to speak. And the news cycle goes on. When we will insist they take responsibility for their violent rhetoric?
Tuberville should not be running for any elected office.
The fact that all of these companies who claim to support equality, and have made statements to that effect, now play the ‘no comment’ card , is an indication of who they really are.
Let me backtrack, the fact that these companies were donating to Tuberviles campaign , in the first place, itself, speaks volumes.
These are all cause for alarm.
Its been a problem for years and supports the hate the Republicans have been all too ready to display in recent times. They have harbored it for centuries, but now its not a subdued cry, its a scream.
Many powerful corporations that contributed to the GOP, the party of promoting a coup in America. When found out,
apologized , claimed ignorance and pledged to never again donate to these Republicans. They
have resumed this practice. Some of these are Wells Fargo, fedex, Toyota, Lockheed Martin.
The list goes on and on.
The Oil companies of course.
Of course systemic racism is no question , if ever was it
We can thank Tommy Tubervile for expressing his rancid truth. And we can vote him out as a Representative of the United States. And we should . Vote him out.
These corporations who are supporters of evil racism, should be boycotted.
The GQP finally speaks the truth This is the America they want to take us all back to. A time where racism and misogyny were legal and time honored ways for a man to be a man! A rugged individualist. And their corporate backers? Oh check the record. They put on a performative show at any opportunity but don't believe them. They try to curry favor with "both sides" so they can be left unfettered to pursue their business interests and hey! Maybe get a sweeet tax cut or two in the bargain. C'mon folks! It's just business. Surely this is THE American way, is it not?
I wonder how the GOP would respond to a similar but reversed thought , being expressed by people of color ?
Especially at a National level by an individual
who was elected to office as a representative of this Nation? That level of hatred these Republicans see as fitting toward these people, these children of God who are not white, has to be felt by black and brown individuals in this country.
What would happen ?
Its happened in the past and is today . Ask T Tubervile.
We'd never hear the end of it! Oh the victimizers would be staggering about, clutching their heads, tearing their hair out and rending their garments, all the while weeping their little hearts out and moaning their abject PAIN to the skies, their false, hateful gods and beyond!
It would be a performance without equal or measure, never before seen in the history of the world!
And every black or brown individual in the world would be held accountable.
Yup. Even tools like Larry Eldritch and Candace Owens would be tap dancing while disavowing the "perpetrators of this great evil!" And of course, Kanye the Great would make a cameo appearance and demonstrate "free thinking" techniques sure to amuse the whole family!
Greg Parsons post brings up an interesting topic, Judd. I've seen other
reports of corp donations to sitting
politicians and those running for office
on Democrat ticket, and some of these, like Bezos donate to them as well. It
might boil down to what committees
these pols are on.
So we can ignore that they are racists because it's just "business as usual" for corporations?
It used to be that when you give these racist, ignorant, lying politicians enough rope, they'd hang themselves. But Trump has let the demons out of the box and now these hateful people are lauded for their actions or at least rationalized.
Remember, that Republicans were the biggest non-interventionists in the early days of WWII because many were admirers of fascism and Hitler. Many were also anti-Semitic, like Henry Ford. Prescott Bush, a US senator and the grandfather of George W Bush was another acolyte of Hitler's Germany.
Fascism isn't new and when hate spreads - and is allowed to spread unreported and unchecked - it gains a foothold. Too much history has been forgotten. Rachel Maddow's new Ultra podcast is a worthy listen.
Democracy dies when the majority subordinate their voice to the screamers and the duplicitous.
Over the weekend I learned Minden was a sundown town for Native Americans, so they have a disgusting, racist history there. Minden is on the NV side of Tahoe so it’s very close to CA where currently there is a lot of attention to reparations for the descendants of enslaved people. Reparation is a term that has been used with Native Americans as well. Tuberville knew exactly what he was saying and I believe he deliberately excluded race so that the rally attendees as well as the replay audience would read into it whatever best suited their discrimination preference. Tuberville is vile.
Many of the same corporate cretins show up on every disgusting list.
Home Depot is one and UPS (*DeJoy* and why is he still postmaster general)
Turdeville coached college football all over the place landing like a cat for years at Auburn. The GOP thrives on this malarkey, so why pick the log out of his eye, when they have a log themselves.
He ought to be called out by his former African American players whom he no doubt exploited for the glory, the school athletic dept and the back slapping white donors who waved the Tiger flag on Autumn Saturdays.
This just fires me up.
I have voted, mailed my postcards to PA voters and I am going to be getting voters to the polls in a tight State Senate race to keep Youngkin from gaining control of the VA Senate. You gave him way too much leniency. Carlyle Group. Google it.
We can all do something that gets out the vote. I can't do a thing to impact Turdeville. But I can do things that just might, like it did in GA when Ossoff and Warnock were elected.
I am going down swinging, not sitting by wringing my hands.
Tommy Tuberville sits on the committee that oversees government "space"
allocations. Bezos is Blue Origin that has
launched several unsuccessful rockets
in his contest to have a footprint in the
"race for space".
in light of his racist comments about criminality let us not forget " In the complaint, Tuberville and Stroud are accused of a number of things, including, but not limited to, falsifying client statements, failing to file tax returns and mixing their own assets with those of their clients. There are reportedly seven plaintiffs in the case who are seeking damages." He's a racist and a criminal himself. (Oh yeah and a complete idiot who couldn't name the 3 branches of govt) To think he replaced civil rights atty. Doug Jones :(
Those calling his comments racist are demonstrating racism.
Another comment clearly demonstrating the personification of ignorance. As long as you oppress the right people, it's perfectly fine with Frank!
Who or whom is being oppressed? Seems like your ruling class cohort wants their cake and to eat it too: be the power in charge and the victim too.
What up, Troll? Your want to rig all elections and bring about authoritarianism. I'm good where I am.
Assume you are from the actual Bay Area in the state were authoritarianism rages like the out of control fires and electrical grid shutdowns. It is a hoot when lefties make that claim.
This list of donors to someone who is a proud offensive racist shows you that the Congress is bought and paid for. The amounts were small, indicative of corporations covering their butts. The "donation" is the price they pay for his vote for what they want from the "government trough."
Not that I want to vote for him but the NV candidate name is Adam Laxalt.
The biggest goddamn criminals in this society are these monsters and we see right through their inhumanity.
Wanna bet that these companies don't cease donations to the racist Tuberville and the other MAGA idiots?