Me thinks you have found the tip of the Facebook iceberg where unscrupulous foreigners toy with the gullible FB subscribers. Most of whom are older and do vote. The stuff I see in MAGA posts.... Reinforces what you are finding.

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This is why I have subscribed from the beginning, Judd. Thank you for finding and exposing these shams. With our government compromised by Trump's corruption, only good journalists like you can take down bad actors.

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Good reporting. I think a good deal of America has slid down this slippery slope to apathy. Where the news comes from is not particularly important as long as it is true (even if it is a twisted version of the truth).

Facebook is evil. When the book is opened on the massive criminals against humanity, along with the usual suspects (Khan, Stalin, Hitler) I believe Zuckerberg's robot face will be there.

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Why is anyone with 1/2 a brain still on Facebook?

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My other half of the brain gets loads of info. I read the MAGATs. Know your enemies. Hold your friends close, but the enemy closer. All those trite sayings have truth in them. For instance, for weeks the Maga armed and dangerous have been spouting off about using their guns. Many of them. Long before the Trump tirade last night.

Why am I on FB? I keep up with family and friends and by God I admit it. I love memes.

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