Yes, 'squeezing out every last dime' is how this country has been run for too long. It's time we recognize the down side of Laissez-Faire but this Congress is not interested in setting some balance. Union strikes are seeing results in bringing to account some of the egregious discrepancies. Citizens United was a huge mistake and the sooner we can get that legislated out the better.
Yes, 'squeezing out every last dime' is how this country has been run for too long. It's time we recognize the down side of Laissez-Faire but this Congress is not interested in setting some balance. Union strikes are seeing results in bringing to account some of the egregious discrepancies. Citizens United was a huge mistake and the sooner we can get that legislated out the better.
Yes, 'squeezing out every last dime' is how this country has been run for too long. It's time we recognize the down side of Laissez-Faire but this Congress is not interested in setting some balance. Union strikes are seeing results in bringing to account some of the egregious discrepancies. Citizens United was a huge mistake and the sooner we can get that legislated out the better.