So, thanks to Judd and Tesnim we have the campaign counter argument to what Trump plans to be the position to win voters over to his side for the 2024 election. Now, who and how can this material on immigrant labor be implemented to smooth the way to Democrat wins for President, Senators, Representatives?

I have met so many hardworking Hispanic laborers with charming and helpful personalities that I'm constantly reminded what a kind and nurturing culture they have to be coming from. These people deserve to be appreciated. How bizarre and sick is Trump's attempt at a winning strategy that of demonizing and slandering large groups of people as well as individuals.

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Not just here in USA. Many in UK who voted for Brexit had little or no direct contact with immigrants. They too fell for the job-stealing and unearned-benefits lies.

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Having worked in the disability service field for many years, I can say first-hand that we would be in big trouble without immigrant employees; they are the majority of direct-support workers. Even so, we struggle daily to cover staff shortages and sometimes see 35% vacancy rates, which is unsafe for the vulnerable people who require daily supports. Plain and simple fact is that we need immigration in order to function. The same is true in local hospitals and nursing homes. I fear the GOPains would shoot themselves and their mothers in the foot (or worse) in order to remain trumpets.

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Yes, and being at an age where I and my friends may need that help, it seems reckless to talk about deportations. Right now, one of my friends relies upon a Peruvian immigrant to cook her meals and another relies upon a small rotating group of Ghanian women to make sure she doesn't fall and injure herself again. With the Biden plan to force assisted living facilities to staff up fully, this argument deserves wider support.

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Hallelujah! Thank you for this important point.

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“Trump makes more specific claims about the impact of immigrants on the American economy. In a February rally in Michigan, Trump told the crowd that immigrants coming into the country are "going to take your jobs."

I heard this lie from a cab driver who was driving me to the airport during the second Bush Administration. I asked the cab driver where he had heard this, and he said that he heard it via talk radio. Then I asked when was the last time any immigrant had threatened his job and he said never.

Then I asked him if he had medical benefits from his job and he said, he didn’t and that he was in debt because of medical bills. I asked if his employer was going to provide medical benefits and he said no. I asked him how big a problem being in debt with medical bill was and he said it was his biggest problem and saw no way to ever be free of these debts.

Honestly, people will often believe these lies even when there is no evidence that it affects them. A conversation, if it can happen, will often reveal the person is frustrated in some other way.

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Judd, you need to write about the CONservative solution of the how they will address the lack of available immigrant labor- throwing out child labor laws. In many GOP controlled states, they have done just that. Iowa, Arkansas, Missouri are great examples.

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Great timely article. My Mom was from Wales and came to America in the 50’s. Our country was built on immigrants.

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One demographic specialist I know predicted in a seminar I covered back in 2010, that due to falling predicted birthrate, developed countries would be fighting for immigrant labor by 2030. So our border neighbor to the north, Canada, announced the new immigration policy looking for economic growth.

From Linked In:

"People also ask

What is the new immigration program in Canada 2024?

The country has announced its plan to welcome an annual influx of immigrants, reaching record-breaking numbers of 465,000 in 2023, more than 485,000 in 2024, and 500,000 in 2025 and 2026. This strategic initiative is aimed at fueling economic growth, fostering family reunification, and achieving humanitarian goals." -Mar 14, 2024 - Amir Ismail and Associates

Our anti immigration is coming from white folk feeling threatened.

And a little known fact is the influx of Venezulian undocumented is political repressive government, but mostly economic. Inflation in Venezuela is over 250% making it number 1 on the Visual Capitalist list of worldwide inflation.

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Even though economic benefit usually wins skeptics over, in our current political discourse there is a compulsion to anger and outrage supporters rather than to find solutions to such issues as economic challenges. The clear logic of this piece should be a testament to why this country desperately needs immigration reform. Sadly, we get "immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country." My governor again echoed that migrants entering the country "illegally" broke the law. Her own past OWI's are not nearly so gross a violation in her mind as a migrant seeking a better life. She has since reformed. In her mind, she is worthy of legal rehabilitation. Migrants are not. Sickening.

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"Living near people from different countries can also help reduce prejudices and negative stereotypes, recent research shows. " So, like supply side economics, tax cuts bringing jobs, etc, this Republican dogma is a lie based on ignorance.

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Awesome. I've never really thought about it like that before: that immigrants help native-born Americans specialize. Though there are still plenty of Americans who, despite changing times, refuse to grow...

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Fascinating information. And once again, what Trump/Fox spews proves to be the inverse of the truth. Yet I have no hope, especially in the case of immigration, that in this election year, the facts will win the day.

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I agree Joe. The lies and damned lies these jokers put out to promote their own interests at the expense of others is sickening. I've been reading a book about the increasing number of straight out grifters that fly the RW banner. Truly amazing in a most awful manner!

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May 2Edited

But but but it isn't SEXY like the lies on the TV. I'd rather believe what I want (Fox/OAN/Newsmax, etc tells me) to believe. Don't you DARE tell me what I want to believe ain't true, says many a misguided citizen today.

Damn shame. They'll need someone to show them how to think their way out of the box they're in or they won't ever get out. But, will they listen? Like many others I have family who can't!

Thank you Judd and Tesnim for another excellent piece!

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My paternal grandparents came from Italy in the early 20th century. They took jobs doing what the prior generation of immigrants had moved on from. They were replaced in their jobs by those that came behind. This is the history of America. The only non-immigrants, at least since the closure of the land bridge from Siberia and the Native Americans. And it's long past time for Democrats, and frankly anyone who knows their own immigrant story, to tell Trump (also the grandson of an immigrant) to stop with the hateful rhetoric and the threats. Enough is enough.

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Keep truthing Judd.

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So much for the tRump B.S.!

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If only Trump supporters read and understood Popular Information.

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What Judd says is absolutely correct from an economic perspective. There are costs to integrating new arrivals but on a net basis, immigration is a growth engine and will benefit native borns too. Unfortunately, demagogues like to exploit bad human instincts to their advantage. What enrages me the most are: 1. business leaders who always advocate for pro-business policies are not calling out Trump’s disastrous economic policies, including immigration. If they are for shareholders’ value, they cannot be both siding Biden and Trump (looking at you Jamie Dimon). 2. Immigrants who came here legally who think they are better than new arrivals or others who through by illegal means. Instead of being grateful of their own situations, many have a sense of superiority. Unless they are white, do they think Trump really cares when he deploys the National Guard to start deportation?

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Thanks for this article [and the research]. When my cousin in her early 90's was in a nursing home just before Covid, she complained that staffing was not adequate. During Covid it was worse.

The last time I saw her, the lovely short little silver curls on her head were long strands of straight hair past her shoulders. No one attempted to cut her hair. That was the least of what wasn't done for her. She often lay in her own bodily waste for long periods of time.

Remember Rump hating "shit-hole" countries? That's where a lot of nursing home employees come from, and as they adapt to our country they care for our disabled, sick and elderly family members. Stopping immigration caused a huge deficit for those in most need of help.

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