No good deed goes unpunished is the unfortunate moral of this story. Even as Kari Newell was hostile to the local press, the local press still tried to do right by her and this is the result?

Chief Cody going to jail and Kari Newell joining him is my fondest wish today.

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When I first read a short report about this yesterday, it was chilling and surreal. This is where we are in America folks, where most of our leaders rake in cash and lie to our faces daily, with gusto, our police are filmed daily thugging, threatening, injuring, and inappropriately killing innocent people. Our legal system only works for the rich and powerful, our education system is being dismantled one piece at a time, and the press is vilified for truthfulness and celebrated if corrupt. But, keep on shopping and consuming, folks, "or the terrorists win."

This Empire is imploding.

Vote like our lives depend on it.

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You are so right!

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Thanks for all the background to this story. You've really put everything into greater context than I had previously read--and the story just gets worse.

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Right! I read this in Letters From an American initially and like you, appreciate this deeper dive into the topic.

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Agreed. This answered many of the questions I had after reading the initial story.

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There seems no doubt that this outrage was perpetrated by a corrupt police department at the direct request of an even more corrupt restaurant owner and her accomplice, a corrupt Republican congressman. The question now becomes - will the DoJ act to address the multiple crimes committed before an equally corrupt Kansas Attorney General, one Kris Kobach, interjects his own thugs into the mix and creates an alternate narrative. Cops should find themselves in prison. A judge should find herself removed from the bench. And a small town, a restauranteur and a congressman should find themselves out millions of dollars in damages.

But this is Kansass...

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Aug 14, 2023
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She's there. I wonder how long before this incident gets her removed from the bench.

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Classic example of American small-town nepotism. Imagine how many similar cases of intimidation and injustices have occurred which never made the news. If this can happen to a long-standing local news enterprise, imagine what it's like being Black in small town America! Or living in Trump land and pissing off the local sheriff and the fire chief with a Biden sign in your yard...

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Because I publish a small local newsource this means something to me personally. First. Mrs. Meyer 's death is a result of this action. But will be hard to prove because of her age.

Second. I understand Mr. Meyer does not take a salary for his position.

Third. Ms. Newell threw the press out of her establishment that was for an elected public official. Tells you where she really stands.

Fourth. A FOIA should be filed for the affidavit and result no matter if they say you can't look, you should have proof of the resulting response for your lawsuit.

You have to try. Mr. Meyer needed to do that the day this happened, but his mother died. He has my sympathy for her and the paper.

Fifth. How this is identity theft of Newell is beyond me. The real deal here is the Sheriff who no doubt who has wind of the investigation. Bet the computers will be wiped.

Always when I was with a major newspaper, you kept a backup copy on a flash drive or server.

Sixth. Social media connection. Which one and when published on said, it has become a matter of public consumption by anyone had access and used social media. Marion's newspaper isn't alone if it was a public post. Grounds enough in my state to have the action looked at by the courts. Valid question in a small town (despite the popular song of July.) Is the judge a friend of Newell, the Sheriff outside of their jobs?

I have been sent copies of the original news story by several people. This is America and sadly, the America to come, if this anti-first amendment push continues.

This case is a dangerous precedent. One that milk toast Merrick Garland and the Dept. Of Justice should grab immediately. (He likely won't, but should before election in '24.)

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Thank you for mentioning Mrs. Meyer. I hold the five "policemen" and Ms Newell responsible for her untimely death. She was tough enough to make 98, they cut her remaining time short. Very short.

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Always when I was with a major newspaper, you kept a backup copy on a flash drive or server.

That is why they raided the Meyer's home.

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But conservatives love the 1st amendment…….. for them.

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Why isn't this the lead story on the evening news? OK, maybe the second story, after Maui, but still, should be shouted from everywhere for ALL to hear.

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You know why. It ain't sexy like taking care from trans kids or Hunter Biden's lap or dumb-racist songs, or Comer's further folly or empty greene gibbering again or Brett Favre's grift or making those nasty women PAY!

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Hey, what's up, Adam? So then it's up to US!! I've already shared this story - and my outrage! - to FB. Hopefully, it'll go viral for the whole world to see.

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My man! How do? Still fighting the good fight. The miscreants won't stifle themselves!

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Time to send in the Marines!!

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I read this story in the NYT online yesterday. They have buried it way down the page below tourists in Europe and Barbie being banned. Obviously, there's a whole lot that's more important than press freedom to the NYT.

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Ironically, the whole cause of this was Newell trying to hide her DUI and now the entire world knows that she had (multiple) DUIs. Smooth move. This is such a disgrace

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And Cody's 'bull in a china shop' actions to seemingly bury previous misdeeds has now put his history of alleged sexual misconduct out in the big wide open. Genius move.

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Exactly. These losers are on full display now

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Keystone Kops but much more damaging

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In Courts of Virginia all of this is published publicly online. All you need to check someone out is a name county or municipality and you can check for court records. If it is worth your while, you can pay for a service like Spokeo and get everything except social security numbers. If you ever watch "Catfish" on MTV that type of service and social media is how they track the Catfish to discover who they are.

This Sheriff and Judge and Ns. Newell obviously are trying to make folks believe this is nefarious when her DUI should've easily been discovered by the state alcohol permitting agency when they ran her name. If they aren't corrupt as well, which one hopes they are not. It's all out there on the Internet. You just have to look.

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Trace the connections between the judge, police chief and others involved in this case with this Relationship Map. https://thedemlabs.org/2023/08/13/freedom-of-press-lost-in-kansas-marion-county-newspaper-police-raid/

"Wait! Doesn't such press intimidation normally happen in dictatorships? Sorry, Dorothy. This is the new Republican Kansas..."

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Talk about abuse of power. This is why we need strong investigative journalism.

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Thanks for picking this up and covering it. Heather Cox Richardson, NPR, and the BBC also covered it. He will need support to get through what will likely be a long case to pursue justice.

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I don't understand why Mr Meyer has not gone to the feds for assistance. Seems like they would be interested in filing charges for such egregious behavior.

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this HItlerite Fascist attack by the Repukkkelikkkan Nazi Gestapo of Marion County Kansas is what the GQP, tRUMPolini & DeSATAN want to do all over America. They want to attack & shut down newspapers, jail journalists (like their Puppetmaster Putin does), murder people of color, harass & attack gay & trans people, and make women their brood mares. We're literally in 1930s Germany as Hitler & the Nazis were taking over. We all need to vote out ALL Repukelikkkans from all offices. They cannot be trusted to run any govt democratically or protect the rights of anyone who isn't rich, white, male, straight, & conservative. #VoteBluetoSaveDemocracy

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Cody needs to be hauled to a prison and have the keys thrown away. We need to fight back against those are take what is ours

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