Thank you for the research, Judd and Co. But it's 8 AM and it's too early for me to start drinking, which is what I want to do after reading this.

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The reality (IMHO) is that corporations only care about lowering taxes, reducing oversight, and weakening worker rights. Everything else is noise. And who drives their agenda? The QOP. It may be possible to shame corporate givers into expanding their perspectives, but I'm not particularly hopeful.

This is not to deny that there are some corporate givers that support anti-women/anti-minority actions. But I don't see Berkshire Hathaway, Pfizer, Allstate, and AT&T falling into that category. They just have blinders to anything outside of their narrow agenda of reducing taxes and limiting government oversight.

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This is overwhelming. I think the next step is to show the poverty levels in each of these states, and compare the people in poverty to those who will be most impacted by these new laws and prohibitions. Then draw the line between these laws, the people affected, and the social safety net in these states, the racism that keeps the same people from getting old educations and jobs and and housing in good and safe neighborhoods. And, remind people about which states pay the most into the national larder and which states receive the most in return. And, while we're at it, which states are letting their people die from covid because it's not their business to tell people what to do. Are any of these states also the ones that refused to give their citizens the money that Joe Biden sent to help them through these pandemic times? Why really do they all fight so hard for the unborn while they fight so hard against those who are already born?

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... and I typed "good educations" and it got turned into "old educations." *sigh*

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Such lies and misinformation from these republicans...sad times we live in. "I don't care about winning at the polls..." I almost spit out my coffee when I read that. I find it incredibly hypocritical that these new bans claim to care about "life" but not the life of the mother to be. If there are no exceptions at all, even for the health of the mother in some cases, it's clearly not about preserving an unborn life and 100% about advancing a religious based republican agenda.

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Men deciding and dictating to women…history keeps repeating itself. I’m preparing the cave I’ll soon be forced to live in.

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As a man, it pains me to read this article and I'm ashamed of Texas and my state of Ohio for trying to copy this nonsense. It's 2021 and republicans are trying to take us back to the 1800s, it's despicable...

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For me, the truly scary part is that at the same time as the anti-abortion legislation was passed they also passed a law that allows anyone, at anytime and anywhere, to carry a gun, without permit. Combining these two laws-individual "arrests" and open legal carrying of guns-seem to be the worst combination of laws anywhere.

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This looks really bad. And it probably is, but there's some important context missing. We already know corporate donations go to abortion opponents, what this article implies is that it doesn't go to both sides equally. This may be true, but again and again, we just see the totals that went to abortion opponents without getting anything that shows it's out of proportion. We need to either compare average donations or at least, compare how many legislators meet the definitions of support abortion rights vs oppose abortion. I'm all for holding corporations accountable and yes, I'd prefer they didn't support anti-abortion politicians at all, but it would be nice to know if they have an actual ideological bias or if this is just an artifact of the difficulty of finding pro-abortion legislators in those seven states.

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You're right, Leon. And these donation numbers are for the 2020 election cycle which was before all of these new laws came up. I do think the article will work to uncover what Judd intends to uncover: corporations support anti-abortion legislators. It may be true that many corporations supported them because they won't get in the way of usurious business practices and might have nothing to do with abortion stances because that used to be a "settled" issue. Popular Information must keep up the work to expose them so that corporations now have to look at this issue as well and whether they want the world to know they support - even if somewhat accidentally - those who would defy the constitutional amendment Roe v Wade.

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Your work is SO important - keep the $$=influence stories front and center. Unconscionable how men keep controlling women's rights, especially their bodies. No going back pre-Roe v Wade! Too late, decision made. End of story.

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As always, the PI team produces exceptional reporting. This makes my blood boil. I am an American woman beyond child bearing years, yet the idea that a younger me could lose control of her healthcare decisions is frightening and dehumanizing. I’m sure you’ve already thought of this, but just in case … it could be useful to overlay this information with COVID death data, execution data, death row data, violent community death data, etc. Societal hypocrisy in government, law enforcement, corporations and religion needs to be illustrated, boldly and loudly with data rather than emotion. I also think every single legislator involved should be asked, publicly, about what they would do if they themselves, their wives, children, sisters, mothers had an unwanted pregnancy from rape, incest or any other reason. Even if they’re prepared and avoid squirming, at least some of them will say something stupid like Abbott and how Texas will stop rapists.

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What is Si2, whose data is cited numerous times in this piece? I agree w Leon Stauffer and others who request additional context to tease out corporate actors that are actively misogynistic/antisocial from those that blindly support (economic/tax) conservative reps.

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