We are in it up to our hips.

Nothing the GOP, 1%Russia and Trump won't do to stay in power.

Our side doesn't know how to fight for this country's survival.

We have a post master general hand picked by Trump to battle vote by mail.

What about Mueller and Impeachment didn't teach us a thing about who we are dealing with.

We needed a tiger for a Democratic candidate. Instead we got a pussycat.

"Vote blue no matter who" must extend into the Senate and House and so far our side is not looking good to unseat enough to take them down.

Florida is Trump country. He has the pawns in place.

Between now and Nov. I expect worse.

The "noise" I wrote about in a comment months ago is daily taking us from real news to what Trump spins. The MSM Labradoodles forever chase his propganda ball.

Thank you Judd for all you do to throw a high beam on the truth.

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“Our side doesn't know how to fight for this country's survival“


Our side isn’t willing to bring the kind of fight that is required for this country’s survival.

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That's why I support Stacy Abrams for VP. She makes the GOP shit their pants!

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A solid VP choice could help.

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Does the potential for fraud exist with respect to VBM? Sure. Not to the extent that it warrants avoidance of the medium altogether, though. As this article details, the GOP knows exactly what it's doing. Oddly enough, re the presidential election and as with the Ballot Security Task Force, it may work too well. That is, by not offering people mail-in ballots, Trump and Co. might just hurt their chances in swing states where they might otherwise have won based on the political makeup therein.

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My family is leaning strongly towards immigrating. Trump is only a symptom of the problem. I'm too sickened by what I see from my "fellow Americans." I turn my head. When I leave, I will not look back. I will not think of my ancestors who dwelt here for hundreds of years. I will go where there are still good people. Because a nation *is* its people.

And, this place...

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If it gets to the Supreme Court, it's battle over. There is no way that this Supreme Court will do anything other than act as a rubber stamp for whatever Trump wants.

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Aside from the accounts of fraud listed above (all GOP cheats), I only know of one other case. A non-citizen woman (can't remember where) registered to vote when she got her driver's license. It was offered and she didn't know she hadn't the right. She was arrested after voting and sentenced to prison.

How many of the GOP law breakers went to jail? I'm guessing none except possibly the NC GOP operative who was a recidivist.

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Am I the last idealist? I guess I hated to to think that so much evil existed in the world when I was younger and now I fear for my daughter's sake.

Can I offer a suggestion I have made before and I think it might work: Vote the V! Yes, that V.

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I don't understand what you mean by vote the 'V'??? I'm voting blue, as I always have and I suggest that everyone does too.

If you're saying that voting 'V' is an alternate, like voting Green of Libertarian Party, that's nonsense.

Saying that the two major parties are the same, not that that is what you're are saying, is ignorant. There is only one party (the GOP) that's ignoring the constitution, pissing on the rule of law, trying to kick you off your health insurance, trying to keep people, especially those that don't fit their narrow views, from voting, trying to destroy Medicare/Medicaid, and virtually killing the USPS.

I don't believe that is what you are saying, I'd just like some clarification on what vote 'V' means. We are on the same team here so don't be offended as that is not my intent. :-)

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