The ideas was, is and always will be to turn the United States into a Christian theocracy. The scary thing is that these religious groups have figured out that the way to win their long game is to start at the grass roots level. As a Jewish person, this is pretty scary to me.

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As a person person, I too am frightened.

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Jan 30, 2023
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There’s lack of support, and then there’s active attacking. There are gay rabbis in Conservative Judaism, and there are Conservative rabbis who won’t perform gay marriages, but that’s as negative as they get. Orthodox Judaism has a wider range - from gay marriages performed by a rabbi to people wanting public support of private religious schools. In any case, the blatant hatred of gay and trans kids and persons shown by these right wing groups is appalling.

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No question, my faith has its bigoted nutcases as well, but they they do not have the political power of the Christian right.

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Sit down and read about the extreme far right government on Isreal at this very minute. The struggle is not just here. Look at what happened in Brazil.

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Thank you for alerting us to another instance of the religious right's war on public schools via the courts of law and public opinion. What organizations are defending our public education institutions so that they don't get overwhelmed, which is the point of the "lawfare" attack? If reasonable and responsible citizens, including parents know how to resist reactionary assaults, we can frustrate their efforts.

BTW, I expect that any big money behind this is trying to privilege private, religious schools with public funding -- and at the same time elect far right bigots to public office.

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Yes. All of that. Moms for Liberty, this new Great States initiative by Thomas More. the ACLU is fighting back. MamaBears advocate for LGBTQ people; it was founded by Christian moms who have atypical kids. Red, Wine & Blue is nationwide grassroots. Pro-democracy reform groups like Rank the Vote, FairVote, YouCanVote and all the associated state organizations. RepresentUS has a pro-democracy reform strategy.

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Soon another crackpot group will distribute opt-out forms to excuse students from science classes.

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Sexual education IS a science class.

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What happened to parents? If you don’t want your child to learn about sex ed, opt out. Public schools are public. It seems it’s the horrible right wing evangelical christians that give a bad name for Christ. And I’m sure if Jesus was walking the earth today, he’d be in tears.

I am saddened that the education my friends and I had is now corrupted. And my friends are carrying the torch for this nonsense.

2012 began the descent of our country. Even if trump isn’t nominated, the worse of the two evils (desantis) will slide into the presidency. As someone who actually took ap classes, desantis and his ilk will be the bane of our existence.

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Why are these people so hateful?

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Fear. They are afraid of the "other", and deep down terrified that they might also be "other". Project the "evil" and then try to eliminate it.

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Maybe that explains individuals, but the large donations seem to point to the will to dominate.

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Large donations are fear with lots of money behind it.

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And kill public schools so private school owners can profit. Domination and money.

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A question for the ages Joan. Is it something in the water? The food? The learning they wuz taught? What makes them that way? So unfortunate, hateful, performative, uninformed, proud and gullible?

The world may never know.

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They aim to make the US a Christian Theocracy. American Taliban.

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In what chapter and verse of the gospels does Jesus teach hatred of the poor and the stranger? I've never come across it.

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In what chapter of the US Constitution is Christian theocracy written? Trade you my rhetorical question for yours! 🥲

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The First Amendment prohibits letting any church run the United States.

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It was rhetorical. I’m aware.

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Yes. All that and worse. We have to organize, get out the vote, and work rural areas so people understand what they are voting for. And young people. We had not great turnout in NC among young people. People think it’s “ok” and don’t worry or get involved. It’s not OK and I’m worried--and fighting back.

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So — over the weekend, we were passive aggressively accused of being too tuned in to learning, reading, and sharing political news, history and events (like Judd's excellent Substack), and that we should shut our eyes, take a break, and ignore things. That — is not an ethical or a wise option, IMO. There must people who care enough to sacrifice their comfort/privilege to read, follow, share, seek solutions, and fight back with wisdom against the growing danger of intolerance, ignorance, and the using of LGBTQIA people for money and political power. ❤️🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️❤️

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Jan 31, 2023Edited
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Perfectly stated, Cindy! Thank you.

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OMG! I live in Chicago and have never heard of these miscreants, this Thomas More Society. More excellent reporting Judd and crew. I watched that execrable video and posted a comment on it too! More crackpots cracking pots to add to the din of crazy. Under the guise of all this noise and fury, sneaky MF's are making their moves. Have no doubt. In these days and times the grifters are thick on the ground and much of this noise and distraction is actually a successful sort of camouflage.

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I would really love to know what they are afraid of! If you don’t want to be gay or trans or green or polka dotted don’t be, don’t have friends that are gay, trans or green or polka dotted. W. T. F. It seems like they have an issue with sex! Like woman can’t have an abortion but when a woman is raped the rapist can take the kid. The monsters who think this shit up are seriously ill. Privacy baby privacy. What anyone does in the privacy of their home should be PRIVATE.

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Maybe not abuse

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I would be willing to bet money that, if you could dig into the shady money, you'd find Betsy DeVos in there. No doubt in my mind, since that witch didn't accomplish much with her sponsorship of far right wackos in the 2022 election cycle. She's been far too quiet lately and I'm betting this is why. Why do all the God-botherers feel the need to dictate to the rest of the world???

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I wish these conservatives who think you can lie your way to a better world would look at the Chinese Cultural Revolution, or Cambodia under Pol Pot.

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I doubt they would know of either.

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Or get the connection.

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I live in Michigan and my community school board was taken over by radical zealots. I believe they will support such actions. What can folks do to push back? My youngest is graduating from high school this May so I’m essentially done with the public school system, but the public schools are the jewel of this community. My husband wants to just move and be done with the mess brewing but I hate that idea. Judd thank you for bringing this issue to light as I’ve not seen any coverage of this in local media

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To start to fight back, you could write letters to the editor in local media. Even better, ask progressive friends to do so. This way the local media will see that there are many people opposed to the pile-on by zealots.

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Can a church’s tax exemption status be challenged if they support political agendas? can they start being tied up defending themselves in court? Have they been doing this for too long with impunity?

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It can, but IRS won’t do anything.

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They're way underfunded already.

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FREEDOM FROM RELIGION ! This effort seems to be headed to the Supreme Court. Another first amendment case ? The “ religious right” is neither “religious” or “right” ! The radical religious conservatives behind this are being aided by political opportunists who will do or say anything to gain and maintain power. This is yet another example. If an individual has a religious belief why do they think it is ok to foist it on everyone else ? This constant barrage of hatred and fear mongering is elevating the anxiety level of society to a dangerous breakdown of all civility. Everyone probably has a family member or friend or neighbor who is effected by these various targets of convince. You all know this, I am sure. The world and the US are facing so many existential challenges and this is a distraction. I think the idea is to get people riled up about other people and not about real problems.

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If any mention of a non-heterosexual relationship is sex ed, then any mention of a heterosexual relationship is also sex ed.

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Well, that doesn't count because... (pick a reason).

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Thanks for exposing this. The coalition to respond to this heinous bigotry needs to grow and the best way to do that is to demonstrate how broad and deep the targeting reaches. I noticed women’s suffrage on your list of topics that would be forbidden should this campaign gain traction. Pointing out that women are a subset of the population can go a long way. We’re still fresh on the heels of Roe and the realization that nothing can be taken for granted. But let’s face it: we all default to our comfy bubbles whenever we have a chance. Many women are there. Once the potential impact becomes real, that will change.

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Open season on anyone of color, LGBTQ, Women, progressives. These people want a totalitarian government benefitting whites and the wealthy and will toss out the rights of any who do not agree.

74 million people voted for Trump in 2020. Ie.

There are a lot of people who believe this stuff.

The struggle to remain a Democracy is very real.

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You forgot to include "Christian".

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Would it be possible for you to explain or clarify how the Women's Suffrage Movement falls into the category of rogue sex ed?

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I had the same question. Anybody?

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W. O. M. E. N.'S!!! That's why. Any other questions?


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Well at least you edited that Adam. Maybe ask about the question before you comment about its legitimacy. I'm sure anyone would be happy to elaborate if you're confused.

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That was a joke Christi. See the "/s" at the bottom? That is internet speak for sarcasm.

You might try actually comprehending a statement before making a disparaging reply.

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Unfortunately, this is a perfect example of why good questions go unanswered and facts get distorted. As a women's history professor, I think it is a pretty big leap to include the women's suffrage movement into this category. This is why I asked the question. For clarification, and so I don't in turn mislead others in conversation because I didn't fully understand the issue. When honest questions are met with sarcasm, it shuts down the conversation and no learning takes place.

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Tell you what Christi. We seem to have hit it off on the wrong foot. I in no way mean to disparage the suffragette movement or anything else to do with any woman's movement.

However, the way your original comment was phrased activated the joker in me. I apologize for having caused you any discomfort.

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Jan 31, 2023
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