The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) was created to help struggling small businesses survive the pandemic and keep people employed. And, for some struggling small businesses, the $669 billion program helped. But new data released on Thursday revealed that billions of taxpayer dollars also went to companies that didn't need the money.
AT&T seems to be returning the favor. I have U-verse (though I plan to get rid of it soon) and recently I've noticed they are playing lots of ads for NewsMax. The ads basically amount to campaign propaganda for Trump. One in particular shows lots of Trump tweets about "fake news" and then says that NewsMax is "real news". I'm pretty sure they originate from AT&T, as they have the channel number printed on the bottom of the screen during the ads and sometimes also states the channel number in the voiceover information. I've reached out to the channel I've seen the ads on most (FX) and they said it's likely the ads are from AT&T. If so, then it sure seems like free campaigning without overtly appearing to be free campaigning. If true, it is especially repugnant considering the lip service they and their CEO recently paid to Black Lives Matter.
It makes me angry to read about the blatant graft & corruption in our government. These officials are supposed to be protecting the citizens that are the backbone of our country, but they are rewarding themselves and their monied backers, stealing from the taxpayers. We need a blue wave in November, then new laws so this cannot occur in the future no matter which party is in control. We need to get money out of politics so we can afford a decent standard of living for everyone, no matter their sexual orientation or the color of their skin. Vote.
Oh, the irony of the ultra-hypocritical Grover Norquist accepting government money (and I'm sure that he sees nothing wrong with it, either)..............
Thanks yet again for the unmasking of these pirates. Really, Judd, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Norquist and his ilk - the hypocrisy is staggering. As for the rest of them, bottom feeders.
The postmortem of this Administration will be so full of grift & blatant, foul corruption, it will be a challenge to cover even a fraction of them with diligence.
I feel physically ill reading this. Let me get this straight, our hard earned tax dollars went to filthy rich law firms and RACIST ORGANIZATIONS!?!? We need to force them (ie, shame them) into returning the money and get it to the small businesses and minimum wage employees it was intended for.
AT&T seems to be returning the favor. I have U-verse (though I plan to get rid of it soon) and recently I've noticed they are playing lots of ads for NewsMax. The ads basically amount to campaign propaganda for Trump. One in particular shows lots of Trump tweets about "fake news" and then says that NewsMax is "real news". I'm pretty sure they originate from AT&T, as they have the channel number printed on the bottom of the screen during the ads and sometimes also states the channel number in the voiceover information. I've reached out to the channel I've seen the ads on most (FX) and they said it's likely the ads are from AT&T. If so, then it sure seems like free campaigning without overtly appearing to be free campaigning. If true, it is especially repugnant considering the lip service they and their CEO recently paid to Black Lives Matter.
It makes me angry to read about the blatant graft & corruption in our government. These officials are supposed to be protecting the citizens that are the backbone of our country, but they are rewarding themselves and their monied backers, stealing from the taxpayers. We need a blue wave in November, then new laws so this cannot occur in the future no matter which party is in control. We need to get money out of politics so we can afford a decent standard of living for everyone, no matter their sexual orientation or the color of their skin. Vote.
Oh, the irony of the ultra-hypocritical Grover Norquist accepting government money (and I'm sure that he sees nothing wrong with it, either)..............
Thanks yet again for the unmasking of these pirates. Really, Judd, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Norquist and his ilk - the hypocrisy is staggering. As for the rest of them, bottom feeders.
Brilliant work Judd! Thank you for your tireless pursuit of facts and reporting the truth!
The postmortem of this Administration will be so full of grift & blatant, foul corruption, it will be a challenge to cover even a fraction of them with diligence.
I feel physically ill reading this. Let me get this straight, our hard earned tax dollars went to filthy rich law firms and RACIST ORGANIZATIONS!?!? We need to force them (ie, shame them) into returning the money and get it to the small businesses and minimum wage employees it was intended for.
The SPLC has been a poor judge of what constitutes hate speech in some cases, so I think it could have been left out as the arbiter of whether FAIR is a hate group. Yes, FAIR is a hate group, but I don't particularly care what the SPLC has to say.
SPLC casts an overly wide net and have, at least on one occasion, been on the losing end of a defamation lawsuit.