Thank you once again for your clear reporting, free from hyperbole, free from artificial drama, and free from indignation. This allows me to make my own decisions, so I can express my own moral outrage when it will be of value to our larger community.

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Obviously republicans haven’t found their “bottom” yet. As I told a friend yesterday, I wouldn’t vote for a republican if Hell were to freeze over.

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1. Facebook is lying? Shocking!

2. Republican voters are sheep? Bah!

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More like "baa," right? ;)

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I had forgotten about the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth", but yeah, I guess that the attacks on Colonel Vindman are part and parcel with what Republicans will do to manipulate the public and keep power (which is to say, everything and anything). However, what is more damaging is that in today's polarized news climate, where a huge chunk of the public gets its news from one source (and that would be Fox News), these attacks are even more effective.

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