I would never risk my child’s life because a maniacal President ordered her back to school in the middle of an out of control epidemic.

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I’m with you. We had a discussion with the kids and there were too many unknowns so we opted for virtual learning. The schools gave parents the option of in school full time or virtual learning. As a former educator, good luck with kids being able to social distance and keep a mask on at any time.

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Schools can't even control head lice let alone Coronavirus. Smh 🤦🤦

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Lib, you can add DeVos to your list. If loathing, hating, and despising could kill, both of these subhumans would have long been dead. But all that hating sucks up precious energy that I can better use doing other things. Right now I have no control over trump, DeVos or anyone else in his rotten-to-the-core administration but I can work to get them tossed out in November. I’m keeping getting thru all of this nightmare down to what can be done today. My heart breaks for parents who are still working and who are now wondering how to educate their children either at home or in dangerous schools. It’s the same for parents who find themselves unemployed, broke, possibly facing homelessness and having to somehow make it until the next meal and facing the fact that their children won’t be able to continue their education at all. And what do you do as a parent or a grandparent who voted for this catastrophe in the first place and who now have to put your children or grandchildren at risk because of your vote. If you’re rich, no sweat. But that’s damn few of the millions of people here in this pesthole of a failing and flailing country right now. Where are the millions of outraged people who should be raising holy hell in DC right now? Millions of women marched after his election. Millions marched again a year after. If ever there needed to be another march, this is the time. Right now.

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Why is there not a national teacher strike to push back on this craziness??? Where is the voice of the American Federation of Teachers???

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It got swallowed up by right-to-work states and the SCOTUS decision in 2018. Not to mention which, the NEA and AFT are still playing Dueling Banjos.

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I truly hate trump so very very much I can barely stand it

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The Republicans are unquestioned masters of using crises such as this one to bludgeon the Democrats during political campaigns. As horribly calculating and cold as this is, the Democrats need to weaponize this and make ad after ad hammering Trump and every Republican Senator up for re-election about this issue. These ads need to be nasty, and they need to be non-stop. Beat the Republicans at their own game.

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This inept administration stocked with 'the best people possible' is floundering. How is there even one person in this country that still supports the brain-dead orange loser in the White House? I'm seriously asking. It is so incredibly sad that half of the United States is so dumb. Let's trust trump, the self proclaimed expert on anything, over actual scientists...It's mind blowing.

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From the perspective of a tyrant, educating the people is a dangerous idea.

On the other hand, from the behavior I see around me every day, Americans have somehow avoided being educated. In fact, they're only dimly aware of their surroundings. They can barely remember the mindless mush they placate themselves w/ on the "idiot box" every-single-night.

Maybe this is what we deserve: For all the local Elections we may have ignored; for all the intolerance we tolerated; for believing, somehow, the GOP had their hearts in the right place--even though their mouths were always in the wrong place; and for just going along with everyone else in a massive self-aggrandizing fantasy. I hope, if America survives Trump; we learn _something_. And if it doesn't, America will be a cautionary tale for history books.

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Don't forget all of the bailout money going to churches that don't pay taxes. How much of that money is going towards indoctrinating children.

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