Heh, they are just following a family tradition. Koch built oil refineries in Russia in the 20's and 30's and for Nazi Germany built refineries that made airplane fuel. (Their late 30's slogan was, "The Battle of Britian - partially brought to you by Koch Industries.")

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Thanks to Jane Mayer's superb book, Dark Money, we can be well-informed on just what the Koch Industries contribute to life on the planet: destruction for the earth, money for them, selfish disregard as a winning strategy. The inside cover of the hard cover copy of Mayer's book maps the history of their wealth and business very clearly.

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Yes Valerie, and the shameless connections and direct undermining of our democracy with all of the Koch efforts against voters rights with funding of the right wing legislation at the State level across the country, the buying off of Manchin to oppose voters rights, etc. And for all Americans and those Catholics among us it must be exposed how Koch has funded the Heritage Foundation and anti-abortion groups to pound away at Biden and undermine him just when he needs our utmost support in the Ukraine situation. Like Trump, Koch is one that Putin is trying to depend upon for their fascist, anti-democratic tendencies to further the undermining of the West!

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Will put the book on my list, thanks for mentioning it.

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(Just realize that the soft cover doesn't have that descriptive chart on the Koch family wealth history--the library copy had it.)

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Great report, Judd!

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Great reporting on the corrupt Koch supply chain. It's worth noting Koch has significant refining operations, which they'll likely defend from sanctions as well as the proposed windfall tax in the US. Regional refineries play a major role in retail gas/diesel pricing since they are few in number and influence local distribution.

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Koch Industries is the PREMIER example of the Corporate Disease that infects the US economy and political status.

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What I take from this is that the Koch’s are nothing but Quislings. ..

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With money in tv programming an colleges & universities!

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Yes, Koch contributed millions to Catholic University of America where someone stole a pieta-like painting (it depicted a Black man) from in front of the law library after an article against it by the Heritage Foundation.

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Keep calling these amoral hypocrites out, Judd. It may seem pointless at times (another reader commented that Koch is boycott-proof), but in the end, shedding light on what is hidden will help drive out darkness everywhere.

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Koch will do as he pleases when it comes to Russia. He cares not one whit for public sentiment on the issue, since his businesses are a different animal than say McDonalds. He doesn't sell burgers to a large group of consumers here at home who may decide to forego a Big Mac if they don't like what the company is doing or not doing when it comes to Russia. He sells products and services to other businesses here and around the world. He is boycott proof and therefore pretty much bullet proof when it comes to the court of public sentiment.

Calling him and his business out on this issue is fine. But don't expect any response to public opinion. The only thing that will affect what he does about doing business in Russia is government action in the form of sanctions, or the business climate caused by economic conditions in Russia. Nothing more should be expected from a man who believes government's only real and valid function is to protect private property...his private property.

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It's true, their evil reaches deep and wide, but there are a handful of products I've stopped buying because of their ties to these monsters. Here's a small list, but these are a start if you're interested in boycotting:

Here are a list of companies and industries in which the Koch brothers own a stake:

-Paper Products: Angelsoft, Brawny, Dixie, Mardi Gras, Quilted Northern, Soft n Gentle, Sparkle, Vanity Fair

-Wood: Georgia-Pacific (largest plywood manufacturer in US – also owns most of the paper companies above).

-Textiles & Plastics: Polarguard, Stainmaster, Dacron, Lycra, CoolMax/SolarMax, Thermolite, and more.

-Chemicals, Coal, & Oil: Crude oil processing, Flint Hills Resources, lots of other commodities handled.

-Nitrogen: One more reason to make your own fertilizer – Koch Industries produces many synthetic fertilizers.

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He mainly supports Republicans, so defeating Republican politicians & those on the take is the first step to a fairer and more responsible corporate taxation and regulation system.

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Excellent news about affecting Disney decision with your reporting! Congratulations!

Koch is another danger billionaire who needs to go! His damn tentacles are in way too many industries. This includes his agenda control over smaller universities and colleges who need financial help. He donates generously for a reason! It is sickening.

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Koch is mightily responsible for the right wing Supreme Court along with Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society!

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Michael J Lee - Sorry to disagree, but there are a huge number of conservatives and moderates who were tired of "social change" being rammed down their throats by governments, educators and large corporations whose stance you agree with. That is who is responsible for, as you call it, "the right wing Supreme Court." Rather than being disturbed or angered by opposing views/beliefs, it would be refreshing if liberals and progressives would work more at persuading fellow Americans to embrace their belief system.

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What part of social change are you referring too? If it has to do with our progressive taxation system (before Trump exempted corporations & higher income earners) that financed our wars, countries we defeated, public educational institutions, infrastructure, and a rising middle-class, or the expansion and protection of of voting votes than you are wrong. The majority of Americans approve of these progressive ideas, including abortion rights, social security, medicare, competition over monopoly,and the very idea of a more perfect union through a democracy, etc.

Of course, people like Koch thinks these progressive ideas are "being rammed down their throat" because they are infantile or as they call it libertarian. They hate the common good, democracy, and paying into our former progressive income system - the one that actually helped to make America better. They spent some of their chump change to ensure they have the final say vs. the idea of one person, one vote. One day the SCOTUS will reverse the idea that corporations are people and money is speech. In the meantime, we all have an obligation to fight back against Koch's quasi-governmental organization he built, purchased and owns.

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Sounds like you voted for Trump! That says everything!

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Did you mean impose sanctions instead of oppose

Congratulations on moving Chapek at DIS

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It’s hard to believe Koch Industries & their subsidiaries are putting profits above the thousands of human lives being devastated and even eliminated by Putin. /sarcasm

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Excellent reporting as usual.

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I know Koch is evil and all, but lots of folks on the left and right question whether all-out sanctions on Russia are the right strategy, and whether cutting them off from the world economy is going to lead to peace. Others blame NATO and the US for the problem in the first place (I disagree). And, still others raise the issue of the danger posed by a handful of social media and tech monopolists who have the power to destroy lives half a world away by canceling services. All I'm saying is that the position that anyone who refuses to participate in the isolation of Russia is a pariah is an opinion, that's all, and there are other defensible opinions out there among people committed to peace.

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congratulations on the shout out you got on Last Week Tonight!

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Thank you for your research and outreach into exactly what Koch is doing. No matter how much power they have, we know that exposure of the truth is more powerful.

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Your last report on Koch Industries in Russia was in March of 2022. As I recall, there was an update that Koch was terminating its Russian operations. However, an article I read today in the NYT.com didn't mention Koch as one of the major U.S. or European based companies that terminated doing business in Russia:


Do you have an update on the status of Koch's Russian operations?

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Is there any evidence Koch stopped doing business in Russia, as Popular Info reported as their position?

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