That Kroger is a repeat offender on Popular Information suggests its problems betray a toxic corporate culture. Whether it's Kroger or Starbucks, though, that these companies have to keep "backtracking" on policies indicates a backwards set of priorities or at least a shocking lack of awareness.

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You "stole" my comment! ;-)

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Until Kroger starts paying a living wage with adequate PTO and other benefits, they are bigots in their claim of supporting BLM. Their grossly inflated compensation for their top tier is hideous and the main reason why we are fighting. Their pay policy for workers is racist! In most states where they operate, the minimum wage is around $8 an hour. It's slave wages that they are paying to their slaves. Keep calling them out!!!!!

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Let be try to defend Kroger.


Yeah, nothing there. They're awful. During the height of the open carry demonstrations, Target was asked by customers to keep weapons out their stores. The Target board voted to establish company-wide policy that required store managers to approach folks with weapons and ask them to leave the weapons outside. Not that Target is ever a hero, but in this case, they did the right thing. Kroger? "We will comply with all local laws."

Years later, Kroger finally put out a statement asking people to not bring their openly carried weapons into their stores (9-2019). Courage in action. Not.

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Kroger(and subsidiaries)seem to be “All hat, no cattle”.

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