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Alex Burns on NYTimes Daily this morning said that polling in key states like Florida and Wisconsin was likely overestimated and even the campaigns were trying to tell media that their data was showing much closer margins. Had no idea and thought that was interesting.

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If journalists consistently tried to follow up on leads and dig into facts by consulting a Ouija board, how long would it take for you to disregard what they report (and cancel your subscriptions)? Polling stories are poison, especially when delivered as “this new twist just in.” Why do we think that predicting the future is a job for a news organization? NYT handled it especially poorly this week. 538 four years ago, Upshot this year - they are selling us an addictive mind-altering framework, not evidence. Polling is a tool in campaigners’ toolbox, I get that. But look at us consumers, handing horserace-paradigm journalists the keys to our brains.

Polls are crack for quants. Let’s all detox.

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