If it makes ya feel better then those veterans groups were at least tangentially related to a likely fascist-plot to overthrow FDR called the Business Plot. Should check it out if ya aren't aware of it.
Thomas Frank is a hell of an author and I really appreciate the work he's been doing lately on populism and the turn of the century Popu…
If it makes ya feel better then those veterans groups were at least tangentially related to a likely fascist-plot to overthrow FDR called the Business Plot. Should check it out if ya aren't aware of it.
Thomas Frank is a hell of an author and I really appreciate the work he's been doing lately on populism and the turn of the century Populist Party centered in states like Kansas, Nebraska, Georgia, etc. They were very progressive for the time and numerous chapters included former-slaves and women (Jim Crow laws are viewed by some as a means to divide the burgeoning union of working class whites and blacks developing at the time). The party did quite well in the 1892 election, but chicanery carried out by the monopolists, Dems/GOP and state officials really worked to break any power that had been established. As such by 1904 or so they were non-existent.
As a side note, later on in the 20's and 30's Huey Long seemed to do really well all over Louisiana as a (blatantly corrupt mind you) economically, and in some ways socially, progressive FDR-style Democrat. I don't know if any politicians, never mind Democratic politicians, around today have the balls to pull off a Huey Long though.
Thanks, I am quite aware of that which you mention and more. The treatment of Huey Long by the establishment is indication of the power and visceral fear that they have of progressive populists.
Yeh Huey was corrupt, what politician isn't. Any that leave office with more than they entered is corrupt, either taking it under the table or using their position to trade on inside knowledge.
The powers that be, are hyperbolic as regards Huey's sins, that we don't know or pay attention to his policies and facts that he laid out.
The victors do indeed write the history.
Voltaire said that all of ancient history is no more than commonly accepted myth, to which I add we are bound together by myths. Independent research and critical thinking. Cast these foundation myths in a completely different light.
I'll keep it short here, but am completely in agreement. Huey was just willing to admit that he expected something in return either for himself, his political allies, or his state when he was negotiating with business interests or the feds (or as is likely the powerful criminal syndicates based in Louisiana especially at the time). There is a very weird media narrative sometimes pushed by outlets like CNN, NYT, WaPo, etc. that one owes their vote to liberal politicians like Biden or Hillary with no expectation of anything in return for their "selfless service." That's not politics, never has been, never will be.
Voltaire was very astute when he said that and I agree. Don't get me started on national mythology, influence of foundation and structure through time, narrative building, or the insanely flawed idea of American exceptionalism. To paraphrase Faulkner, we're never done with the past, hell the past isn't even the past...especially when we keep digging it up and rewriting based on the personal whims of the powerful.
P.S. If anyone wants even just two examples of corruption greater than the likes of Huey Long would dare dream (or probably even see as slightly justifiable in any sense), just look at the F-35 development project, and additionally the legislation to deregulate the derivatives market passed at the end of the Clinton administration...with special help from Joseph Robinette Biden.
If it makes ya feel better then those veterans groups were at least tangentially related to a likely fascist-plot to overthrow FDR called the Business Plot. Should check it out if ya aren't aware of it.
Thomas Frank is a hell of an author and I really appreciate the work he's been doing lately on populism and the turn of the century Populist Party centered in states like Kansas, Nebraska, Georgia, etc. They were very progressive for the time and numerous chapters included former-slaves and women (Jim Crow laws are viewed by some as a means to divide the burgeoning union of working class whites and blacks developing at the time). The party did quite well in the 1892 election, but chicanery carried out by the monopolists, Dems/GOP and state officials really worked to break any power that had been established. As such by 1904 or so they were non-existent.
As a side note, later on in the 20's and 30's Huey Long seemed to do really well all over Louisiana as a (blatantly corrupt mind you) economically, and in some ways socially, progressive FDR-style Democrat. I don't know if any politicians, never mind Democratic politicians, around today have the balls to pull off a Huey Long though.
Thanks, I am quite aware of that which you mention and more. The treatment of Huey Long by the establishment is indication of the power and visceral fear that they have of progressive populists.
Yeh Huey was corrupt, what politician isn't. Any that leave office with more than they entered is corrupt, either taking it under the table or using their position to trade on inside knowledge.
The powers that be, are hyperbolic as regards Huey's sins, that we don't know or pay attention to his policies and facts that he laid out.
The victors do indeed write the history.
Voltaire said that all of ancient history is no more than commonly accepted myth, to which I add we are bound together by myths. Independent research and critical thinking. Cast these foundation myths in a completely different light.
I'll keep it short here, but am completely in agreement. Huey was just willing to admit that he expected something in return either for himself, his political allies, or his state when he was negotiating with business interests or the feds (or as is likely the powerful criminal syndicates based in Louisiana especially at the time). There is a very weird media narrative sometimes pushed by outlets like CNN, NYT, WaPo, etc. that one owes their vote to liberal politicians like Biden or Hillary with no expectation of anything in return for their "selfless service." That's not politics, never has been, never will be.
Voltaire was very astute when he said that and I agree. Don't get me started on national mythology, influence of foundation and structure through time, narrative building, or the insanely flawed idea of American exceptionalism. To paraphrase Faulkner, we're never done with the past, hell the past isn't even the past...especially when we keep digging it up and rewriting based on the personal whims of the powerful.
P.S. If anyone wants even just two examples of corruption greater than the likes of Huey Long would dare dream (or probably even see as slightly justifiable in any sense), just look at the F-35 development project, and additionally the legislation to deregulate the derivatives market passed at the end of the Clinton administration...with special help from Joseph Robinette Biden.