Got to love this gem:

"The audit is a circus being conducted by a conspiracy theorist who claimed Trump won Arizona and other states."

I laughed out loud because it was SO refreshing to see the truth stated with no apologies, and not sandwiched between rote repetition of both sides' tired talking points.

Keep it up, Judd!

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Who woulda thunk I would've ever supported Liz Cheney in anything. 2021 finds us amongst strange bedfellows. She spoke out, a woman, and the mighty Trump hand had her smacked down by his Storm Troopers. It is hard knowing she turned on her Gay sister, not thinking that the chickens have come home to roost on Liz. However, she was one of few bold enough to speak out against the tyranny in the party her father so slyly crafted. Two decades ago, the beginning of what turned in to this damn mess.

" You are for us or against us, we must support the president..." Dick Cheney and Karl Rove, with W Bush bumbling along following their lead right down the road leading to 2021 and a democracy in crisis. The irony of it is palpable.

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Liz still toted the former guy’s water far too long for me to put her up on the MSM’s pedestal. I’m thinking she counted the noses of all disaffected and stranded Republicans out here and decided to finally make her move. She sucked political milk from Dick’s teats so I don’t trust her for a minute. She’s moving to run for pres in 2024 thinking her possible opponent will be Kamala Harris. What thinkest thou you Cathy?

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I think you are right. When I said "slyly crafted by Dick Cheney" my opinion is we both are right. Unless he is senile, I smell Dick Cheney in this move.

"Sucked political milk from Dick's teats."

Great sentence. Truth.

Bravo on the cut to the chase response.

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We belong to a mutual admiration society.

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Indeed we could be a hell on wheels duo.

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The real traitors to democracy and America are right here in front of us: Republicans. How about 2016 when Trump begged for foreign interference on national TV and then got it from Russia? It's like these loony toons live in fantasy land where they believe if they repeat a lie long enough, it becomes fact. Please continue to call out these traitors to democracy at every turn. We cannot allow this ridiculous circus of traitors to win back the white house in four years. Trump and his criminal family better not get anywhere near government ever again.

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All of which is parroted and amplified by Faux News and even the so-called "liberal" media, who still mostly refuse to call it a lie. WaPo's expo of the origins of the lie refer to it as a "myth", which just makes people think of a running gag from The Muppet Movie.

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It is frustrating to think about how many liars and fools there are in both our government and country. I do not like sharing air with the millions of people who gave, and will give, these frauds their votes. The lies just flow freely and there is absolutely no fear of repercussions. These are strange times.

Peaceful protestors? People died. Oh, and the rioters built a gallows, you don't need a whole lot more evidence to prove that peace wasn't on their minds.

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I'm living in Dystopia.

In other news, it was nice seeing your video clip the other day.

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