Things that Republicans don't want in schools: Any stories about same-sex relationships, gender identity or any information that might indicate that this country's history is anything but sunshine, roses and unicorns.

Things that Republicans apparently DO want in schools: Guns.

That sum it up accurately?

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There is a deep irony that children are not protected from death and terror by gun legislation, or from disease and death by paper masks, all because these things interfere with personal autonomy. And yet, somehow it is permissible to restrict access to information?

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Rape and incest are serious sexual crimes and perversions. If this bill passes, every single copy of the Bible needs to be pulled from shelves and locked up.

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Indeed, look what they are pushing on our kids.

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Removing all medical textbooks, anatomy books (Oh, those graphic depictions!)…and of course the scandalous National Geographic magazines of my youth with color photos of indigenous people without western clothing. There is a bigger mental health problem in the US than we imagined.

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My question. Why does , this perverse individual, Lefor of N Dakota, warrant the designation of ‘ most powerful’?

He has no base of knowledge about this topic other than his warped belief that’ its disgusting’ .

So I’m thinking in 2023,

We could all use a scientific approach to things that are this impactful on restriction of freedom .

Why as a society are we allowing ignorance to run the show?

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These anti-gay laws are obscene themselves, in multiple ways:

- their hatefulness toward human beings;

- their use, as in Florida, as a step toward fascist-style mind control;

- their total disregard of the meaning of words - banning all books that portray gender identity logically includes all books that portray any person or animal as conventionally male or female.

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Mike Lefor thinks we don't need books like the one which emphasizes communication and emotional maturity when it comes to sexuality. I wonder if he also thinks Brett Kavanagh was a fine upstanding citizen when he was in college.

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Massive boycotts. Massive economic sanctions. Massive political organization. Obviously “words” are inadequate.

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And, in the meantime, massive written requests to have the Bible removed from all libraries.

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Also because all religion is Myth. Nothing more than a very early attempt at mind control.

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I posted the liink to Judd's story on each of the corporations' social pages, asking why they supported book banning. Perhaps you could all do the same.

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Welp, there goes the romance novels also.

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Those Harlequin Romance books I read continuously as a teenager and through my 20s and 30s! Poof. My mom loved Danielle Steele. Guess she'd be banned too. The dumbing down of North Dakota and Florida.

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Also, it is quite clear that individual states need communal support from all over the US to wrestle this demon down! Corporations need to feel the pain from people all over the country in their obviously bottom line... financial boycott of their products.

This speaking out of support for human rights t of one side of their mouth and supporting dung piles like these legislators on the other side must be called out!

Reporting like this is so incredibly necessary and I am grateful for this work!

I send it to my family just so they, too will get the news which is so painfully absent in the main media sources!

I find that those with children are picking up their ears and getting riled up. Movement beyond anger must follow. Petitions to sign such as in Move On’s work are the easiest way to get people to help make waves to wash us all clean!

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All of the above comments are so right on!!!

So why are we correctly pinpointing the obvious delusional thinking of such Repugs and what we must do and not planning on how to make our response powerful enough to overcome self-puffing misguided ignorance?

One suggestion I have is for everyone to check out Michael Moore’s 12 days advice as to how to reassert and grow blue balls in a just and loving way politically. It’s on his Rumble podcast as well as on Substack.

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I wonder how such a 'moral, upstanding' man could possibly ACCEPT money from such corporations as those that purportedly CELEBRATE alternative "lifestyles." I mean, srsly, isn't he ashamed at taking what might be ill-gotten money from corporations that espouse such dangerous views publicly??

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Haven't these "retars" heard of something called the internet? Any and every publication found in any library can be found on the internet. They need to upgrade their "dog and pony" show to real dogs and real ponies.

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“He claimed that, when he grew up, ‘we didn't need things like this.’”

Perhaps if he’d had “things like this” growing up, he would understand that they only help make you a more educated, empathetic person and less likely to feel threatened by those he now perceives as “disgusting.”

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This caught my attention, too. People are terrified of what they don't know anything about. They refuse to even make an attempt to try and understand, so here we are.

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This is an amazing science story: the Puritans have been revived via secret cloning from bones.

I guess the only amendment these Puritans care about is the Second. This is straight out violation of the First Amendment.

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