For weeks, major American media organizations — including The Washington Post, Politico, and the New York Times — have possessed internal Trump campaign documents. What do these documents say? We don't know because all three outlets have declined to publish the documents — or excerpt a single sentence.
Not only can you cancel they'll refund you at prorated rate. Atleast that's what my experience was couple of years ago when I sent an email 😄 asking to unsubscribe and refund of remaining balance.
All of you who have cancelled NYT and WaPo subscriptions, where do you get your national news now? Iʻve got places to get world news, and my local paper still has a couple of actual reporters. But for basic national news? I cancelled NYT a while back, and the biggest reason I havenʻt yet cancelled WaPo is the advice columns. Are there any large cities with good papers that also cover national news? Iʻd love to hear anyoneʻs suggestions!
I’ve since cancelled my LA Times, Boston Globe & SF Chronicle digital subscriptions. LA Times owner is a Trump supporter & the editorial sane washing was a bridge too far. Boston Globe just got too expensive for a Digital subscription. SF Chronicle I subscribed to for years when I lived there. It’s just not relevant for me anymore.
Recommend the Guardian; it's not perfect, but it's non-profit and seems to do a good job reporting on Trump and Co.'s peccadillos. Don't subscribe to any American MSM, just independent journalists, nonprofits, etc.
The crooked media email evening newsletter every weekday.
The New Republic (TNR)
For daily am/pm news.
Propublica is one of the most valuable, their in-depth investigative reports on various issues. One example--one report was about prison labor and especially about women.
Center for American Progress (CAP).
Most of all if you're interested in watching the news then local NPR stations are reliable.
And off course over here
The Popular Information,
Pepperspectives by Prof.
David Pepper, Aaron Ruper's Public Notice,
Justin Rosario, The status Kuo by Jay Kuo. Saran Kendzior
Thete are more.....
I was introduced to Propublica by my 20 something son year ago.
I just wrote a letter to the editor to the WaPo using their form.
I don't even care about the hacked information -- it's the hypocrisy of having to hear about Hillary's emails, Hunter Biden's laptop and Ashley Biden's diary.
Legacy media has lit itself on fire. NYT has been garbage since they hand-waved Hitler. WaPo became just another Murdoch outlet. Politico, Puck, etc.-hacks. They should be aggressively shredded, all day, every day, because they deserve it.
We call it corporate media, and I got out of my subscriptions to NYT and WaPo last December, when I decided that whatever was positive was outweighed by the fact that they seem incapable of covering this election with the appropriate gravitas. Robert Hubbell said today that the press has clearly decided that helping to make this election a horse race sells them more papers, and honestly, if Trump wins, I for one will have Schadenfreude over him shutting them all down. Even Fox News cannot count on Trump supporting their continued existence. Trump has Truth Social, I expect that will be the only news platform left in town. I personally think there should be ratings on postings, and what is on his platform should all be X-rated for the violence of the content alone. No one under 18 should be allowed to access the vileness, in fact, no one under 30 should. Between 24-30 most people's brains are still growing in their frontal lobe, the part responsible for executive functioning, in other words, exercising good judgment. Instead these sites are hetting up 14-year-olds, whose shit for brains parents give them AR-15 rifles for presents. I have been saying, if Trump wins, the title of the book describing this election should be The US Corporate Media: The Making of a President. They are making him a viable candidate, when nothing else should be.
It's hard to believe that the United States, with its global influence, vast economy, and powerful military, has had someone like Trump as president—and that he could potentially hold the office again. How can a nation of this size and stature have someone of such low character even running for public office, let alone the presidency? What does it say about the Americans who would support such a person who can be described only by a long list of pejoratives?
Is says that starting a country off on a foundation of White Supremacy seems to be hard to shake. Better to have some more lofty ideas and people if you want to have a loftier nation. Our old constitution is wearing out. We need a more modern one, and a court that is required to uphold it, which this one is clearly not required to or going to.
I remember how angering it was to have those emails released (dripped) in 2016. It's like the media felt like they had an obligation to manipulate the campaign for their own benefit. Shameful then. Shameful now to take an opposite stance.
Yeah, it's a glaring double standard. I don't doubt that misogyny is a big part of the reason, but I think it's also the matter of major outlets going soft on Trump, whether it's to avoid accusations of bias, because they already have so much to fact-check with him, or that they think it won't matter to his core audience. Regardless, it's an abrogation of duty.
Afraid of being bankrupted by endless litigation against them. Trump uses the law as his personal praetorian guard. The worst part is that they blindly, stupidly or willingly let him.
It’s about money. Don’t be fooled. It’s always about money. They are nothing without their money. And of course they need their power. But money comes first.
They really are the Dirty Rats Department, aren't they? Or should that read the Lying Hounds Department? Anyone reading this edition who still has a subscription to the NYT or WaPo should be writing letters to the editors calling them out for their double standards and duplicity and informing them that the writer's subscription will stop unless the editorial boards reverse their decision. And get their sisters and their cousins and their aunts to do the same.
Good idea. Will do so later today. Be be prepared, I've written Post editors and reporters in the past and never get any response. I guess they only respond to fawning praise.
I'm sure that's right. By contrast, I've written to Mother Jones journalists occasionally and always had friendly, informative replies. But then I would expect that.
Corporate media is just it to enrich the owners and shareholders without regard to ethics or truth. Murdoch started the trend and others (i.e., WaPo, NYT, CNN, Politico) have since fully embraced the profit-driven model in support of a candidate who they think will help their bottom line. There is simply no reason to believe anything they offer because it's become so tainted by their bottom-line politics.
We may as well damage our minds with the "great works" of Tucker Carlson, Steve Bannon, heck, even Newt Gingrich; and there's the old grifter himself, who is presently selling a coffee table book with photos of his most heroic moments to go with the gold shoes and cheesy bible. I mean, MTG wrote a book, so the written word is clearly up for sale. Avoiding any contribution to corporate media is one of my goals, unless I get to call them out for their grift, which I do when I can (but then I'm nobody, so...).
Corporate media is desperate to keep the visibly decompensating Trump in the game. They will protect him at all costs by sitting on embarrassing hacked emails and by sanewashing his vicious, racist, hate filled rants. And it's working. They've driven Harris down and lifted Trump up at least in the eyes of the old white people who answer polls. It's going to suck for them when, after a Trump victory, he throws them in the same camps as Trump's enemies.
I’m glad you’re doing the job you’re doing. Not only because trad media has consistently shown itself to be in the pockets of big business, but also because I can ask the most ridiculous question that popped into my head when reading this: did Podesta share his risotto recipe with you?
I have 40 years of experience working with/ observing journalists. Two truisms. First, they believe they are the smartest in the room. Second, they don't admit mistakes.
The media is owned by trump supporters. They have monopolized ownership of media, newspapers etc. They work for trump & the Fascist agenda. So let’s stop pretending they aren’t doing their jobs! They ARE doing their jobs because the owners are trump supporters. Pun has interfered here as well. After we elect Harris, we must demand action against this dangerous control of the media.
While I knew major corporate media had a "change of policy" about not leaking these mails, your comparative details about their massive and sustained reporting on Clinton-Podesta emails hit home how these news outlets have given Trump the "benefit of the doubt" for a long time. The fact that they've chosen NOT to apologize to Clinton publicly makes that continued bias very clear. To put it mildly, these important publications show us that the Fourth Estate has lost its compass. Maddening!
I am in favor of major US newspapers deciding NOT to release hacking done to US elections by foreign hostile nations. No matter what they decided in 2016, what is going on right now will hopefully be guided by increased integrity.
I woud suspect that we who have watched a great deal of news coverage, read various substacks, and have our curiosity alert may already perceive JD Vance's vunerabilities. I am pleased that the DOJ has revealed more about Russia's espionage of pumping false news and Russian propaganda through the news outlet in Tennessee. I want to learn more about what WE know in this area of foreign hostile actions that affect our elections.
This is why I prefer to get my news from teeny little outlets like yours. Real journalism is not found in giant outlets anymore, with a very few exceptions. Thank you for all your hard work!
I do not understand why the major media organizations are not challenging Trump. They are not fact checking in real time; not asking questions during "news conferences", not calling him out on his obvious lies. I don't understand.
It's about money; media organizations are corporations owned by billionaires and they are hoping that "one of their own" will help them expand their already inordinate wealth.
Outrageous. I canceled my NYT subscription a couple of weeks ago and will cancel my WaPo subscription today. Last straw.
And when you do, please make sure they understand exactly why you're cancelling. As should everyone else cancelling.
sure wish i had not let my wash post subscription renew in august. i do need to write them that i am not happy about this decision they made.
Not only can you cancel they'll refund you at prorated rate. Atleast that's what my experience was couple of years ago when I sent an email 😄 asking to unsubscribe and refund of remaining balance.
Mona, you're absolutely correct. I did this too!
I already canceled both subscriptions several months ago.
I cancelled NYT about 5 years ago and WaPo a couple of months ago, but the subscription runs to the end of the year. No refunds.
All of you who have cancelled NYT and WaPo subscriptions, where do you get your national news now? Iʻve got places to get world news, and my local paper still has a couple of actual reporters. But for basic national news? I cancelled NYT a while back, and the biggest reason I havenʻt yet cancelled WaPo is the advice columns. Are there any large cities with good papers that also cover national news? Iʻd love to hear anyoneʻs suggestions!
The Gaurdian is a good replacement.
LA Times; Boston Globe; SF Chronicle; Judd; AP; Reuters…
Plenty of other sources. Honestly, nobody should get ALL their news from a single source.
I’ve since cancelled my LA Times, Boston Globe & SF Chronicle digital subscriptions. LA Times owner is a Trump supporter & the editorial sane washing was a bridge too far. Boston Globe just got too expensive for a Digital subscription. SF Chronicle I subscribed to for years when I lived there. It’s just not relevant for me anymore.
Recommend the Guardian; it's not perfect, but it's non-profit and seems to do a good job reporting on Trump and Co.'s peccadillos. Don't subscribe to any American MSM, just independent journalists, nonprofits, etc.
I have signed up for various newsletters and receive them through emails. Brian Tyler Cohen also has youtube channel and podcast.
The crooked media email evening newsletter every weekday.
The New Republic (TNR)
For daily am/pm news.
Propublica is one of the most valuable, their in-depth investigative reports on various issues. One example--one report was about prison labor and especially about women.
Center for American Progress (CAP).
Most of all if you're interested in watching the news then local NPR stations are reliable.
And off course over here
The Popular Information,
Pepperspectives by Prof.
David Pepper, Aaron Ruper's Public Notice,
Justin Rosario, The status Kuo by Jay Kuo. Saran Kendzior
Thete are more.....
I was introduced to Propublica by my 20 something son year ago.
I watch Brian Tyler Cohen also on his You Tube Channel. Clear, concisive diction and clear delivery of facts. A DECENT Journalist.
NY Times and Washington Post are not expensive subscriptions. Like $40 a year I when I last subscribed to Washing Post.
Boston Globe is $27 a month and Miami Herald is $40 a month. I can’t afford over $300 a year for a newspaper.
I just wrote a letter to the editor to the WaPo using their form.
I don't even care about the hacked information -- it's the hypocrisy of having to hear about Hillary's emails, Hunter Biden's laptop and Ashley Biden's diary.
Publish it you cowards.
Legacy media has lit itself on fire. NYT has been garbage since they hand-waved Hitler. WaPo became just another Murdoch outlet. Politico, Puck, etc.-hacks. They should be aggressively shredded, all day, every day, because they deserve it.
We call it corporate media, and I got out of my subscriptions to NYT and WaPo last December, when I decided that whatever was positive was outweighed by the fact that they seem incapable of covering this election with the appropriate gravitas. Robert Hubbell said today that the press has clearly decided that helping to make this election a horse race sells them more papers, and honestly, if Trump wins, I for one will have Schadenfreude over him shutting them all down. Even Fox News cannot count on Trump supporting their continued existence. Trump has Truth Social, I expect that will be the only news platform left in town. I personally think there should be ratings on postings, and what is on his platform should all be X-rated for the violence of the content alone. No one under 18 should be allowed to access the vileness, in fact, no one under 30 should. Between 24-30 most people's brains are still growing in their frontal lobe, the part responsible for executive functioning, in other words, exercising good judgment. Instead these sites are hetting up 14-year-olds, whose shit for brains parents give them AR-15 rifles for presents. I have been saying, if Trump wins, the title of the book describing this election should be The US Corporate Media: The Making of a President. They are making him a viable candidate, when nothing else should be.
It's hard to believe that the United States, with its global influence, vast economy, and powerful military, has had someone like Trump as president—and that he could potentially hold the office again. How can a nation of this size and stature have someone of such low character even running for public office, let alone the presidency? What does it say about the Americans who would support such a person who can be described only by a long list of pejoratives?
Is says that starting a country off on a foundation of White Supremacy seems to be hard to shake. Better to have some more lofty ideas and people if you want to have a loftier nation. Our old constitution is wearing out. We need a more modern one, and a court that is required to uphold it, which this one is clearly not required to or going to.
It says that FOX News, and its smaller imitators, are a clear and present danger to American Democracy.
WaPo, NYT and the rest of the MSM may be right-of-center, but Right-wing media are an alternative facts propaganda nightmare.
Excellent essay, thanks soooo much!
I remember how angering it was to have those emails released (dripped) in 2016. It's like the media felt like they had an obligation to manipulate the campaign for their own benefit. Shameful then. Shameful now to take an opposite stance.
Yeah, it's a glaring double standard. I don't doubt that misogyny is a big part of the reason, but I think it's also the matter of major outlets going soft on Trump, whether it's to avoid accusations of bias, because they already have so much to fact-check with him, or that they think it won't matter to his core audience. Regardless, it's an abrogation of duty.
Afraid of being bankrupted by endless litigation against them. Trump uses the law as his personal praetorian guard. The worst part is that they blindly, stupidly or willingly let him.
It’s about money. Don’t be fooled. It’s always about money. They are nothing without their money. And of course they need their power. But money comes first.
They really are the Dirty Rats Department, aren't they? Or should that read the Lying Hounds Department? Anyone reading this edition who still has a subscription to the NYT or WaPo should be writing letters to the editors calling them out for their double standards and duplicity and informing them that the writer's subscription will stop unless the editorial boards reverse their decision. And get their sisters and their cousins and their aunts to do the same.
Well done Popular Information!
I prefer the Dirty Rats option.
Good idea. Will do so later today. Be be prepared, I've written Post editors and reporters in the past and never get any response. I guess they only respond to fawning praise.
I'm sure that's right. By contrast, I've written to Mother Jones journalists occasionally and always had friendly, informative replies. But then I would expect that.
I have had some nice correspondence with Philip Bump of the Post. But editors? Nope.
Bump and Jennifer Rubin are why I keep my WaPo subscription, despite it's lurch back to right-of-center.
Corporate media is just it to enrich the owners and shareholders without regard to ethics or truth. Murdoch started the trend and others (i.e., WaPo, NYT, CNN, Politico) have since fully embraced the profit-driven model in support of a candidate who they think will help their bottom line. There is simply no reason to believe anything they offer because it's become so tainted by their bottom-line politics.
We may as well damage our minds with the "great works" of Tucker Carlson, Steve Bannon, heck, even Newt Gingrich; and there's the old grifter himself, who is presently selling a coffee table book with photos of his most heroic moments to go with the gold shoes and cheesy bible. I mean, MTG wrote a book, so the written word is clearly up for sale. Avoiding any contribution to corporate media is one of my goals, unless I get to call them out for their grift, which I do when I can (but then I'm nobody, so...).
Corporate media is desperate to keep the visibly decompensating Trump in the game. They will protect him at all costs by sitting on embarrassing hacked emails and by sanewashing his vicious, racist, hate filled rants. And it's working. They've driven Harris down and lifted Trump up at least in the eyes of the old white people who answer polls. It's going to suck for them when, after a Trump victory, he throws them in the same camps as Trump's enemies.
I’m glad you’re doing the job you’re doing. Not only because trad media has consistently shown itself to be in the pockets of big business, but also because I can ask the most ridiculous question that popped into my head when reading this: did Podesta share his risotto recipe with you?
I have 40 years of experience working with/ observing journalists. Two truisms. First, they believe they are the smartest in the room. Second, they don't admit mistakes.
The media is owned by trump supporters. They have monopolized ownership of media, newspapers etc. They work for trump & the Fascist agenda. So let’s stop pretending they aren’t doing their jobs! They ARE doing their jobs because the owners are trump supporters. Pun has interfered here as well. After we elect Harris, we must demand action against this dangerous control of the media.
While I knew major corporate media had a "change of policy" about not leaking these mails, your comparative details about their massive and sustained reporting on Clinton-Podesta emails hit home how these news outlets have given Trump the "benefit of the doubt" for a long time. The fact that they've chosen NOT to apologize to Clinton publicly makes that continued bias very clear. To put it mildly, these important publications show us that the Fourth Estate has lost its compass. Maddening!
I am in favor of major US newspapers deciding NOT to release hacking done to US elections by foreign hostile nations. No matter what they decided in 2016, what is going on right now will hopefully be guided by increased integrity.
I woud suspect that we who have watched a great deal of news coverage, read various substacks, and have our curiosity alert may already perceive JD Vance's vunerabilities. I am pleased that the DOJ has revealed more about Russia's espionage of pumping false news and Russian propaganda through the news outlet in Tennessee. I want to learn more about what WE know in this area of foreign hostile actions that affect our elections.
Ahhh, the sweet smell of hypocrisy.
This is why I prefer to get my news from teeny little outlets like yours. Real journalism is not found in giant outlets anymore, with a very few exceptions. Thank you for all your hard work!
You said it Meemaw. Got friends that wonder why I spend my money on these Substacks.
"Real journalism is not found in giant outlets anymore, with a very few exceptions."
That's why!!!!
I do not understand why the major media organizations are not challenging Trump. They are not fact checking in real time; not asking questions during "news conferences", not calling him out on his obvious lies. I don't understand.
It's about money; media organizations are corporations owned by billionaires and they are hoping that "one of their own" will help them expand their already inordinate wealth.
Corporate media is a more accurate label for them these days