President Biden IS old. But unlike his opponent, he is not crazy. Unlike his opponent, he is not a criminal. Unlike his opponent, he is NOT a profoundly stupid, stpuid, stupid, damaged thing.

And unlike his opponent, he has proven to be quite capable.

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Adam, I agree that President Biden is old. I am 75 years “old”. My husband, friends our age and I joke about “ remember when we were 40 and thought people 75 must be too over the hill to function”? President Biden has accomplished more in his term of office than orange man ever could even think of accomplishing. I see the difference in these two old white men as this: one wants to govern, the other wants to dictate and destroy our country. Voters have a real choice. Unfortunately, too many seem mesmerized by orange man’s rhetoric which makes him sound like he’s powerful. I believe he is nothing more than a bag of wind. MSM give him way too much attention. I pray for our country…every day. And I will work to get Joe Biden re-elected. I believe history will show he will be one of our best Presidents of all time!

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Sharon, all I can say to your well-reasoned reply is this; agreed!

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I'd rather have a president with 81 birthdays than 91 indictments.

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I too am counting on that whilst we count down the days. Less is more!

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And unlike his opponent, Biden has created an executive branch of professionals implementing policies. Not grifters seeking to destroy government for the benefit of friends and family.

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tfg had one of the most corrupt administrations America has ever seen and each member was a professional dedicated to the destruction of whatever department they were placed in charge of while enriching themselves and their circle at the same time.

Working smarter not harder, ammiright?


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Thank you for this entirely needed documentation. It’s manufactured and it’s dishonest.

Honestly trying to decide what to do with my subscriptions to the New York Times and to the Washington Post. Not just this incident alone, but of a piece.

My main things I enjoy are reading a whole pile of columnists, but at the same time… I can curate my actual readership thus a lot more, but I’m not sure that that’s enough.


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Rebecca, We feel the same way about our subscriptions to the NY Times and the Post. Increasingly the media is just....letting us down. (I want the days from my childhood back!) This endless 24 hour news cycle does nothing to serve the American public, whether they know it (and most do NOT) or not.

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I totally agree. I've written multiple letters to the editors of both NYT and WP criticizing their biased reporting against Biden, while normalizing Trump's behavior. After much thought I finally cancelled our subscription to the NYT and am thinking about doing the same for WP. It's just so frustrating as their are so many other aspects of both media outlets that I enjoy. Though money speaks, I doubt losing my subscription will make any difference.

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I cancelled my subscriptions to the NYT several years ago and to the WaPo early last year because of their biased reporting. It made me feel great! Just do it! And believe that it WILL make a difference. I usually check the home pages just to see what their latest controversy is, but I'm going to try to not even do that anymore.

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It feels so good to disconnect from the daily outrages and controversies. The stress melts away. Suddenly you can focus your time and attention on the things that matter. Magic!

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Canceled my subscription to both and am spending the money on president Biden's campaign instead!

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Same for me. I read Rubin, Milbank, Bump, and Petri, but no longer get the daily paper delivered, just Sunday. It's better for my blood pressure that I didn't see the 33 articles, just a couple.

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I too am trying to decide whether I want to keep subscribing to both you are mentioning so I know what they are feeding their audience. At least with the WaPo it is easy to write responses. With the NYT I have gotten my comments censored, or responded to with justification. Yes. I am critical of both publications and their oligarchic ownership. I have been complaining for months and months about how terrible and unbalanced their coverage is. I am still deciding what to say to an editor at the NYT about his response to my criticism of just this imbalance that you are documenting, so I will include this in my response. I can see that a lot of youth have worries about getting old. Thank you social media, which worships youth. However, my mom says, that "the alternative to getting old is worse." This editor looks so young in his picture that he looks like he should be in Little League not making decisions about how to cover an election. His actions affirm my assessment. I have been involved in more major elections than he has and choosing to discuss Biden's age over Trump's fascism, and now his advocating that Putin should war on our NATO allies in Europe is clearly beyond their ken! I do not feel that any of these papers show that they are up to the task of covering this election well. Too bad for us. I am currently living in Germany, where Democrats Abroad are very active, and in Germany radio and television coverage is paid for by the citizens, in a monthly bill to cover these costs. That makes it truly independent. In the USA when a NYT editor tells me his paper is independent, I think, poor guy does not even understand the meaning of the word, much as people living in the Soviet Union had a hard time understanding freedom after it supposedly ended. My 18- almost 19-year-old daughter is not bothered by Biden or Trump's age, she is bothered by Trump's actions and how depressed everyone was when he was president. No one seems to be talking about that. How about covering how many people were depressed during Trump's reign? My daughter remembers and is having none of that. https://www.vox.com/2021/1/28/22249273/trump-presidency-trauma-covid-19-2020-election

Many are still depressed because Trump is ruling by proxy through the idiots in the Republican party that are not leaders but sheep. He was not even elected and yet he refuses to let go. It is depressing, but not as depressing as if he gets back into the White House.

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I cancelled NYT many months ago and, sadly, it looks like WAPO is the next to go. The good news is that we have Substack with actual journalist like Judd. NYT and WAPO are just clickbait these days. What a shame.

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I canceled my NYT subscription this week. Not ready to do with WaPo, although it is just as great a destroyer of President Biden.

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Feb 12, 2024
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I completely agree. The Guardian and Reuters are my media choices. I am sick to death of The NY Times and WaPo Biden bashing. I must assume their readers enjoy authoritarian forms of governance. Enough!

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Agree, I cancelled my NYT subscription and started subscribing to The Guardian last fall.

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FAR SUPERIOR to the NYT, which became a serious embarrassment in 2016. Thank the NYT for Trump's first term. They are trying for a second.

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Ty, just found my new paper! Can you get a subscription or just donate and visit website each day?

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You can get it free, but I donate and get it with no ads.

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Me too

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Thank you! I will too.

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Feb 12, 2024
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Just downloaded!

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Wonderful, Ty!

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Thanks Left for this suggestion. I just signed up for a 1-month subscription to give it a test drive. First day I’m liking The Guardian quite a lot. Canceling NYT has been on my list for some time. This latest bullshit has pushed me over the edge. I’m pretty sure I will be canceling NYT and WaPo in this next month. Thanks again!

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Much better and balanced coverage. Kudos to you.

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Yep, it does a much better job.

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Yes, completely agree. The Guardian is also my go-to newspaper over the NYT and WP

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Thank you!

NYT&WAPO as well as other MSM are complicit: ‘but his age…’=‘but her emails.’

Strangely, they want TFG back, but seem unfazed that they would be the first to go if he returns.

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Thank you for pointing out who what when and where cause this Republican dominance of bias and distortion of our "News"! Both of our major candidates offer numerous examples of misspeaking and misremembering names correctly. Hur showed a despicable lack of justice by smearing an admirable man, and a cringe worthy low level of defamation.

But is it because Trump is louder, fatter, with his white skin and hair both dyed that he appears and sounds younger? How shallow our public can be! Sharp responses by Biden were welcome to witness, such as his retort to Steve Doocey.

When we observe the schedules and practical accomplishments of these men while in office there is obvious evidence that Biden has been an effective President, and Trump spent his time playing golf, boasting, and raising money in questionable ways.

We need an honest updating such as you provide in Popular Information.

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Unfortunately the Fox mouthpiece has been blowing to more Americans than less, as a newsource. Billionaires own most all I'd the newspapers mentioned, and the major video media. They have been conditioned to this narrative for almost 4 years. This earns big money, fits the GOP narrative and is another nail in the coffin of Democracy. You bet those papers did exactly what they are told to do by their publishers and boards

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Trump also has the "advantage" of friendly conservative pundits like this Glen Beck and his digital rag called The Blaze. Here is some of their mis-reportage:


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This has, indeed, been very disturbing. I don't understand how/why the Justice Dept allowed one of their special prosecutors to release a clearly political hit piece. I cancelled my WaPo subscription a while back because of the increasingly right slant of their articles, and had done so over a year ago with the NYT because of their failure to at least minimally fact-check what they publish. With the media, it's almost like a monied conspiracy to bring Trump back to power (am I getting paranoid?), but what explains the lapse on the part of Garland? It's just surreal.

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Read Sarah Kendzior for a real eye opener about what is going on. She is ...depressing for sure. But right on the money.

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She is on top of things, like her much and that is why I work on voter issues.

Sadly the Gaza war is influencing a lot of millenials. Tik Tok runs the Palestinian journalists appalling videos. Biden has a blackeye with their Generation. Dead children don't make good political videoes.

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The Gaza war should be influencing a lot of people... look, I agree that Biden has done a good job in general. I am an inveterate cynic, but when I set aside my too-high expectations, Biden has managed to impress me with domestic policy, cabinet choices, energy pragmatism...

It's really hard to maintain that support with what's happening in Gaza, however. I don't use TikTok, but the app is not the problem. The problem is that Pres. Biden declared that there are "no red lines" for Israel while they commenced a bombing campaign to rival Rolling Thunder in Vietnam, against a population with an average age of 18. Legacy media has been really shameful about it, too... when Putin does it in Ukraine, it's a war crime; when Israel does it with Biden's blessing, they minimize it or don't report it at all.

I'm not delusional enough to think a GOP president would be better, but it strains my conscience to vote for more of this.

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It wasn’t exactly with Biden’s blessing. He tried to do the criticism in private and did call for the 2 state solution, more aid to Gaza; no visas or guns for settlement extremists (many are Americans) and so on. Obama tried the criticism in public and it didn’t work either. Netanyahu and Putin are both waiting to see if the orange wonder returns. No one is thrilled about except likely a certain group of Republicans.

Netanyahu can’t end the war because he’ll lose his job and could wind up in prison. According to Haaretz yesterday — Gantz Holds Wide Lead Over Netanyahu in Polls; Current Coalition Faces Losing Majority, Gantz's National Unity Party polled with 37 seats and Netanyahu's Likud with 18 in two polls conducted by Israeli news outlets. The polling has indicated for some time that the Jewish Israelis don’t trust him. There are daily demonstrations with Israelis calling for him to resign.

Netanyahu created the foundation for this mess and it won’t be resolved until he is gone.

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Hm, interesting about Netanyahu. As for Biden, I don't really deal in intentions when it comes to politicians. He told Israel "no red lines" and hasn't walked it back, even as Israel bombs Gaza as though there are no red lines. That's enough for me.

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Drawing ‘red lines’ is problematic. Do you ever read Israeli news? Early on Biden insisted aid be allowed in Gaza and Netanyahu backed down. Some of his Cabinet were calling for opening a 2nd front in Lebanon & invasion. That hasn’t happened so far. The fatalities in Gaza have slowed as Biden and then other allies pushed back. There has been more action on the ground and less bombing. Now Netanyahu is getting desperate as public opinion which was divided is in the toilet.

The biggest problem is the alternative.

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The corporate media is desperate to keep Trump relevant and competitive. His mental decline is obvious. His physical decline is obvious. And we haven't even seen the meltdown that is coming when Engaron fines him millions and kills the family business. Or when SCOTUS rules that he is not immune. But none of it matters to the billionaires that control the major media. They want him in the game, if not in the White House because more than anything else, they want more tax cuts, more deregulation, and more repression of the masses. It's a disgrace.

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I 100% agree with your criticism , diagnosis and potential consequences there from. But short of cancelling my subscriptions to the NYT and WAPO and supporting you, any thoughts on how to rectify this very serious problem with what is laughingly referred to as "main stream media"?

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I have the same questions, though have cancelled both subscriptions. It really is a very serious problem!

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I have cancelled all but Wapo. I keep them only because of a few writers but the thrill is definitely gone away.

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I gave up subscriptions to both papers long ago. I have all the soap I need. My dollars go to SubStack writers I trust to stay informed.

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Who owns and runs these papers? This is the hand in hand republican billionaires doing what it can to destroy democracy. Isn’t it ironic the WP has the logo “Democracy dies in darkness” when that darkness is what they are spreading.

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Having turned to being a paid subscriber of WP a few years ago, it's wild to see how that moniker they adopted continues to be so far flung from how they operate on a day-to-day basis. That's why we are so insanely lucky to have folks like Judd and team bringing things to light and need to amplify the work daily!

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If it bleeds, it leads.... Cardinal rule of rag journalism. Bad news sells. Good news smells.

Sadly, since the MSM became money making centered, this is where the American Experiment is and how it will die...

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It's one thing to report on bleeding, quite another to have brought the knife. The key finding is that no criminal activity was found. That should have been the framing. And then a critique of the gratuitous "diagnosis". Reporters choose the frame around which to write stories beyond the police blotter pieces.

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Absolutely, Chris. Good points.

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I saw the headline for the Kolata article online on 2/10 with two other pieces about Biden’s so called memory issues. I read one of the articles first and when I went back to the front page the Kolata article was no longer there. Scrolling down it did not appear under Health section either. I had to search for “memory diagnosis” to find it.

I think Popular Information should challenge the NYT, Wapo and WSJ to publish this analysis in full. Everyone who reads my comment here and reads any of the above media outlets should look for opportunities to mention this PI post in relevant articles on those media

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Thank you for this documented proof of media bias. It's very frustrating. As we get closer to the election, we need factual, accurate reporting, particularly about Donald Trump and the Republican party. It looks like we are not going to get it other than from journalists like yourself. I hope our constitutional republic survives.

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This piece should be taught in journalism schools about media bias. You can’t read this article and not see it. Thanks Judd.

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I had hoped, even expected, that the absurdity of the “but her emails” narrative of 2016 would not be repeated in 2024. Wrong again.

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Each of those stories, even if there are statements about how the information is not accurate, serves to put doubt in people’s minds and build a negative narrative. How about a story comparing how we will fare with Trump in office? Literally, what will it look like? No laws to touch him, no checks and balances but plenty of anger, grievance and attacking of anyone he doesn’t like. A tanked economy because that’s what dictatorship leads to. Spell it out. I don’t think enough people are paying attention but it needs to be presented in basic terms. I he think he will stir up a civil war.

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Exactly! They (the stories) constitute an orchestrated strategy meant to distract the attention of the unwary and the foolish, aiming it squarely at superficialities like president Biden's occasional gaffes, age or his various work-arounds to counter a speech impedement, versus a verifiably crazy MF'r who will destroy this great nation for spite, whose actual criminality they (the dreaded MSM) refuse to give the same laser-focused attention to.

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I couldn't agree more with the comments below. The breathless headlines in large caps about Biden's memory over many days actually infuriated me. I have read extensively on the subject of memory loss, and being 75, have also had periodic lapses, particularly of names and places. However, I also believe my cognitive capabilities to handle complex concepts and undertake rigorous analysis is undimmed. If you look at Biden's actions in toto and think of all of the issues and crises he is obviously handling, the notion that he is a doddering old man is ridiculous. I wish he hadn't run again but the Hur report, as well media coverage are hit jobs. The media hasn't learned and is inexplicably giving Trump a pass yet again. The Atlantic has an excellent piece on the subject, and Glenn Kessler, the fact-checker supreme at the Washington Post, has a detailed analysis of the report and debunks almost all of it. (Why it was way down in the newspaper and not one of the featured articles also annoyed the heck out of me!) So, the capped, bolded quotes saying that Biden willfully kept documents and was essentially a doddering old man with memory issues and that a jury wouldn't convict because he would be sympathetic are completely erroneous. If I hadn't read Kessler's analysis section by section, I wouldn't have known that. Before, I was depressed, anxious and despairing. Now I add angry to the list.

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Kessler is almost always a hatchet man against Biden, so I'm shocked.

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