These companies are great at "talking". Let's see them put their billions in cash where their collectives mouths are and start funding anti-voter suppression election candidates.

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Sounds like the GOP is confused re: who's the feeding hand & who's the biting dog.

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It is the same GOP writing their voter supression laws now threatening the hands that have filled their pockets. They forget they pissed off 81 million Americans who voted and who fly on planes and drink Coca Cola and old gals like me have written a boycott letter to Coke, etc.

"What's the Question of the day, Alexa?" Who is in your wallet Coca Cola? The answer is A. The American public."

This smells of putrid Old man Trump and the great pushback and the likes of Bannon and Miller and perhaps dare I say it, Vlad Putin... It has a rather Russian former KGB odor.

With McConnell it would certainly fit. Russia has compromised so many of these GOP leaders. Yes I know not yet proven. But I can dream. Just so much corruption in the GOP.

Write to your Congressional reps, peeps and email the corps still giving money to corruption!

On a lighter note, I can't understand why NY hasn't released those Trump tax returns so we can see just how much money Deusch Bank loaned Trump to spend in Russia. LOL.

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Fabulous. So if corporations should not have a voice in politics, Citizens United has to be overturned. Let’s do it

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The Level of Hypocrisy has reached Everest proportions, do people truly not see it? Let's see the Corporate Money go to the Democrats now AND let's see the Corporations start to pay their fair share in TAXES if they really "care" about "fairness" and doing "the right thing"! Yet another great piece by Judd!

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I couldn’t agree more! They should pay for America’s continued good health and stability. That’s what makes them their money in the first place, dammit!

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McConnell’s pronouncement that corporations should stay out of politics made me laugh out loud (literally) even before I got to the part about how much money he has received through corporate donations. But seriously, after Citizens United, what did he expect? The dissent in that decision correctly pointed out the fallacious reasoning of the majority when it noted that “corporations can’t vote”. The current corporate advocacy trend is just the next logical step in that progression. Be careful what you wish for...

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Honestly Judd, I don't know how you have the stomach to pursue these forked-tongue hypocrites in Congress, but I am incredibly grateful that you do. Thank you.

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Corporations should start pulling out of Kentucky in response to McConnell’s shenanigans. Then maybe his constituents will realize that he’s a liability.

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Amen, the Nanosecond The Corporations start really taking action , his Followers will leave in droves...one would hope.

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I guess I was really naive. The outright, “you pay for us to be here and if you don’t agree we will punish you “ is just so amazingly blatant. I know it’s too much to hope for, but I sincerely hope this craven “pay me and I will enact laws to your benefit. Go against me and we will ruin you “ backfires in a major way.

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The media is complicit in all of this. Stop letting these republican cowards claim they're being cancelled. McConnell is king hypocrite. Now he doesn't think corporations have a place in politics?! He has zero credibility and I have no idea how or why anyone would want to work with him. I hope all these cowardly hypocritical republicans do what they're threatening and I hope all of their states lose income and various corporate headquarters as a result. Threatening corporations who don't support voter suppression is so incredibly on-brand for these posers. They are the most un-American people in the country while simultaneously calling themselves patriots. It is impossible to keep up with all of their bs and flip-flopping.

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I hope these companies are starting to realize that republicans are endangering their very existence. What they(republicans)giveth in tax breaks, they can also take away and they will. What would be really cool would be if these very same corporations would throttle their contributions entirely for an election or three or better yet, just all together. Big money skid greasing for deregulation or tax breaks isn’t healthy in the first place.

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Keep it up Judd! The Republicans are circling their wagons. No surprise that Mitch is leading the charge. What a hypocrite! Oh, wait, we already knew that. Just business as usual as far as he’s concerned.

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Assholes. They'll keep it up till they stumble into that ol' lake o' fire.

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Don’t I wish!

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State Farm insurance has large operations in GA, TX and AZ. I wondered if PI has asked them if they will take a stand?

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