The US border situation is not a humanitarian crisis, it's a crime scene -- unaccompanied children don't get to the border without the consent and payment to Mexico's cartels -- Read my piece on this issue. Mexico must take responsibility .. My analysis https://dianefrancis.substack.com/p/the-gringo-mexican-standoff

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Ted Cruz is a Weasel. So are the other GOP flocking to the border. What we see is the failed attempt at "Nation Building" in the 80s by Ronald Reagan. Oh how I recall Oliver North and the Iran Contra affair on Tee Bee. That coupled by poor choices made by deforestation in Central America and a few God Awful hurricanes that hit the area set the stage for what happened next. Guatemala and Honduras were especially hard hit. Then gangland style of rule ensued. We see the mass of immigrants as a result of the harsh reality in Central America.

We screwed up royally back when America was Great.

The chickens have come home to roost and now no one wants the chickens.

When I lived in El Paso years ago, I would watch folks cross the river behind UTEP on nights I had class. The "Coyotes" would carry them across the Rio Grande. It was a pretty steady flow then, maybe not what it is today, but it was the quest for a better life. Legal. No. But it happened then. Things are much worse in Mexico and Central America, so unsurprising that the quest goes on. It is fueled by crime back home and the deliverers, today's Coyotes, are likely part of the Mexican Cartels. Money in this game, too

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The MSM is like a dog with a bone on this subject. They don’t have trump to screw with them so they have to find a thread they can safely pull on knowing that the Biden administration won’t come back at them like the previous one would. This time though the right wing media machine is taking it and running with it. Most of us with any age about us though know that immigration has been an issue for 40-50 years and no one has bothered to “fix” it. It’s too much of a good thing to use for a ball bat on, usually, Democrats.

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