Critical thinking skills in a society are anathema to those in power who wish to stay in power, and do so by preying on the fears of others and exploiting the racist/sexist/homophobic systems in place which they continue to uphold.

I was taught about the facts of slavery when I was young. I don't recall feeling guilty or made to feel guilty about it. What I did feel was empathy - it's wrong to enslave people, and the treatment of slaves, was by far, was cruel and inhumane, and should never happen again.

It's much easier to stay in power and keep current systems in place, systems which benefit (the general) you, if you can remove empathy from the equation. Erasing the facts of slavery and its history in this country helps to do just that.

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I agree. I am white and privileged, but learning about the horrors of slavery never made me feel guilty. If anything it empowered me to defend and support those being victimized by the system. Honestly, I think "white guilt" is a term invented by the right to stir up their base.

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The phrase "White Guilt" in my opinion, is meant to mock those who like you, have a heart, soul and most importantly, a functioning brain that you use. I guess you're supposed to be intimidated and run along home when they pull that phrase out.

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But, maybe the guilt comes from latent approval and agreement with all that IS racist.

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A latent response to the latent leanings? Interesting. And supremely convoluted.

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I am Black and learned "about" slavery but our lessons were "sanitized." Not mangled like the new FL curriculum. But things were left out. For instance, I never knew that General Hannibal was Black until adulthood. Same thing with Otis of Otis elevators. The real McCoy was a slave whose master took possession of his invention of a self lubrication system (edit - for tractors!) and inspired a phrase that we still use now.

"It's much easier to stay in power and keep current systems in place, systems which benefit (the general) you, if you can remove empathy from the equation. Erasing the facts of slavery and its history in this country helps to do just that."

Indeed. And this is the essense of why they do what they do. To cause harm and give themselves a step up on the bodies of others.

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These people are flat out racists but sound an awful lot like right-wing legislators walking the halls of Congress today.

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Racists and turncoats like the execrable Tim Scott. Here's some detail.


We confirmed 12 of the 13 members of the standards work group. We reached out to each of them to find out more about their qualifications and how they created these standards.

Of those 12, we found all are or were educators. At least five members are black, six are white, and one is Hispanic.

Dr. William B Allen

Allison Elledge

Frances Presley Rice

Valencia Robinson

Laura Wynn

Roberto Fernandez III

Helen Maffett

LaFrance “Joe” Clarke Jr.

Jessica Morey

Kathleen Ems

Madonna Higgs

Kay Pape

Constance Scott

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Aug 1, 2023
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The thing that's surprised me was the fact that there were 5 "Blacks" and one "Hispanic" in this "working group" in addition to 6 "Whites."

Dawna, you have spoken a great truth and in my opinion, these folken are not only lousy educators but lousy individuals as well.

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Aug 1, 2023
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Indeed you are correct. I was only mildly surprised though, having already been familiar with the likes of Ali Alexander and Nick Fuentes for example.

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One thing is for sure. DeStupid has surrounded himself with like people. It’s no wonder Florida has gone to hell in a hand-basket! DeStupid has managed to put people in spots that do as he tells them to do, and they also think like he does.

The people that are getting hurt the most in this entire situation is the children, the college students, the youngsters just starting in school. These young minds are being molded into the likeness of DeStupid and these two idiots that out this ridiculous nonsense together the children are being taught. These are our future leaders. These are the ones that will be upcoming leaders of our nation.

I can’t for the life of me understand what has happened to the people in Florida. How can they sit back and allow this man, these people, to do this mind warping to their children.

Makes no sense to me at all! Disgraceful, pathetic, and disgusting!!!

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And the sky is green. We’re heading into a whole new level of gaslighting. Somehow slave owners are emancipators (Geo Washington)?

I’m REALLY tired of Republicans being described as “conservatives.” These are EXTREMISTS. It was a favorite Stalinist pastime to rewrite history. MAGA architect Steve Bannon is a fan--presumably DeSantis, too. Or maybe that should be MOGA--Make Owning-slaves Great Again. Is it any wonder that where Rs are actually doing something isn’t about inflation, it’s loosening child labor laws. Enslave them while they’re young!

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Agreed Anita. Extremists AND Extremist Terrorists!

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William Barclay Allen (born 1944) is an author, professor, and political scientist from Fernandina Beach, Florida, United States.[1] Allen has been described as a "conservative black leader and coon in education."

Frances Presley Rice is a Screenwriter, Director and Executive Producer with Block Starz Music Television LLC

These are the incompetents that pushed for the "new Black History standards." Apparently, none of the others in the working group agreed, but these two miscreants were singing the DeSantis themesong and gained his ear, I suppose.

Yes, they are supposedly Black, but skinfolk ain't necessarily kinfolk and I reject them and their revisionist history thoroughly, completely and absolutely.

Welcome back Judd and crew. We missed you.

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I'm in a huge Facebook parenting group for high school and college aged kids. Recently, a parent wrote in to say that her husband's company was offering incentives to move to a few states, FL and TX among them. She was asking for advice on moving her middle school aged kids, good school districts, etc. Overwhelmingly, the comments were "don't move to FL or TX with school aged kids, especially daughters". A number of people who live there commented that they were looking to get out. A few were happy there and recommended their area. And multiple people pointed out that there was a reason an incentive was in play for those states.

I have relatives in FL who have been there for decades and they (and their grandchildren) aren't moving. But new people are thinking twice, which will affect FL and TX's business future.

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I live in TX and there are a lot of decent people here...unfortunately a lot of nimrods too. The biggest problem IMHO is that the legislatures Democrats have given up and don't fight for what is best for the state. They make deals with republicans to pass unimportant legislation that they have a vested interest in. And the Democratic voter turnout is pathetic. It's like the Democratic Party has gone into hiding and makes little effort to get the vote out.

The schools are tremendously underfunded in spite of multibillion dollar state budget surpluses...not to mention a lottery that provides ~ 2 billion dollars a year to the education fund. But Gov. Abbott is trying to take money from public schools for private school vouchers. And we wonder why the schools are underperforming.

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We must always continue to point out that southern democrats were CONSERVATIVES.

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They proudly called themselves "Dixiecrats"

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Thank you Judd. Clear, concise reporting. Hopefully, the more people become aware of the fascist techniques DeSantis is using, the more his numbers will drop!

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Consise and to the point reporting. The trade skills thing, tho. It would only apply to the emmancified slaves after the Civil War and those who escaped north to Freedom. How many were set free by their owners prior to that? Likely not many. They completely ignore from 1619-1865, the propensity of African American slaves in almost 240 years, were held as property with no control over their lives or any voice in what happened to them or their children. We still have slave cabins here. Bare bones existence thru 4 seasons per year.

No excuse for slavery. No human should ever own another.

No excuse for DeSantis and this group rewriting a black history narrative of what a "free" country did then and is still doing to the institution of slavery.

It makes me angry and sick that the state of Florida has become such a cesspool of hate, racism, persecution of groups like LGBQT, immigrants and misinformation.

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The way you expressed "this" made me realize how DeSantis HAD to begin with Disney (home of creativity and playfulness...often a magnet for the LGBQT creative folk)!

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Personally, besides background, I would find it relevant to know how many of these decision makers have or had kids in the public school system. Those that didn't/don't have no business serving on school boards or any board making policy decisions about public schools, especially if they use vouchers to send theirs outside of this system. Yes, I know as tax payers, blah blah blah.

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Great reporting. Thank you for another in-depth look at the decision-makers in Florida.

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Decision-makers and Haters almost rhyme.

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Adjectives to describe this lunacy escape me

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While I have read about this, once again you lay out the facts and offer broader context. The literal rewriting of history, from history text that already whitewashed a great deal, is another step toward facism. DeSantis has gone off the rails trying to out Trump, Trump.

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We often focus on Desantis and his disgusting antics in Florida. He's only able to distract and disgust us because he got elected. Desantis is merely the bloom on top of the thistle. We don't understand why anyone would vote for this man and his policies! Yet, Desantis won a landslide victory in his re-election campaign against a well-funded Charlie Crist. According to exit polls, DeSantis won 65% of White voters, 13% of Black voters, and 58% of Latinos; of the latter group, DeSantis won 69% of Cubans and 56% of Puerto Ricans. We need to ask ourselves why black and brown people are rejecting Democratic candidates. Future voter outreach programs need to focus on Latino, Cuban, and Puerto Rican communities. These groups want and need to be understood and not taken for granted. We can grumble all we want about racists and homophobes. While these monsters rewrite history, limited personal freedoms and make voting more difficult, there's work to be done, on the ground, and in the trenches if we want to be victorious.

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Like Trump, DeSantis has the ability to find people who support his agenda despite the underlying truth that what they espouse ultimately harms them. These "puppets" are simply being used for the benefit of the autocrats who put them in temporary positions of power.

Do you remember?:

"Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis introduced his new appointee to surgeon general of his state Tuesday, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, a Harvard Medical School-trained professional who has said he opposes COVID-19 vaccine and mask mandates."

Thank you for filling in more about Willliam Allen and Frances Rice...(had to go and look up more data on these two "experts" on distortion and fabrication--found that there's even more to feel distressed about). Found out that that Allen recceived his PhD from Claremont College--when back then I was shocked to discover that they had an extremely conservative organization infiltrate their educational programs. I remember because I warned a dear friend about this when his daughter was deciding whether to go there.

Thank you, Judd, Tesnim, and Rebecca--these shenanigans [I have an Irish background] must be exposed and publicized.

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