WTG Judd you rabble rouser on the lawyer bail. Recognized your efforts immediately.

A Kochroach by any other name remains the same. Charley may regret nothing but the fact that campaign finance and donations to elected officials could be curtailed if Perdue loses and a Democratic controlled Senate manifests. (Do you ever wonder if his brother visits him in the dark night and rattles chains?) WSJ sucks up with an interview about his self promotion. Ask him for an interview, Judd. I would love to read your interview.

Certainly hope Perdue loses.

Make a contribution today to the GA Democrats in the Senate run off Act Blue.

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I'm retired and on a fixed income and have already donated $50 (or more - I don't keep meticulous attention to the aggregate amount) and that's just so far--there will be more as much as I am able to do.

This runoff election will cost an immense amount of money and will have dire consequences for all of us.

If we are to progress, as we must, then Warnock and Ossoff MUST win!

Donate. Until we get this corporate money OUT of government, this is our reality.

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Koch, like so many other supporters of far right Republican causes, speaks out of both sides of his mouth and must never, ever, be trusted. One only has to look at his aggressively conservative funding history to understand that.

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We love you, you “leftist mobs” inciter!! Keep up the terrific reporting. If Koch is pretending to a reboot, your piece this morning will gnaw at him 😁. Thank you thank you thank you for exposing these hypocrites.

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The left had better never work with Koch. Typical right wing liar. Say one thing and then do the complete opposite. Koch cannot be trusted and his lame attempt to curb partisanship by the democrats is hysterical. Swing the pendulum ALL the way to the left the way these hacks did for the past 4 years. Democrats NEED to take Georgia if we want to get anything done.

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As usual, the RWNJs are steeped in denial and fantasy. All the posturing and bullshit from Charles Koch is nothing but him staying the course while trying to save face--much like seeing his name as a supporter of science shows on PBS. It's all a farce.

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I hope the free market tells Koch and his book to shove it.

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*Parler not Parker.

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Judd, if you aren’t already looking into who is behind Parker, please do.

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