I kicked Face Book out of my life four yrs ago, Twitter this year and will never look back. They both are poison slowly dripping into our collective veins and killing the entire body. That FB declines to be held to the same rules as print media says a lot about their real goals, which most of us have learned, is the dirty dollar. People stay on it for myriad reasons(I love to see my grandkids, family, classmates, whatever)but IMO, most are just plain addicted to all the goodies or Likes. Go figure

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Keep calling them out, Judd - though I realize it must be exhausting. Facebook's baby crap excuses are astonishing. Best line: "But Facebook is a highly profitable company and is running political ads to make money. Why should 'people, regulators, third parties and watchdog groups' subsidize Facebook's profits by donating their time to fix a problem that Facebook created?"

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They are so money hungry. Pathetic as they started out with good intentions. They could make the application process incredibly tight so that all information has to be provided.But as you say it’s all about the money.

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It's still depressing to see Facebook not adhere to any meaningful standards, but when news of the Cambridge Analytica scandal broke and Facebook ran a self-congratulatory non-apology commercial in response, you got a sense for where their priorities are.

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When Cambridge Analytica was met with a collective shoulder shrug I knew they would never change their ways. Why would they? If they got away with that they can get away with anything

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