Thank you for continuing the hard work of combatting the never-ending stream of racism, hatred and misinformation that is threatening to destroy our country. We depend on people like you Judd!

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You said it Lynn!

Unfortunately, the more modern times get, the more people seem to not have time to pay attention. They're too damn tired or something.

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Yes. And thanks for telling everyone that Musk is a liar. This is THE BIG LIE. Let us hope that the sane people do not use or rely on Twit-X

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Yo, Musk. Keep your racist butt away from my Oregon vote by mail. With vote by mail I am a better voter. I am able to take my time parsing the language of ballot measures, research both ballot measures and candidates, all in the privacy of my own home. Everyone should be able to vote from home. Waiting in lines for hours is a deterrent to performing the most important task of being a US citizen.

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It cannot be stressed enough how impactful it is to have the extra time to consider your choices. In Chicago we vote on dozens of judges and I'd much prefer comfortably sitting at home to evaluate vs bringing a piece of paper with my notes to the polls.

I also work as a poll worker and candidly, there is no training on what us on the ballot. If you are confused by a ballot initative, there really isn't someone to reliably help. Ballot at home? You can talk to friends, family, and associates!

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Exactly. I do my homework and show up at the polls with my list but I would much rather do this from home. I got the email for the vote by mail registry the other day and this time I'm gonna use it.

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I, too, work as an election judge in Minneapolis and we aren't ALLOWED to discuss ballot measures with voters. We have to stay completely out of all discussions, unless there is a question about HOW to mark a ballot. Voting from home is the way to go.

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I lived in Oregon for almost a decade and vote by mail is one of the things I miss most. It's a huge advantage to be able to weigh the issues from wherever you are and vote whenever is convenient for you, and the state gets better voter "turnout" because of it. The strain it puts on voters to have to show up to the polls (in inclement weather, with transportation issues, etc etc) is pointless when we have a feasible alternative. Also, as an election worker (which I've done in Arizona and New York), it's quite a strain to have to work a 15 hour shift.

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Denying voting by mail is all the more hypocritical that it was a Republican idea to help the older set in Florida to vote. There are 7 States where all voting is all done by mail. Are we refusing to count their votes? None of those are States that were contested, by the way. [California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington] In the rest of them you may vote absentee, but some require an excuse. Here is the list:


Military personnel away from the US have to vote by mail. So far, Republicans have not decided to disenfranchise them.

Voting by mail is much cheaper as you do not have to maintain many more voting stations, many more voting machines plus the personnel, and security.: It is done by keeping track of the ballots, something that the Post Office is in the best place to do.

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Why would Elon Musk, who could be a powerful force for good, be so committed to chaos and White Supremacy? As a psychotherapist (and university educated major in literature), I see his cruelly abusive father as the cause of shaping this tragic figure. Thank you Judd for your well documented report on all of the facts on how mail-in voting, AZ Fed law, and the validity of 2020 election results can assure everyone that fraud was not perpetrated in that election. These facts are still (4 years later) not understood or believed by many of the MAGA voters. Your work should serve as a useful reference point for all sides.

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Because of his history. Lies, theft and racism denied.

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He’s a very damaged person and his excessive drug use isn’t helping.

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If conservatives spent their energy on real issues like climate change, they could really make a difference for the future. Instead they are being encouraged to worry about non-issues like voting. People don't have an unlimited focus, so this other stuff is just a distraction so they can't interfere with elites making money on harmful activities.

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I'd like for Judd to look into what happened at X, just a day or so ago, when multiple journalists got their accounts banned permanently, no indication of any appeal process. This happened to a number of people, including Ken Klipstein. Apparently Musk responded, claiming ignorance, and would investigate. At some point the accounts were restored. But why couldn't this be viewed as 'a shot across the bow,' just to make sure everyone knows who is actually in charge of what can and can't be published? Please take a look at this. It feels very ominous.

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And I’m sure that in the interests of full disclosure, this clown will discuss the cases of the Republican voters arrested for fraud, Mark Meadows’ multiple addresses, etc., but somehow I doubt. It’s only about “those people.” In Projectionland, every accusation is a confession.

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Projection/accusation is their confession...spot on.

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What a jerk is Elon! Thank you as always, Judd, for remaining on the cutting edge of outrage In the cause of democracy. I believe that most attentive citizens are thoroughly disgusted with the circus these privileged wannabe influencers conduct.

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I’m afraid too many are lapping it up. I have friends who used to be sensible people who have gone to the dark side and now read nothing but conspiracy theory. It is mind-boggling that these people that I have kayaked with, and hiked with and done yoga with and enjoyed life with are now supporting Trump, and are absolutely incapable of being rational. There is so much misinformation and disinformation that is seductive that we need to be constantly vigilant and fighting hard. I am in Canada and terrified that PP and the manipulative media will result in the Conservatives taking power. This is all orchestrated from Russia. We need to get a lot louder!

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A Boring jerk at that!

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Boring dork jerk.

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That too.

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What's always stuck out to me in this debate is the insistence that "illegal voters" will all vote Blue. It is a racist idea at its very core- insinuating that POC will attempt to vote illegally and vote for a Democrat. If there was a perceived threat of white people voting illegally for Republicans, we wouldn't hear anything about this issue. There have been headlines of people illegally voting for Trump and you hear nothing about it from the right.

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The incidence of voter fraud is almost non-existent. When it does occur, the majority of the fraud is committed by Republcian voters.

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100% correct. If the only way to win is to stop people from voting, then the platform is broken.

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So true James!

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The way many become filthy rich is by exploiting people and resources, honorable people have a harder time doing that so we get the dishonorable at the top. It's past time that all profits from war, and all profits from destroying the common good need to be put into the collective pocket and fund the common good. Capitalism seems to promote evil as long as it makes money.

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Elon Musk is a tool. The fascist wants to protect "election security." The racist wants to call others racist yet promotes the notion that actual equity and equality are "woke"

Here we are in Wonderland and our journey has only just begun. Follow the yellow brick road. Can't wait till ya meet Alice.

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He’s a kook.

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Musk, like Murdoch, needs to be deported. He, like Murdoch, is the threat to democracy.

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Sharing everywhere, but Xitter as I no longer traffic that fascism and Nazi-platforming place (no judgemen t on non-fascists who do, however)

And I hope the legacy media takes note and picks this up.

Thank you for all you do.

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Judd, will you run for president? You or Jon Stewart, enough of these geezers😘

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Yes to Jon Stewart in Congress. Prez maybe later.

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What is wrong with Musk ? Something is terribly wrong with our society! In fact there is something terribly wrong with large swaths of human society worldwide ! Things are so off kilter! Is this how it all ends?

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Smart as he is in many areas, he’s definitely not immune to alt right zombification and propaganda. And as you point out the real issue with him having this blind spot is that he’s got a megaphone. We are learning the real danger of not having a solid civics requirement in our education system, as well as teaching political and economic literacy so people learn to follow the money, understand propaganda, and can have a few more tools of intellectual immunity, especially when one of their hero’s proves that he’s all too human.

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Musk should have been deported! But I’m ok with requiring him to be on one if his rockets at launch. He’s another Fascist lunatic with way too much money.

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