This needs to be reported in mainstream media REPEATEDLY.

Thank you for your important work.

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Which ones would do that? The Times couldn't truly admit that Katie Britt's story about cartel sex trafficking and rape of a woman was a lie. When they filed a sort of corrective story, they left out that the rape occurred during the Bush administration. Heck, the MSM still refuses to say that corporate concentration is behind "inflation" and reports at face value that stores are closing due to organized retail crime and not poor business decisions.

The MSM is owed by right wing plutocrats and private equity. Reporters understand what will keep their bosses happy and write accordingly.

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The legacy media have problems, always have, but to conflate them with the disinformation industry is a false equivalence.

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They need to be “outed” and shamed for facilitating the demise of Democracy and civility not to mention moral demise and entitlement.

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And for using a both sides narrative for the election, pretending trump is a normal candidate.

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Correct and it will not be. That is the story. Perception is reality.

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Why do you see this not being reported and repeated? is there swamp in journalism? maybe that is something to look into

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Just not a sexy enough story. It would also contradict past reporting. Easier to just move on to the next created crisis. Unfortunately there is no case for change.

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Democracy is no case. Ok..no agreement here

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Liars always lie. It's the republican way.

A 514.7% increase huh? I guess they add that .7 to make that figure "look scientific?"

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Judd, you have an eye for the most pertinent news of the day. I am so glad I subscribe!

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Great work, Judd! Exploiting crime and economic statistics is the “quarterback sneak” in the GOP’s playbook. Works every time! And Fox News has never let the truth stand in the way of a story.

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Given that the current immigrant strategy has recently been to run toward Border Patrol officers to initiate the asylum process committing flagrant crimes thereafter would seem especially stupid. Admittedly, there is a problem with the asylum system that needs to be addressed by Congress, but solutions are apparently not what sells in fearmongering politics.

The real challenge is that the right leaning media industry and the traditional Repub machine has been frighteningly effective in spreading misinformation. Their loyal audiences developed a habit of tuning in almost exclusively to messages from these "trusted sources" and we've ended up with a huge group of people who don't listen to other news sources. Worse this cohort rejects rebuttal to misinformation as "fake news". Unless this process is disrupted by elections that resoundingly reject their performative candidates the US will suffer through more populism in the foreseeable future.

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Agree... Remember that Joe Biden won the last election "resoundingly" by 7 million popular votes! As Trump and his minions unwind, I sense that a Biden win will occur again.

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To your point, there is no evidence to support a crime wave from migrants — except the fakery they create. Rachel Maddow gave examples of Russian misinformation ramping up again, especially on social media. Often it is fake accounts linked to sites masquerading as established news media.


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Don't ever believe a Republican anymore.

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Catchy phrase. But not convincing. People are put off by commands. We need to be able to separate fact from fiction whether it comes with political labels or not.

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Interesting you see it as a command rather than the musing it was meant to be. Everyone sees everything differently (another musing, not a command).

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The first comment said “Don’t.” A command. That’s how I see it because that is what it is. Mirriam-Webster Dictionary agrees: “don't: a command or entreaty not to do something”

The 2nd comment “Everyone sees things differently” was an observation or a “musing”. There is a difference & therefore a difference in how they are received.

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Thanks Judd!

The LAST person I need to hear from about crime is GYM Jordan, given his J6 and OSU issues! Also, let’s not forget R’s walked away from the border bill. R’s are a sham(e)!

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The real crime wave is the lies and misinformation spewed by conservative media.

Attorneys General in maligned states should join forces and sue these media outlets for defamation and damages in lost tourism and business, if that is possible. And it should be.

The false claims industry is only going to grow larger and more destructive to people and places if they can continue to lie with impunity and little or no pushback.

If E. Jean Carroll could do it to Trump, and Dominion to Fox, why are powerful state and city governments not fighting back?

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YES! "The real crime wave is the lies and misinformation spewed by conservative media" and many Republicans in office and running for office [see this article: Kari Lake, Jim Jordan, Marco Rubio]. Maybe Josh Stein could take your idea on as he runs for Governor--Mark Robinson is contaminated with slanderous and incorrect messaging.

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As evidenced by comments from Frank Lee, no amount of facts or statistics will satisfy those that continue to be swayed by misinformation and disinformation. A Gallup poll does not measure where people responding get their news or why they feel the way they do. I’m sure both sides think the other is crazy for believing what they read.

This is what the politicians have created and I don’t see a way out until saner minds prevail.

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Given up on polls. Nonsense.

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Oh my. You bring back fond memories of civil discourse between Fraudulent Frank Lee the Florida Lady and well, everyone.

He claims to be a business owner and employ hundreds of folks and he's about as nutty as a bedbug!

You are correct but the politicians had help from religion and from the ad industry, both of which strive to permanently suspend your disbelief so they can SELL their PRODUCT be it Jesus or hairspray.

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Impossible to believe one damned thing coming from a Republican. Don't ever believe one word.

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If only facts still mattered.

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Yes, the sad truth, they do not.

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I'm unaware of any illegal immigrants walking into a school, synagogue, church, grocery store, or movie theater and mowing people down with an assault rifle. I'm also pretty sure those shooters were also lacking in melanin. Guess those murders don't count, they were just exercising their Second Amendment rights. S/

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And once again all the politicians on the right jump in (short, sweet, not true) and spread everywhere - lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie.........

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Sadly -perception is about 90% of how people see this issue. Thanks to Judd we get facts to help change minds. I use his info to dispel the myth of "shrinkage" in the retail world as to the real affects. People think the dollars are too much (which can be alarming), but are stunned when you turn that to percentage as it affects the bottom line. Kind of like government waste - the dollars are stunning, but the actual percentage is virtually nothing.

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Thanks, Judd. Slam dunk!

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This work cries out for Popular Information to become regularly sourced by all of our news media--newspapers, tv, radio. We are plagued by lies and disinformation, not only from the likes of the dullards, Jim Jordan and Kari Lake, but also of course the House GOP. I am disgusted with Marco Rubio--but then I don't expect intelligent research of facts from him. "Republican" is now not only identified as the trumpet for Trump, but as Lies, Deceit, and Slander. Republicans delight in fear mongering and unjust criticism of all that deserves praise [cf. Joe Biden's enitre SOTU].

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Defund the cops, insert radical DAs in the big cities and Dem states that don’t prosecute crime, people stop reporting crimes because it goes unpunished. And then Democrats claim statistics that prove crime has fallen… magically… for no reason other than Biden is in office. Just like Democrats claiming the economy is wonderful, it ignores the actual facts and truths the American public deals with and sees clearly.

The other bit of glaring intellectual dishonesty is to claim Biden statistics have improved after they exploded during the pandemic. Relative to when Trump was in office before the Democrat-led looting and riots and violence, crime, especially violent crime, has increased.

Americans have never felt less safe from crime. But hey, that is just because of Fox News disinformation. https://news.gallup.com/poll/544415/personal-safety-fears-three-decade-high.aspx#:~:text=The%20data%20spans%201965%20to,48%25%20worried%20in%20January%201982.

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Thanks, Vlad, for your input. Are there any other propaganda talking points you want to drop while you’re here?

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What do riots and DAs have to do with the lie that migrants commit more crimes than citizens?

No actual substance, just outrage. Of course.

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I don’t believe that immigrants commit more crimes than citizens because our citizens commit a lot of crime, and immigrants in general know they must behave or risk deportation. The point is that any crime by an illegal alien is crime that we should prevent, and there is currently a large pile of evidence that the 7-8 million illegal immigrants invited in and released under Biden include a large percentage that are doing crime. The other point is that crime in Democrat run cities and states has increased under Biden even though the last year shows a statistical decline over the nation.

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Baloney from Repub sillies.

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Oh Frank, who " ignores the actual facts and truths the American public deals with and sees clearly"? Why would you ignore "price gouging"? Top CEO's in the food and grocery corporations are recorded saying that their reasoning for "raising prices is simply because we can!"

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Do you own real estate? Would you sell it for less than what you could?

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Hi Frank. Why are you here? Oh, let me guess…to poke the bear. To make the libtards crazy. To melt the snowflakes. I’ve heard to all before. You see, I pay to be here and I get to choose. I chose to block you. I have enough assholes in my life. Love ya, BYE!

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Republicans. Just makin' stuff up.

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