Incredible reporting. Stay on this story. Just like your Mika Westwolf reporting, your tenacity shines a light on stories that shouldn’t linger and fade in darkness. Your coverage exposes injustice, creates awareness, and lights the fuse for change.

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Nex Benedict was murdered by Oklahoma's savage christofascist culture. Walters and Raichik have blood on their hands.

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A lawsuit must be filed against them all, top to bottom.

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And should be charged with murder! Both of them. I would so love some good lawyers to bring them to justice pro bono.

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Well stated.

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The girls who beat Nex up need therapy. The christofascist “war on woke” is a war on human beings. Neighbors. It’s also a war being witnessed by all the children growing up in America. One of the emotions those girls are likely feeling is horror at what happened as a result of their actions. They’re also feeling scared of what might happen to them. It’s important that they process what happened in a way that supports them developing into more mature, thoughtful, young adults.

If the girls defense mechanisms harden into a narrative of “they deserved it” is part of the process of creating three more christofascist monsters. THEY are being groomed to hate. Religious conflict is intractable; we have to rip this root out of the ground and reestablish what we mean by “separation of church and state.” That latest ruling, where a judge invoked the Bible and what God thinks repeatedly; this stuff is scaring the crap out of me. I lived through an abusive marriage with a fundamentalist Christian.

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docpatti, I am in awe of your strength and empathy after what you've survived.

The New York Times report on Nex this morning, Sunday 2/25, means the 3 alleged beaters are in for a severe accounting. Oklahoma is loosening its allegiance to values that unite Americans. The murderers Oklahoma empowered, Walters and Raichik et al. and the forces that protect them must face a judge and jury.

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I’m relieved to hear it. I imagine the wagons being circled and a false narrative dominating that vilififies or excuses.

I would like to see mental healthcare recognized as a significant need within our criminal ”justice” system.

Libs of TikTok behavior should be illegal. Hate speech is never free.

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Remember class, the GOP is pro-life if you’re a straight, white christian. Otherwise, you’re on your own.

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You mean, 'otherwise, run for your life'.

What's happening to these children and those who support them is what happens when fear and hate are used to attain power. It's disgusting.

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Yes it is. And they’re not finished yet.

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Well, actually, it's only pro-life when we're talking about in utero. After that, let them eat cake.

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Very true, it’s actually more of a pro-birth position. But pro-life sounds more dramatic.

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Don’t forget male or an embryo. Even a frozen one.

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Ahhh yess, the frozen ones. Thanks, Alabama!

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As individuals, we are each on our own. But together, we can fight back to demand pro-democracy reforms. These are desperately needed to reduce polarization. Electoral reforms can be enacted that will change the incentives for politicians to play hard to a radical, extremist base. Ranked choice voting is gaining momentum. There are campaigns in many states. It’s one piece we need in place to elect a more representative government.

We need to stop partisan gerrymanders. Make a much higher percentage of districts competitive. Get the vote out. And demand campaign finance reforms.

What I see is an unholy alliance of corrupt politicians who aim for unassailable power, christofascist extremists, and deep pocket donors who want to control law & policy to enrich themselves: plutocrats.

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Raichik and others like her are so filled with vitriol and hate one must wonder: what did their parents do to them? Why did their parents not love them? Were they not loveable or were their parents horrible people and so they become horrible.

As a former NYC HS teacher, my experience is that these miserable mfs are a reflection of the homes that they come from. There's the tree, there's the apple.

People whose hearts are filled with self loathing should not determine the environment in which children learn. If there were no hate-filled rhetoric invading these communities (like the Oklahoma district), the kids would be fine with one another. If a child is loved and cared for, they do not attack others because of their personality, physicality or emerging sexuality. Kids tend to be curious and supportive of one another.

That bigoted superintendent is the real villain here. He has condoned violence against the children he is supposed to protect. He has determined who shall live peacefully and who shall be attacked and culled from the herd. His hands drip with blood and sting with the misery of those children that he feels emboldened to attack and to have others attack. But, because what goes around comes around, the good will win and he will suffer.

And may Nex, that sweet kid, rest in peace.

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"Hurt people hurt people."

Explains a lot but does NOT excuse.

I recall Alice Miller's book from the mid 80s, "For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Childhood and the Roots of Violence." One of the case studies was Adolf Hitler. Superintendent Walters could be another.

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I missed that book but I just ordered it from the library. It may depress me too much but I will give it a go. Thanks for the reference.

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Well well said, Katy.

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Back when I taught high school American History & Government, one of the best quotes, according to my students, was “my right to swing my arms ends where your nose begins”. I dearly wish more people would remember that.

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Libs of TikTok is a hate group promoting intolerance and bigotry and the OK Superintendent of Education is so happy to be working with the group.

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Would that the libs of TikTok understood (and the others of their ilk) what it is to be doxxed

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My heart goes out to this family. The mean streak in the GOP, religious groups specifically Christians as I left my church because of how they treated LBGQT, is only going to get worse. The country is so divided now thanks to Donald Trump and the GOP I see no solution.

What a beautiful young person Nex was. What a loss for not only their family but their community and friends and really all of us.

Thank you for this article. Nex will live in my heart.

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Love will eventually win over hate. I just wish this mechanism could move more quickly. Unfortunately the haters are really loud and really ambitious. Heartbreaking story, thank you for sharing

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Ryan Walters self loathing continues unchecked. here is the latest from just this morning: "Edmond Public Schools not only allows kids to access porn in schools, they are doubling down to keep pornography on the bookshelves. Parents and kids should have the confidence of going to schools to learn. Instead of focusing on education, EPS has chosen to peddle porn and is leading the charge to undermine parents in Oklahoma.”


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Too sad!

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I wish that there was more truth to the belief that "love will eventually win over hate" .

Perhaps this is true, but history has shown humans to have an extremely long learning curve.

While waiting for love to win, isn't there something to be said for consequences?

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This is what it’s like living under Fascism. We’re almost there. Jeopardizing a Biden win will ensure more of this permanently.

Children & their families should never be fending for themselves when it comes to safety anywhere, let alone schools! This filthy hatred is learned from family & friends who should instead be the ones ostracised from society.

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"Appoint" seems an oxymoron when creating a gangster group to commit violence. Thugs used to be just mercenaries. Now they are political appointees with job titles.

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'euphemism', maybe, not oxymoron, though one could argue for both.

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This is a really sad story. Thank you for reporting it Judd. As a father, and a citizen, it's just hard to read. All actual adults should be counted on to protect children. To even worry about their gender is dumb. I can't pretend I understand this moment we are in, the subject of gender fluidity, all of it. But while it does not directly involve my family, I flat-out don't get the hunger to dehumanize these children. They are thinking, feeling human beings, on their own journey. Full stop. The targeting of them is a sickness here in the U.S., abetted by losers like Raichik and Walters. The feedback loop of being 'famous' on social media, being heard, is alarming. This alt-fame media drug is taking down nearly half of our population, zombifying them, or at least revealing the inherent sickness in people like Chaya Raichik, or the meathead views of men who have never left middle school, like Ryan Walters. I still believe, from my days of army basic training, that we all thrive when we take care of the weakest among us. If they thrive, we all thrive, blessed with an internal sense of contentment for being good, decent people smart/lucky enough to not be sucked into the brain-rotting cynicism and manufactured/hyped anger from pointless social media and propaganda networks like Fox and Mark Levin. It's getting so old, so pointless, so mean. Rest in peace, Nex Benedict. You deserved way better.

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Protecting children is one of the basic duties of adults. Our culture fails miserably in this simple concept. And modeling compassion protects the kids of the future.

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I am amazed that they managed to be a straight A student while dealing with being bullied. That takes guts.

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OK isn’t exactly a place for world-class education as it is. Their embrace of extremism may give the state fame amongst the brain-dead nimrods who are followers of Libs but it doesn’t do diddly-squat for the kids except run decent educators out of the state and teach an entire state that critical thinking has no place in that state.

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Thank you for continuing to expose these fascist thugs. Apparently, in red states drag queen story hour is a clear and present danger but bomb threats, physical violence, etc., are state-approved practices and incorporated into the curriculum. I’m sure the parents of the abusers are laughing it all off after owning the libs by any means necessary, even the death of an innocent person. Chaya Raichik is a war criminal, IMHO.

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Ed, I agree she is a criminal who must be stopped. The question is how do we push these haters/killers back into their caves? I am at a tipping point where this shit is going to turn me into a violent person myself!

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Nex Benedict did not deserve to be murdered! Thank you Judd, Tesnim, and Rebecca for remembering the characters who share the bizarre sexual neurosis of most Oklahoman Republicans who appointed Ryan Walters who appointed the violence-inspiring Chaya Raichik. The split between our political parties is growing tragically deeper. See Popular Information January 24, 2024.

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As a 74 year-old woman from the West (Idaho, Wyoming, Montana) I struggle to understand the hysteria being whipped up about trans/gender fluid issues. There is no "threat" from these children: the threat is targeted AT them. Where are the upstanding caring adults who have the power to stand up to these bigots, these haters?

These people have nothing good in their lives so they want to make everyone else miserable.

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My heart is beyond broken. We must push this out to MSM!! When representation is not supported this is what happens

Thank you for reporting for them. Say their name. Nex Benedict! 🫶

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And there the story is, today, in the NY Times, without mentioning Judd's reporting.

Glad to see the Times pick up the story but in my opinion, Judd got it first and did it better.

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