In an effort to overturn the results of November's election, Jefferson Griffin, a Republican candidate for the North Carolina Supreme Court, is asking state election officials to throw out more than 60,000 ballots.
But in statewide races, like this close one for the NC Supreme Court, they can't use gerrymandering to win; instead they fall back on other tricks. What a dishonest bunch.
I'm glad you have focused on the NC GOP. You probably heard about their attempts to move power from the Democrats elected in November (Governor, Attorney General, etc) by arbitrarily moving appointment power from those offices to offices controlled by the GOP. Poor losers, and cheaters, the GOP of the great state of North Carolina.
Not a good recommendation for moving to the " great state of N. Carolina;" IF every time the republicans don't like the outcome of it's citizen's votes, they attempt to discredit it.
I am so tired of their lying, cheating, targeting tactics. As an independent, who's voted for an occasional better qualified republican candidate over these many years; as a matter of course I won't EVER make that MISTAKE AGAIN. ANYONE belonging to the party of what I consider to be "maga" republicans now, they'll not get my vote...EVER.
It appears, many belong to the "party of maga republican cowards" now, if they won't stand up to trump & his minions. You want my vote, cross over to Democrat or become an independent.
It really is despicable. To think that this person wants to be a Supreme Court Justice, someone who wants to suppress legal votes. Thank goodness Wake County is Blue.
Bizarre behavior...brought to you by the "Republican Party" and their "Get into office, no matter what you have to do" motto.
"No worries kiddo, we got the NC courts, Judges, plenty of money, a super majority and immense power over the state budget and most all the power needed to push you into office one way or another".
"And even if for some reason you/we can't wiggle you into a win, we got your back, as long as you want to continue to support our other areas of will not go hungry. You have to realize that canceling out 60,000 ballots can be a tough lift even for us...but hang in there."
I fully supported as a neighboring state resident, the NC election with my efforts prior to the election. I am a champion of Josh Stein. In 2020 I think you ran a story about missing ballots the GOP stole. Refresh our memory of this, Judd. There was a special election and due to gerrymandering the GOP still won.
Moreover, how unusual for Trump to win NC and the rest of the ballot Dems took home the wins in the top state offices. Seldom ever happens. The smell is rotten from most swing state results. Perhaps Dems should be complaining loudly about ballots and the GOP whose motto should be the old law firm of
Dewey, Cheathem and Howe, should be under the microscope.
Congrats on stirring the WaPo into action on the Chinese guy's bitcoin fiasco. I am unsubscribed from the WaPo, but good job!
can NC citizens request a hand recount of ALL ballots cast in ALL races? after all, so many Dem candidates won the down ballot races while strangely the top of the ticket went to Mango Mussolini? be sure to look up Stephen Spoonamore's Substack for more strange things noticed in swing states...
when machine results seem off, a hand recount can demonstrate that. I've seen reports (that has been shared by Mr. Spoonamore) that in one down ballot race the hand recount was done three times and got three different results, all different from the machine count. please re-read what's been said about the process of taking a paper ballot and scanning it into the tabulator and how the tabulator may have been hacked when the race was close.
Yes hand counts are less reliable. That’s why they get different results.
I believe the recounts you are talking about were in Battle Creek MI (Calhoun Co.) A city he mistakenly & for no apparent reason said was in the Traverse City area. Traverse City is about 200 miles away and straddles 2 other counties.
* The initial results included 1 set of tabulator votes but not the 2nd. That was corrected.
* Thanks to people like Spoonamore finding errors, correcting them and the normal canvassing & audits after an election are now all “suspicious” - especially if they do as they are intended: catch anomalies or errors.
It’s all fodder for “co-conspirators” theories and so on.
No, Spoonamore and his ‘theories’ are not valid. That is why they are being ignored by experts. Mr. Spoonamore was Snoped. It forced him to admit he was not an election expert & his warning letter “was not perfect”. (His numbers didn’t compute.) On “X” he’s admitted not being a ‘data scientist.’
No “saying” does not make things true. Anyone can be an expert on the internet machine. IMO, his credentials are slim and none. He disqualified himself in his first batch of baseless allegations by not conducting due diligence & used incomplete early unofficial vote counts.
He ignores and is probably ignorant of the steps states take to protect & verify elections - that includes against ‘hacking’. He merrily goes on his way adding more ‘stories’ and ‘theories’ as his old ones fall flat. After all doubt is a feeling not a fact. Feelings don’t need facts.
Hand counts are not as reliable as tabulators. They are also slower, require more people & are expensive. They’re the only other method we have and are ‘visible’ which does make us feel better. A lot of states like NC use random ones in a % of precincts or in after the unofficial totals are in to find errors. The errors are usually human. (Like not running a group of ballots through the tabulator.)
The first step is usually to re-tabulate to verify all the votes were tabulated. Some states use a different tabulator for recounts. There are good hand counts and bad ones.
but if those tabulators were using Starlink to upload the data as some have alleged, then only a hand recount would point that out. that ship has sailed, we need to focus on eliminating extreme gerrymandering and other voter suppression efforts that have been proven (but not publicized by corporate media or even mentioned by the DNC) that cost Harris the election. look on Youtube for Greg Palast's documentary Vigilantes Inc. he's written extensively on GOP voter suppression over the years and his research has been used in court by Stacey Abrams' group Fair Fight.
Hand counts are used in verification processes in many states if not all. NC is an example. All states except TX and LA had completed the process of implementing ballot receipts or other paper trails for electronic voting.
State verification processes are something Mr. Spoonamore dismisses with an admission that he is NOT an election expert. I’m not going to re-litigate what I’ve already said & you’ve already ignored.
As for extreme gerrymandering & voter suppression, SCOTUS has switched to mostly giving it the green light. Legislatures thriving on it are not going to change their laws. The Constitution gives states the right to administer elections. If Dems pull together instead of fighting losing battles, enough Independents may be peeved in the next election to give a Dem Congress the power to change some voting guidelines & dilute if not eliminate voter suppression.
I don’t need YouTube to figure out how voting works. Same for gerrymanding & other suppression. It is not ‘new news’ and is now often “legal” which makes it completely different than election fraud. The 2 — ballot manipulation / election fraud should not be conflated for that reason & because gerrymandering / voter suppression is real.
No surprise... apparently the r's will stoop lower and lower... hard to understand a brain like that..on another note the headline for this read like an Onion headline.... it is that bizarre. in NC... we are so fragile
Thanks for highlighting the shenanigans in our state, Judd. It is pretty unbelievable when you consider NC was once considered the progressive beacon of the South(I grew up in Georgia). I am focussed on local and state politics for the next four years, and am leaving the distraction of the national mess to those who still own a TV.
It’s like his ‘little secret’. Mike Johnson has nothing to do with elections. He thought it was very funny to be asked about it & claimed it had to do with winning the House. Not a very good plan judging from the results.
These monsters must be stopped with forcing a recount because it isn’t the result they want. Recount done…end of story…Otherwise I demand a recount of the Presidential election!! There IS real cause for that!
Be careful. Many want the lopsided elections in all 7 states that had MANY votes only for President Trump, and Many that voted Democrat down ballot, but for Trump as president. Way out of the norm. The only way to verify the honesty would be through a hand recount. If we trash the conniving Republicans, it should be for carrying this to ridiculous extremes. Recounting by itself is not "wrong."
What can we, as outraged citizens, do about this? I'm looking for suggestions. These people need to be confronted and told that what they are doing is not OK and needs to stop.
Dan, I watched S Koreans flood the streets on TV. We need to show our numbers. But in the meantime, Scott Dworkin & others have letters ready to go. When you sign in, your US Reps & Senators automatically show up. I always change the first two sentences of the pre-written letter, then send. Calls and email in massive amounts DO GET RESULTS. I’m sure there are other Democratic, Blue Progressive sites with names such as these to help. Just double check who owns or operates it. Also look for endorsements of people you respect & trust.
Thank you Judd and Popular Information for diving into a slice of North Carolina's election fraud. Remember North Carolina is one of the 7 swing states so intently focused on by Mike Johnson and Donald Trump who had "a little secret that we won't know about until the votes are counted. Mostly thanks to Putin (who said "you'll owe us if you win") and Musk (who said "this better work or we'll all end up in jail"), those colleagues in arms.
Hooray for: "Chief U.S. District Judge Richard E. Myers II, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, ruled that the NC GOP and Republican National Committee did not have the right to sue over the federal voter registration law in question."
Like all GOP operatives, their assertions of a crime, is their confession.
Nothing but a bunch of cheating, whining crybabies ironically calling Dem winners the cheaters.
Unless they win. Then nadda.
North Carolina is one of the most heavily gerrymandered states in the country. Despite being roughly 50-50 between both parties, the GOP controls a supermajority of 79% of statehouse seats, and won 10 of 14 Congressional seats.
But in statewide races, like this close one for the NC Supreme Court, they can't use gerrymandering to win; instead they fall back on other tricks. What a dishonest bunch.
I'm glad you have focused on the NC GOP. You probably heard about their attempts to move power from the Democrats elected in November (Governor, Attorney General, etc) by arbitrarily moving appointment power from those offices to offices controlled by the GOP. Poor losers, and cheaters, the GOP of the great state of North Carolina.
Not a good recommendation for moving to the " great state of N. Carolina;" IF every time the republicans don't like the outcome of it's citizen's votes, they attempt to discredit it.
I am so tired of their lying, cheating, targeting tactics. As an independent, who's voted for an occasional better qualified republican candidate over these many years; as a matter of course I won't EVER make that MISTAKE AGAIN. ANYONE belonging to the party of what I consider to be "maga" republicans now, they'll not get my vote...EVER.
It appears, many belong to the "party of maga republican cowards" now, if they won't stand up to trump & his minions. You want my vote, cross over to Democrat or become an independent.
Precisely! Until recent times I always voted for the best qualified candidate no matter which party but NO MORE!
Republicans have en masse proven themselves to be a dishonorable and unworthy rabble.
It really is despicable. To think that this person wants to be a Supreme Court Justice, someone who wants to suppress legal votes. Thank goodness Wake County is Blue.
Spot on Kathy! We need to be like the S Koreans and start taking to the streets!
Golden Rule: We have the gold (power), we make the rules.
Typical Republican loser.
Peter, Exactly!
Bizarre behavior...brought to you by the "Republican Party" and their "Get into office, no matter what you have to do" motto.
"No worries kiddo, we got the NC courts, Judges, plenty of money, a super majority and immense power over the state budget and most all the power needed to push you into office one way or another".
"And even if for some reason you/we can't wiggle you into a win, we got your back, as long as you want to continue to support our other areas of will not go hungry. You have to realize that canceling out 60,000 ballots can be a tough lift even for us...but hang in there."
The level of ignorance in most American Voters AND the GOP's aim to take advantage of it, is actually the ultimate problem.
I fully supported as a neighboring state resident, the NC election with my efforts prior to the election. I am a champion of Josh Stein. In 2020 I think you ran a story about missing ballots the GOP stole. Refresh our memory of this, Judd. There was a special election and due to gerrymandering the GOP still won.
Moreover, how unusual for Trump to win NC and the rest of the ballot Dems took home the wins in the top state offices. Seldom ever happens. The smell is rotten from most swing state results. Perhaps Dems should be complaining loudly about ballots and the GOP whose motto should be the old law firm of
Dewey, Cheathem and Howe, should be under the microscope.
Congrats on stirring the WaPo into action on the Chinese guy's bitcoin fiasco. I am unsubscribed from the WaPo, but good job!
can NC citizens request a hand recount of ALL ballots cast in ALL races? after all, so many Dem candidates won the down ballot races while strangely the top of the ticket went to Mango Mussolini? be sure to look up Stephen Spoonamore's Substack for more strange things noticed in swing states...
Hand counts aren't as reliable as machine counts.
when machine results seem off, a hand recount can demonstrate that. I've seen reports (that has been shared by Mr. Spoonamore) that in one down ballot race the hand recount was done three times and got three different results, all different from the machine count. please re-read what's been said about the process of taking a paper ballot and scanning it into the tabulator and how the tabulator may have been hacked when the race was close.
Yes hand counts are less reliable. That’s why they get different results.
I believe the recounts you are talking about were in Battle Creek MI (Calhoun Co.) A city he mistakenly & for no apparent reason said was in the Traverse City area. Traverse City is about 200 miles away and straddles 2 other counties.
* The initial results included 1 set of tabulator votes but not the 2nd. That was corrected.
* Thanks to people like Spoonamore finding errors, correcting them and the normal canvassing & audits after an election are now all “suspicious” - especially if they do as they are intended: catch anomalies or errors.
It’s all fodder for “co-conspirators” theories and so on.
No, Spoonamore and his ‘theories’ are not valid. That is why they are being ignored by experts. Mr. Spoonamore was Snoped. It forced him to admit he was not an election expert & his warning letter “was not perfect”. (His numbers didn’t compute.) On “X” he’s admitted not being a ‘data scientist.’
No “saying” does not make things true. Anyone can be an expert on the internet machine. IMO, his credentials are slim and none. He disqualified himself in his first batch of baseless allegations by not conducting due diligence & used incomplete early unofficial vote counts.
He ignores and is probably ignorant of the steps states take to protect & verify elections - that includes against ‘hacking’. He merrily goes on his way adding more ‘stories’ and ‘theories’ as his old ones fall flat. After all doubt is a feeling not a fact. Feelings don’t need facts.
Thank you!!
But hand counts are being requested because they ARE reliable.
Hand counts are not as reliable as tabulators. They are also slower, require more people & are expensive. They’re the only other method we have and are ‘visible’ which does make us feel better. A lot of states like NC use random ones in a % of precincts or in after the unofficial totals are in to find errors. The errors are usually human. (Like not running a group of ballots through the tabulator.)
The first step is usually to re-tabulate to verify all the votes were tabulated. Some states use a different tabulator for recounts. There are good hand counts and bad ones.
but if those tabulators were using Starlink to upload the data as some have alleged, then only a hand recount would point that out. that ship has sailed, we need to focus on eliminating extreme gerrymandering and other voter suppression efforts that have been proven (but not publicized by corporate media or even mentioned by the DNC) that cost Harris the election. look on Youtube for Greg Palast's documentary Vigilantes Inc. he's written extensively on GOP voter suppression over the years and his research has been used in court by Stacey Abrams' group Fair Fight.
Hand counts are used in verification processes in many states if not all. NC is an example. All states except TX and LA had completed the process of implementing ballot receipts or other paper trails for electronic voting.
State verification processes are something Mr. Spoonamore dismisses with an admission that he is NOT an election expert. I’m not going to re-litigate what I’ve already said & you’ve already ignored.
As for extreme gerrymandering & voter suppression, SCOTUS has switched to mostly giving it the green light. Legislatures thriving on it are not going to change their laws. The Constitution gives states the right to administer elections. If Dems pull together instead of fighting losing battles, enough Independents may be peeved in the next election to give a Dem Congress the power to change some voting guidelines & dilute if not eliminate voter suppression.
I don’t need YouTube to figure out how voting works. Same for gerrymanding & other suppression. It is not ‘new news’ and is now often “legal” which makes it completely different than election fraud. The 2 — ballot manipulation / election fraud should not be conflated for that reason & because gerrymandering / voter suppression is real.
If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride.
If turnips were swords, I'd have one at my side.
If "ifs" and "ands" were pots and pans,
There'd be no work for tinkers' hands.
No surprise... apparently the r's will stoop lower and lower... hard to understand a brain like that..on another note the headline for this read like an Onion headline.... it is that bizarre. in NC... we are so fragile
Where do these guys find the money to protest 60,000 votes?
It's a very rich party with billionaires donating repeatedly, although ignorant about our Constitution, aware of the benefits of global power.
Valerie, 🎯
Donations, which is what the Dems are asking for to defend Allison Riggs and 3 Legislative seats.
This perpetual money frenzy must end. We could have housed all the homeless by now!
More of the same. Fear of the Black vote has become Fear of Anyone Who Didn't Vote for me.
Republican's only win by cheating. True in NC, true in every state.
Mark 🎯
Well, sometimes they can’t win even though they cheat….
Thanks for highlighting the shenanigans in our state, Judd. It is pretty unbelievable when you consider NC was once considered the progressive beacon of the South(I grew up in Georgia). I am focussed on local and state politics for the next four years, and am leaving the distraction of the national mess to those who still own a TV.
Why did trump tell his cultists they did Ty need to vote?
That has always bothered me.
..."did NOT need to vote"....?
It was supposed to bother you.
It’s like his ‘little secret’. Mike Johnson has nothing to do with elections. He thought it was very funny to be asked about it & claimed it had to do with winning the House. Not a very good plan judging from the results.
These monsters must be stopped with forcing a recount because it isn’t the result they want. Recount done…end of story…Otherwise I demand a recount of the Presidential election!! There IS real cause for that!
Yes, there is!
Be careful. Many want the lopsided elections in all 7 states that had MANY votes only for President Trump, and Many that voted Democrat down ballot, but for Trump as president. Way out of the norm. The only way to verify the honesty would be through a hand recount. If we trash the conniving Republicans, it should be for carrying this to ridiculous extremes. Recounting by itself is not "wrong."
What can we, as outraged citizens, do about this? I'm looking for suggestions. These people need to be confronted and told that what they are doing is not OK and needs to stop.
Dan, I watched S Koreans flood the streets on TV. We need to show our numbers. But in the meantime, Scott Dworkin & others have letters ready to go. When you sign in, your US Reps & Senators automatically show up. I always change the first two sentences of the pre-written letter, then send. Calls and email in massive amounts DO GET RESULTS. I’m sure there are other Democratic, Blue Progressive sites with names such as these to help. Just double check who owns or operates it. Also look for endorsements of people you respect & trust.
Thank you Judd and Popular Information for diving into a slice of North Carolina's election fraud. Remember North Carolina is one of the 7 swing states so intently focused on by Mike Johnson and Donald Trump who had "a little secret that we won't know about until the votes are counted. Mostly thanks to Putin (who said "you'll owe us if you win") and Musk (who said "this better work or we'll all end up in jail"), those colleagues in arms.
Hooray for: "Chief U.S. District Judge Richard E. Myers II, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, ruled that the NC GOP and Republican National Committee did not have the right to sue over the federal voter registration law in question."
[Read more at:]