Jan 25·edited Jan 25

Thanks for staying on this censorship story, Judd. It is more important than most people realize. Our country already suffers from a major case of ahistoricity and cultural astigmatism. More culture wars and more attempts at suppression—from all sides—will only worsen our difficulty in conducting civil discourse.

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Of course, eliminate “radical liberal agenda is teaching kids to love books and be kind” and promote the absurd claim that teacher unions are “terrorist organizations” because they favor the education of the diversity in our melting pot culture. Oklahoma's Ryan Walters has made it up to the position of Oklahoma State Department of Education promoter of the de-certification of teachers who show concern about banning books. Walters takes pride in appointing Chaya Raichik famous for her position of "hateful conduct" that has resulted in numerous bomb threats. Thank you for exposing the fanatical underbelly of how fear is promoting violence in Oklahoma.

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Yet another example of the "If you hide history and dumb down / slant education, Republicans can stay in power."

Nice reporting folks!

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25

As I recall SCOTUS said that the native american tribes driven into reservations covering most of Oklahoma could assert jurisdiction over those lands. Perhaps it's time for them to do so, and expel these white devils.

One might also wonder why OK citizens are content with an education system that will soon supplant MS as the worst in the country. Do they really want the next generation to be unable to compete in the 21st century?

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I sincerely hope this is picked up by national news. Tax payer dollars being used in a dramatically irresponsible manner. Those tax dollars are invested in education to represent all students and ensure they receive a good education. Apparently the definition of good has taken a major hit.

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Basically, Oklahoma--one of the poorest and least-educated states in the union--is openly declaring to teachers that they are not welcome there. Winning strategy there. <eye roll>

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We need to start paying attention to where all this hate is coming from - and who is profiting from it. The list of haters is astounding --

"All Scripture Baptist Church

Knoxville, Tennessee

Alliance Defending Freedom

Scottsdale, Arizona

American College of Pediatricians

Gainesville, Florida

American Family Association

Indianapolis, Indiana

Tupelo, Mississippi *

Franklin , Pennsylvania"

and the list goes on.....


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It's time for the Southern Poverty Law Center to declare the Republican Party a hate group and a terrorist organization. All Republican officials should be disqualified under state and federal insurrection laws. They are all secesh traitors.

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Oklahoma where things are not OK. Native Oklahoman Will Roger's would be astonished with all of the rich material these right-wing fanatics offer up in the process of offering up education to the false gods of ignorance and intolerance.

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Thank you to the Popular Information team for this article.

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Judd, You keep me awake at night. Keep up the good work.

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Imagine if ClassWallet helped “those people” in Detroit or Chicago use the relief funds for similar purchases. Cue the outrage and bile from Mr. Walters and his handlers. Pharisees all of them.

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How sad is it that such news no longer shocks me? How maddening is it that such crazed zealots are validated by those in authority? With no qualifications whatsoever, this individual is charged with guiding the education of children. I continue nonetheless to hope that the majority of citizens who do not ascribe to the hateful premises of the book banning, censorship movement will raise their voices. This is not going to just fade away. It has to be aggressively discredited and dispelled.

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In the past, the Catholic church published a Condemned list of books, movies, and even songs. I think "Baby, It's Cold Outside" was on it. We received the list regularly in my Catholic high school. I think the list is gone, but Catholics, in collaboration with the Evangelical right, have found a way to recreate it. The main difference is that non-Catholics and even Catholics were free to ignore it in the past (although if we did, we were supposed to confess our sin). Now it's imposed on everyone, and if librarians or teachers try to ignore it, they're legally punished. it's most likely a small step between this and a high schooler bringing his/her own copy of a banned book to school and being punished.

Part of American has been taken over by the worst of the worst, the kind of people who have destroyed literate civilizations in the past.

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The Project Veritas of TikTok bringing fakery to the schools to own the libs. Where fakery and lies go, it seems corruption comes to light.

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As always, this piece packs a punch! Thanks for exposing these scoundrels.

I really appreciate you and your work!

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