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The majority of the Supreme Court are members of a group called Opus Dei which is a cult in the Catholic Church founded in 1933 is Spain.It is a far right group that supported franco, hitler and Mussolini. John Paul II and Benedict w. ere members. John Paul !! bypassed the rules for canonization to sainthood and made the founder, Josemarie Escrive, a saint in 2002. The Court members are also members of the Federalist Society which is headed by Leonard Leo who is also Opus Dei. William Barr was the head of the Opus Dei information office in DC before trump appointed him AG.

There is an organization called the Institute for Religion and Democracy (IRD) that is at the heart of a movement to split mainline protestant denominations using the wedge issues of abortion and homosexuality as well as the ordination of women.. They have been successful in splitting the Episcopal, Methodist, United Church of Christ, and Presbyterians. It was founded by former CIA that had been in Central America and found that many of the missionaries had embraced the cause of rebel groups with what was called "liberation theology." Members of Opus Dei are on the Board along with Protestant fundamentalists. The idea is that nothing progressive ever happened in the US without support of the mainline denominations. The idea of the split is to neutralize pastors in the pulpit, control the missions and seize the pension funds. Chip Berlet, of Political Research Associates


and others have researched the topic and produced books and movies. There is a full discussion in the Sara Diamond book,Roads to Dominion: Right-Wing Movements and Political Power in the United States.

There is something called an ordinate created by Benedict IV that creates a special place in the Catholic Church for converts, especially from the Episcopal Church. Many , like Newt Gingrich are associated with this group which has an overlap with the Opus Dei cult. There is also a strong overlap with the National Planning Council which is a right wing version of the Council on Foreign Affairs and is part of a parallel set of organizations that includes groups like the Heritage Foundation, the Philanthropic Round Table which is the conduit for money from right wing foundations that fund this network.

As for the Supreme Court, Sheldon Whitehouse has done in depth analysis of how the Court has been captured and virtually bought by the right.



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