Something is wrong with our education system that some folks believe a person with no scientific knowledge over a person who has a college degree in the sciences & has worked with and studied diseases. This needs to be fixed if we are to survive as a nation. Wake up, America!
Something is wrong with our education system that some folks believe a person with no scientific knowledge over a person who has a college degree in the sciences & has worked with and studied diseases. This needs to be fixed if we are to survive as a nation. Wake up, America!
“Something is wrong with our education system..” Major understatement. Conservatives have been attacking the US education system for almost my entire lifetime. Rewriting books, claiming bias toward Liberal ideals (ie: science), siphoning off funding and the wholesale purchase of colleges by conservative financiers. An uneducated or undereducated public is far easier to manipulate & we are seeing the evidence of that coming to a head.
Disclaimer: I know I’ll probably receive blow-back for this and, I know this doesn’t apply to ALL homeschooled children:
The move toward home schooling was instrumental for conservatives in claiming ownership over the indoctrination of their children. Removing them from the public school environment meant the children were no longer exposed to ideals, thoughts & values that were counter to those of the parents. Now we have thousands of those children reaching adulthood & we see the evidence not only in their voting habits but in the ease with which they absorb scientifically ridiculous conspiracies while rejecting commonly accepted scientific fact.
Critical thinking skills and basic personal fact-checking have become endangered within the general American population and I see no signs of those skills being revived or rescued.
You’re right unfortunately. I saw it when my own boys were in school. I made sure to read to them and encourage them to continue into adulthood. They were also encouraged to question people and things-to take nothing at face value. They are now smart, well-read citizens who take their civic duties seriously but I didn’t just leave all that to their teachers.
Something is wrong with our education system that some folks believe a person with no scientific knowledge over a person who has a college degree in the sciences & has worked with and studied diseases. This needs to be fixed if we are to survive as a nation. Wake up, America!
“Something is wrong with our education system..” Major understatement. Conservatives have been attacking the US education system for almost my entire lifetime. Rewriting books, claiming bias toward Liberal ideals (ie: science), siphoning off funding and the wholesale purchase of colleges by conservative financiers. An uneducated or undereducated public is far easier to manipulate & we are seeing the evidence of that coming to a head.
Disclaimer: I know I’ll probably receive blow-back for this and, I know this doesn’t apply to ALL homeschooled children:
The move toward home schooling was instrumental for conservatives in claiming ownership over the indoctrination of their children. Removing them from the public school environment meant the children were no longer exposed to ideals, thoughts & values that were counter to those of the parents. Now we have thousands of those children reaching adulthood & we see the evidence not only in their voting habits but in the ease with which they absorb scientifically ridiculous conspiracies while rejecting commonly accepted scientific fact.
Critical thinking skills and basic personal fact-checking have become endangered within the general American population and I see no signs of those skills being revived or rescued.
You’re right unfortunately. I saw it when my own boys were in school. I made sure to read to them and encourage them to continue into adulthood. They were also encouraged to question people and things-to take nothing at face value. They are now smart, well-read citizens who take their civic duties seriously but I didn’t just leave all that to their teachers.
Stupidity is killing this country.