Aw the 1%. How I love to hate them. Three friends have been laid off from companies since Friday here in SW VA. Manufacturer, furniture store and a white collar company. I dare say this is going on all over America.

No sick days for them anymore.

Capitalism can suck as the profits are protected but while the stock market tanks...?

Meanwhile back at the ranch Trump gives himself a 10 and Moscow Mitch asks Federal judges to retire so Trump appointees can take their places.

I have to say, we are in quick sand and it don't look good that Tarzan is arriving with super strength and a log to pull us out.

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You’re right. Thus MAGA sinks under trumps fat-headed leadership. Or at least we can hope if any of us are left to do so that is.

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The GOP Is Dead, But Viruses Are Also Said To Be Dead

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They mutate. So has the GOP.

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Mutant, I Think Is Applicable

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Very devious to use the usually kind nature of the employees for them to put themselves at risk by giving up their own sick leave benefits when Amazon is profitable well beyond the grasp of many of us. Bezos has the financial clout to have all his employees tested to gauge how safe the place is to shop--it would be a good business strategy in places like California, where so many are now under "shelter at home" orders in the Bay Area and Santa Cruz. I know they can be exposed and sickened after such testing, but at least there would be a baseline and ability to address who should be working and who should be home on Netflix.

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Why is it that the wealthiest companies and individuals are also the stingiest and so often have to be shamed into doing the right thing? Guess we all need to keep the pressure on them until they do. Thanks for harping on this extremely important issue. It effects ALL of our health and well being.

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Keep up the excellent work, Judd. You know what you're doing. Obviously. Just keep doing it. I hope your readership is growing. There's a lot of vital info to learn- just from this one news source.

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No telling how much that practice has played into the spread of Coronavirus to this point. And of course there is no telling how much it is and WILL play into the spread of CV from this point on. This virus ‘moves’ in a matter of days, if not hours.

We readers need to act quickly.

In addition to sharing, what is the fastest, most powerful way to PRESS Bezos, Whole Foods, the monkey blocking the House bill, and the whole of the Senate to ACT NOW?

I can try to get the attention of NY Gov Andrew Cuomo on social media (as if he doesn’t already have enough on his plate), but he also has immense press opps right now.

I encourage each of you to do the same, tagging your shares with as many key players as possible. I’ve gotten the attn of US Senators that way before; let’s do it again.

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I’m glad we can share this so will do that very thing right now.

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Yet, I can't stop using Amazon. Bezos wins.

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While I have enjoyed many of your articles, this topic has grown tiresome and boring and more opinion and personal axe grinding than fact. Maybe spend more time on Facebook. Amazon is not the first, nor will it be the last, market leader. I would argue Sears was the first “Main Street” killer starting with its catalogue business and then its physical stores, then there were the big box retailers Walmart, K-Mart, Macy’s and the list goes on and on. If Amazon succeeds by selling what its customers want at the prices they want to pay why are you blaming the vendor and not the customer? Because the customer would tell you to mind your own business. This is capitalism and this system may be far from perfect, it is better than any other at providing consumers with what they want and the best price.

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I believe you're missing the point. It's fine for Amazon to win. But in a society where there are inadequate safety nets, and in the middle of a health crisis, one would hope that the business leaders - the winners of the sweepstakes - would respond in a fashion that recognizes and reflects the impact of that crisis on everyone, from packer to driver to cashier to consumers.

Flattening the curve on the spread of COVID-19 not only requires social distancing, it requires those who are ill in any fashion to self-quarantine. Paid sick leave, even if it's only instituted for the duration of this crisis, is a necessity that will never be mandated by a GOP-led government. The patriotic move would be for Bezos and the ilk to take a bold stand in support of reducing the rapid spread of the disease and to take a short-term hit on his bottom line.

That's what this is about.

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COVID-19 was just declared a national emergency by the White House four days which has really thrust the issue of sick leave into the national conversation and the article about Darden’s lacking policy was just four days before that. In just a week and with plenty of room for improvement, sick leave policies for the largest employers in the country are already a tiresome topic? They’ll certainly be tiresome when there is widespread positive change and PI is still harping about it. Hopefully we get to that point.

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Don’t listen to this one, Judd. It’s clearly a troll.

“David” (if in fact that is your name)

The point of this article is not “Main Street killing big business” in this case it’s a profitable business’ response to a global pandemic & placing the economic burden on his low-wage employees. While Jeff Bezos, his directors & executives luxuriate in their comfy lives the drones in the company grind away under the duress of either work sick or don’t get pay. The lack of sick pay or paid time off is an American epidemic that’s about to bring the entire country to a screeching emergency halt. (One could argue that it already has)

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Dude, if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. There’s a pandemic bearing down. Get out of the way.

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What exactly is your point here? The issue, it seems to me, is whether or not the big money winners are doing their part in helping to flatten the curve of this outbreak. They aren’t. What those at the tippy top don’t seem to realize is that there are a whole lot more unprotected people working for those precious few at the top and therefore possibly spreading this nasty mess on to their sources of income-their customers. If death only took out the foolishly ignorant, I might say so be it. But COVID-19 isn’t so picky.

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You Could Legally Buy A Thompson, In A Velvet Lined Hardwood Box, With An Extra Drum Clip, & 250 Rounds + BONUS 250 Rounds Of .45 ACP, From The Sears Catalog For $12.50 ...When 2 Were Shown To Al Capone He Got Angry They Weren't Using Them 2-3 Yrs Earlier

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