Again, we've morphed into the modern day equivalent of Nazi Germany. This is absolutely horrific, and the reaction of much of the country is a collective yawn. What a horrible time to be an American.

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I have to wonder out loud who in the Trump circle is Billy McConnell's friend. How is Trump profiting from this? Sounds like Stephen Miller probably is at least on a high from the horror of the way immigrant women are being treated.

Our crimes against humanity continue.

The sterilization of fringe poor and minorities has a deep rooted history in the South. Sadly looks like history is repeating.

Google "Lynchburg Training School" for one. You know back when America was great.

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Made me sick reading this, I don't even recognize America anymore. Treating humans like animals. Well, now that I think about it, animals are treated better and seem to have more rights.

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I am so sickened by this that I have no words. Action must be taken immediately to prosecute every single person involved. This is what our country has become in less than four years...

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I'm starting to think all McConnells were born greedy and evil......

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