This is despicable. We have so many actual problems in the U.S. that she could be spending her time on instead. Such as the 7.2 million children who went hungry during 2023 because of lawmakers like Mace who waste their time being petty. https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/food-nutrition-assistance/food-security-in-the-u-s/key-statistics-graphics/

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Going to get worse. The SNAP program in on Elon and Vivek's chopping block

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It's certainly going to get worse unless we scream no at the top of our lungs right now. I put together a guide for folks to fight the proposed recess appointments, which has to be a focus of ours for the next 2 months. I included explainers on why this is a critical fight. Here it is. Please take action! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VqbHs916J-SrOv3GMu22tGzWpB2IuaZutOVhzyB9wP4/edit?usp=drivesdk

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I've been sending letters urging democrats to resist recess appointments courtesy of Scott Dworkin on substack.

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Fantastic! Can you provide that link, please? The more resources the better! 💯

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Why would any DEMOCRAT ever consider allowing Hair Furor to ram through recess appointments - especially for this rogue’s gallery of misfit toys!

Go after REPUBLICANS! Try to figure out which of them still have an ounce of principles, or failing that target those in swing states who don’t want to be face a well-funded campaign against them in 2026.

(But finding even four of them who would oppose an adjournment vote might be an impossible task!)

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"(But finding even four of them who would oppose an adjournment vote might be an impossible task!)"

I'd rather be tasked with finding the holy grail than with finding 4 honest R's. "Just sayin" as they say.

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Wish screaming would help

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Actually, it does. We just have to direct it at the right people. 5 calls is an excellent app for this https://5calls.org/

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Thank you. Finding the right people is a challenge in cult land

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May I share this with my activist groups on FB and Bluesky?

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Definitely do! If you learn of additional respurces, please share here so I can add them

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Just evil

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Adam Serwer proved right again; the cruelty is the point.

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Over the past few years, I've had the privilege of getting to know Sarah McBride through my role as President of the Medical Society of Delaware. She is truly extraordinary - a remarkable blend of intelligence, compassion, and genuine commitment to public service. Her decision to run for Congress was inspiring, and I am proud to stand among the many Delawareans who enthusiastically supported her candidacy.

The recent attacks by Ms. Mace are not just disappointing, but deeply troubling. Instead of engaging in substantive policy discussions that matter to constituents, these tactics represent a cynical approach that undermines the democratic process. Real leadership is about solving problems, building understanding, and bringing people together - not spreading misinformation or engaging in personal attacks.

I remain hopeful that Americans will see through these divisive tactics and recognize the true leadership qualities that Sarah McBride embodies. Our democracy is strongest when we elevate substantive dialogue and elect representatives who genuinely care about making a meaningful difference in people's lives.

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Thank you for your support of Ms McBride and your enthusiastic endorsement. I am certain she will do good things for ALL Americans. She knows, as we all do, sewing division is the distraction the MAGA crowd uses as they serve their rich donors.

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However, Americans prefer HATE and LIES. Hate is as old as TIME. We have been given the choice and hate and lies won.

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Mace and her colleagues are all about scapegoating, gaslighting, lies and misinformation. They're pathetic!

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Dr Bob - "The recent attacks by Ms. Mace are not just disappointing, but deeply troubling. Instead of engaging in substantive policy discussions that matter to constituents . . . I remain hopeful that Americans will see through these divisive tactics and recognize the true leadership qualities that Sarah McBride embodies."

I mean no disrespect, but where have you been the past nine years? This is everything that trump and the republicans have been preaching. They are not interested in substantive discussions let alone actual solutions. Anyone who believes differently lacks basic critical thinking skills. The sad reality is that 70+ million people in the US agreed with that nonsense and 10+ million Democrat voters decided to sit this one out. Not a very hopeful sign for our "exceptional" country. Ms. Mace is just one more voice in the gathering horde.

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I think you mean horde.

When we ponder what voters who disagree with us think and what they know, why they vote as they do or chose not to vote at all, it might be helpful to consider the literacy rate of US adults currently. How literacy rates influence what information they absorb and how it relates to their concerns.

Please keep in mind that people who are struggling & stressed and / or have grievances / frustrations are concerned first with what they need for survival: housing, food, health, and so on. Next safety and security. People who feel more secure in those areas have different additional priorites.

21% are illiterate.

79% are literate.

Of those adults:

34% read below a 6th grade level but at or above a 5th grade level.

20% read below a 5th grade level.

Which means less than half of American adults, only 46% read above a 6th grade level.

The Dems won college educated votes by 13%. The breaking point on voters by income was $100,000. The Dems LOST voters under $100K.


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Ann Sharon - Thank you for the correction. According to the US Dept of Education, 54% of adults (17-75) read below a 6th grade level. Yes, I believe that plays a significant role in how people tend to vote. This is one of the reasons that republicans continue their efforts to dumb-down our educational system. So, the question is: how do we reach those people who are semi-literate and/or earn under $100K/yr?

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I agree. That is the question. ( 54% = 34% under 6th grade to 5th grade plus 20% who read below 5th grade level. The US economy is estimated to lose $2.2T a year due to low literacy.)

I think we start with what voters say are their concerns & maybe Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Probably an accident (even a blind hog etc.) but trump’s messages were Level 1 Basic needs & Level 2 Safety & security. He then tied them together with faux tales of criminal immigrants invading, spending your tax dollars, taking your housing, etc. “They are to blame” for whatever complaint. Maslow’s theory says most people move through the Levels one at a time staying on each until the needs are achieved.

Nathan Heller, The New Yorker says folks now absorb info from the “ambience of information.” Picking up bits & pieces. He noted the 54% literacy number & that lower literacy led to more of this random acceptance of info that they did not seek out.

Trump floods the large networks & media with large audiences. This is supported by X and the 24/7 Fox Trump Campaign; picked up by digital media. For yrs, maybe 3 core points over & over. (There is a Principle of Familiarity. Per survival instinct, we dislike the unfamiliar. Repeated encounters break down that barrier. Marketers are big fans. It’s why there are brands, slogans & talking points. Or — My neighbor is a mass murderer? But he’s so nice. He always waves. = Familiarity trumps facts.)

Digital social networks are now the main source of many people’s information. There is so much, people use patterns formed on very little info to manage it. They don’t remember where they ‘found’ ideas.

Heller says Dems need to harness the “ambience of information.” Harris used major media to introduce herself, paint broad themes & goals. She reserved most specifics for smaller groups & communities. Earlier in her career this worked in a big way. Apparently not quite enough against the daily drumbeat driving the trump “pattern” and social media feeds.

— The communications researcher Pablo Boczkowski has noted that people increasingly take in news by incidental encounter—they are ‘rubbed by the news’—rather than by seeking it out. Trump has maximized his influence over networks that people rub against, and has filled them with information that, true or not, seems all of a coherent piece.” — https://www.newyorker.com/news/the-lede/republican-victory-and-the-ambience-of-information

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts. That is one of trumps traits that enable him to be such a successful grifter - he understands modern media manipulation and the most basic (and base) things that motivate us.

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Thank you for indulging me 😊

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Yes. Info is now everywhere. Algorithms feed us what is similar to what we’ve visited before. The platforms know from their data angry and emotional driven (dancing babies & violence) not reason based posts and comments get more interaction & drive advertising rates & their budgets up. They boost them.

It is also a talent of authoritarians who history says are elected when people when people are fearful, uncertain about their future or economically stressed.

It is a scientific fact - when people are angry, frightened or deeply stressed for a prolonged period, the brain releases hormones into the body. We go into survival mode. Reasoning takes a back seat. Limited info gets through.

There is hope. In 2020 people were traumatized. They voted for normal. Inflation wasn’t ’normal.’ The pain & ugliness, the bread & circuses without bread, the cost of tariffs is all on him the first 2 yrs. He owns it all.

The Dems need to flip their day to day messaging. Pare it down to 3 main themes. Use brief points tied to those themes (cohesion) that point to the cause. Compare & contrast Dems with the source of pain & angst. Keep flooding the zone. That’s a start.

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I suspect she wanted headlines. This is only a ‘winning’ issue with a certain slice of the electorate who are often concerned about identity issues; soon to be concerned about their very survival. Apparently the Senator-elect’s district voted based on representation, not “identity.”

The Congresswoman from SC may need to pillar some targets Americans are more concerned about. This is not the first time she’s introduced her status as a rape victim to justify her behavior. Women who have been abused, sexually or otherwise, are looking at the candidates for a rogue Cabinet and are much more concerned about what they will do & have done.

At least 4 have faced or are facing allegations related to sexual misconduct or worse. The most recent, Linda McMahon having been name in a lawsuit alleging decades of abuse involving children that the McMahons knew or should have known about. (This is in addition to the DOJ on-going investigation of her husband.)

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Yup, GOP legislators are reading the writing on the wall. Get in line with the far-right's control over the Republican Party, or get out of town. Mace is just safeguarding her position of relative power. Unless she really has become radicalized over this issue. Either way, it's dangerous rhetoric.

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Despicable behavior of Mace. What a coward and hypocrite.

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It would seem that the MAGA/GOP needs a distraction from their horrific cabinet appointments and catastrophic 2025 fueled agenda. We must also recognize that there is a large portion of the American public who believe that trans people are committing sins against their version of god . Progressives can not dismiss those beliefs and concerns without dialogue. Wokeness and immigration were extremely powerful weapons used in this past presidential campaign.

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Hate was the main weapon

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I was shocked some years ago when a Republican was captured on TV, throwing a dollar at a disabled man sitting on the ground, protesting against the lack of care and accessibility to freely move around towns. He stated “you want money? I’ll give you money!” And threw the dollar right at him as he sat there. I was shocked that he thought this was appropriate behavior. I’m still stunned at how low Republicans go. All of this is fueled by hate and encouraging all people of this nation to be as bad as they want to be. Not kind, understanding and loving but mean and hateful. By now I’m over being shocked. I’m depressed, profoundly sad and depressed.

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Yes. And yet "Democrats have abandoned the working class and are only for the elites". How many times have I read that since the election? Bah! The media keeps suppressing the truth and some Democrats repeat it! How anyone can look at all the help Biden has done for the working class and the middle class and still think Biden abandoned them for the Elite has truly lost all ability to think. Lemmings all.

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What is a helpful way for non constituents of either Mace or McBride to help/support McBride? And please don't say tweet.

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I agree we should let them “crash and burn” with their various follies however Representative-elect McBride should know she has support from all around the nation.

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Thanks for the email! Great idea... here's what I wrote...

Hi there!

I am not a constituent! Of yours or Mace's

I'm just a mom in Newton MA who has heard what the mean girls are doing to you. I am really sorry. 8th grade probably sucks worse when you have it as an elected Congress critter.

But, my family supports you and loves you from afar. We are sending all the strength, joy and resolve from our hearts to yours.

This is to you, your staff, the peeps in your life who help you go. Your work is important and noticed and needed.

Also, my FIL lives in Delaware and you are a chance to make his life better!

Thank you for being an example of what's possible.

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Just wrote this

Dear Representative-elect McBride,

You have support from people all around the country. I am a resident of the XXXX and we could not be more proud of your work and dedication to the citizens you represent.

Please know the puerile words and attempted actions by other people will never define you.

All the best for your future president in the House of Representatives.

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If anything, the election on 11/5 proved that hate and anger in the GOP is the name of their game and in America, as well. Nancy Mace is finally able to be who she is. Sickening how many there are.

As for the lies in Trump ads, they were many and prolific.

When I watched the GA/Texas college football game, the battle of #1 and #2, watched by millions, only Trump ads ran and most like this one. Bubba and the boys turned out for Trump. Who was running the Dem store?

Going low has paid off big time for the GOP.

Normalizing the impending jack hammer and chain saw regime is MSM new deal.

The abyss is dark and deep. God, Buddha and the Force help us.

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What happened to compassion? To understanding? To kindness? To maturity? If Mace really had a problem with McBride vis-a-vis using the bathroom, then she should help carve out gender neutral bathrooms in the Capitol building. It's not that big a deal. At one point, there were no women's rooms, I imagine those needed to be added in the 20th century.

Where are we now? The 21st century, come aboard.

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This is clearly a distraction so the sheep won't notice they're getting fleeced.

Trump won the popular vote; apparently a majority of American are happier hating each other than working together to solve problems.

Thank you PI for your write-up.

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For heaven’s sake! We have a host of real problems, and our GOP leadership is going to concentrate on bathrooms and makeup? I have been wearing an HB2 rainbow colored ring in protest against silly bathroom legislation since Pat McCrory tried his little antics in NC, and I will probably die with it on my finger. I suppose such frippery belongs to an era where the President has a gold toilet in his home. Get a life, people!

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If Mace feels so strongly about bathrooms, I fully invite and expect her to NEVER use a men's room at ANY venue or airport when the line to the women's room is a 15 minute wait. She can obviously feel free to skip the gender-neutral and family bathrooms as well.

I hope her LGBTQ+ family and friends disown her ass.

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So the deranged Orange Crevasse has all of the GOP spooked and running to apply their lips (after copious use of chapstick) to his ample, criminal rear.

A disgusting display of the obsequiousness R's are known for around the world!

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great article. explaining how stupidity ( the dumbing down of education ) , logic and persecution of individuals destroys the right thing to do. This is how some religions overrules common sense. This is how lies conquer truth and evil wins out over good.

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Comparing economic, health & educational stats in red vs blue states, I thought the choice was easy…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3xBBk7Jy0A

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Thanks for this link.

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