The key phrase "in a manner that is age and development appropriate". In other words, whatever Ron DeSantis, Moms for Fascism, the other screeching book banners determine to be age and development appropriate, in other words, not in high school. No wonder the FEA and others are demanding clarification. And no wonder so many districts are just dropping the course from their offering. No one wants to be the test case in DeSantistan. And too many school boards and administrators have grown tired of defending academic integrity from the MAGA morons. It's only a matter of time until a Florida public school diploma will not be worth the paper it's printed on.

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Just Like ! CONFEDERATE ( worthLESS ! ) MONEY ! ( WHY ?, do MAMMONITES ! LOVE !, This KIND of MAMMON ?! )

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Judd and Tesnim, you are providing such an incredibly valuable service for us. Thank you for the honest and thorough reporting and for keeping us up to date on this very important issue.

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One wonders if the uncertainty in the language is the point of this exercise. Uncertainty breeds fear, frightened people are easy to dominate. Well, most of the time, anyway.

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Exactly. DeSaster has rewritten laws to HIS liking and will continue to do so. I can’t help but picture him in a SS uniform should he actually get to the Oval. When he loses the presidential election, I predict he will change FL law’s term limits and run for a 3rd term. Do not forget, this man determined torture levels at GITMO & ABU GHRAIB. Makes one wonder what Harvard & Yale are producing.

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FYI: current FL law for governor: you can run for governor unlimited times; however, you can only serve to consecutive terms, then must wait out a term before running again. DeStroyer is in his second term now. STILL. How? He CHANGED THE LAW REQUIRING RESIGNING FROM OFFICE IN ORDER TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT.

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Dang it, typing too fast... can only serve TWO consecutive terms then wait a term before running again.... currently. Taking bets on how many days it’ll take for Ronnie to change that

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DeSantis is simply giving the majority of the Florida voters what they want. Fascism thrives in an environment of dis-information, a.k.a. propaganda. Because the MAGA voters get their "facts" from the dis-information cesspit, they pull their "leaders" in the direction of fascism. In a system where all the voters share a common set of facts, fascism cannot metastasize. Tens of millions of American voters are media illiterate and our democracy teeters.

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I dislike the former president intensely. I have found one thing with which I agree with him. The nickname Ron DeSanctimonious.

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Desaster. Lol. Love it.

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Yep, DeSanitize writes laws just like God does. And for the same reasons.

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James !, DeSanctimonious LAWS, Are COMPLETELY 180 DEGREES, To The . LAWS, of LOVE !,, from OUR LORD/GOD !, ALMIGHTY ! MANKIND !, Wake UP ! lucifer,,, is Haven' a PAR-TAY ! ( his TIME!, is REAL SHORT ! ) & OUR LORD! , WILL ARRIVE ! , "Like a THIEF !, in The NIGHT ! "

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Florida. Keep an eye on Florida. Soon to have the largest number of grieviously underprepared and ignorant students in the western hemisphere. Add that to all the other things going on/wrong that DeSantis ignores to focus on the oh-so-satisfying "culture wars."

Can't find affordable housing? Can't insure that un-affordable house? With no immigrants what happened to FL's construction and agriculture? I've not been there lately, but the hints that escape paint a picture that isn't looking good for the native Floridians, in my opinion.

The snowbirds will be fine unless that gator in the backyard gets em!

Thank you again Judd and Tesnim.

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Well, we live here. We found out our housing insurance (UCP) was leaving the state from the news, not the provider, and it took MONTHS to obtain a replacement policy. And our rate has increased an additional $3,000 each year for the past 2 years! That added another $500/mth to the mortgage payment!! We’re retired/fixed income. People are going to be losing their houses. DeSantis’ response? ““knocking on wood that we won’t have a big storm this summer.”

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We all appreciate your candid reply and truly hope things improve on the ground for you and all Floridians, native or not.

It would be hard enough just dealing with climate change and the daily challenges of life without having this raging maniac squandering state resources on craziness and refuse to use his office to improve life for his fellow Floridians.

Good thing there is little chance he can be president. I just wish he would at least try to be a good governor, practicing good governance!

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Driving from Apopka to Orlando today, car showed outside temp rise to 102, 104, 109!!

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Next " DELICASEY, Served in Florida FINE Resturants ; . " CLIMATE CHANGED, Fine , Succulant ! ALLIGATOR ! , Boiled in BRACKISH . NATURAL SeaSALT !, WATER ! , ( YUM !)

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Global warming isn't real! Got that? It IS NOT REAL!!! You have been BRAINWASHED by WOKE CORPORATIONS! You've been WOKED!!!

Now drive that car, work that job, spend yer dough, don't be a commie/socialist/fascist/anti-fa/woke-ass/no-gun-totin/child molestin/glasses wearing/AB beer swillin/COMMIE and shut yer damn mouth!

/s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s Is that enough? Here's another for luck. /s

Jokes aside, that is awful. All I know to do is to make light of it all and laugh to keep from screaming.

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RIGHT ON !, Again!, ADAM ! ( PS, ! Do NOT Forget, to Put IN, That FINE Liturgy ; HIPPIE, PINKO FAGG RUT, ! TOO !! )

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( for MYSELF ! , LORD Have MERCY !! )

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Not funny. We are killing the earth for future generations.

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Agreed. I apologize. It is not funny. We have recently seen the highest temperatures in recorded history and a staggering amount of people in positions of power, authority, influence & accountability do not seem to care.

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I can't "like" your post because it is awful. I, too, am a retiree here in Florida. We've been here for 40+ years except for 7 years that we lived in Northern VA. We are trying like heck to get the house ready to sell, once we get out of the hurricane season.

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Annette, SOMEBODY, Will take Your house ! There are plenty of WingNUTS, ,, Who Love HEAT, HUMIDITY, Pet Gators, ( AND Eventually,, SHARKS !, in THEIR BACKYARD !! ( The WATER LEVEL!,, " IT ! , Be RISEN' !! )

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And don't forget about the Leprosy outbreak in central Florida and the malaria in Sarasota. We are also without health officials (other than the odious Surgeon General, Ladapo) because the higher public health officials positions are still open.

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Wow. Thank you for adding that bit of detail. I knew that DeSantis chased a health official out of the state during covid for merely acting in the public's interests rather than his political interests.

So, anything that goes wrong in any venue under his purview will be blamed on "woke" policies that he is now changing? Sheesh.

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OH ! , ANNETTE ! , I Left OUT ! , " THE SKEETERS ! " SORRY !

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Leave it to a mentally and intellectually immature buffoon to ruin education for aspiring students. Because he and Casey are too idiotically chaste to refer to their genitals other than "private parts", he plans to ruin AP courses statewide to cater to his stunted mental state. I feel bad for residents like Rather Not who would like to live in a reasonably normal place. Instead they are stuck with DeathSentence and his Freedumb.

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It's criminal. And the woke wars go on with so many of the populace falling once again for the okey doke.

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Shame on Cambridge International for buckling under to Viktor Orban, er, I mean, Ron DeSantis, and following the Christian Theocratic playbook.

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Ian Mark, ! There are True CHRIISTIANS, & PSEUDO ( FALSE christians ! ) Christians, Our LORD/GODS HOLY SPIRIT ! " KNOWS! ", The HEARTS!,, that ARE Either, WHEAT ! Or, CHAFF ! BLESSINGS !!

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Respectfully, I have no idea what you're trying to say.

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Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Woo Charlie! Hahahahahahahaha! GD!!!

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There’s one group who’s responsible for all this, and that group is Florida voters. They wanted this type of government and now they have it, much like the dog catching the car it’s been chasing. Yes, students will suffer. Businesses will suffer. Teachers will leave the profession. You can protest if you want! Call your state representative, but none of that matters if the voters in Florida continue to elect and re-elect the same people. They spiked the punch with this toxic mess, now they have to drink it.

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Please don't lump us all into this category. Many of us did our level best to GOTV and support Democratic candidates. With the state hopelessly gerrymandered and the national Dem party MIA, we are stuck with the results too.

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I totally agree. The national Democratic Party seems to have written off Florida, and that’s unfortunate. Didn’t mean to lump you into the wrong category. I’m a woke lefty living in South Carolina so I feel your pain on a number of levels. It takes a lot of resolve to campaign for Democratic candidates in a state that’s been saw into the pieces necessary to insure continual Republican victories. Keep fighting and most importantly, keep voting!

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AND alWAYS ! HOLD ON, To FAITH ! , Annette !

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My lament as well

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I should have qualified my previous statement. Judd and Tesnim did a fantastic job (as always) and my comments weren’t directed at them. They were highlighting some of the horrendous problems that exist in Florida’s education system from top to bottom and the potential harm that can/will result. My angst is with the people who voted for this type of government.

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Just realize that MANY VOTED AGAINST HIM. And we are stuck with him. And detest all the antiFLORIDA FLACK he creates.

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Yes, many voted against him and that’s hugely important. But too many voted for him. He will destroy the state and blame the the woke mob! It’s tough to watch.

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Don't forget how many voters he imported into Florida with promises to give them jobs as (unqualified) teachers and the lure of his fascist policies.

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It’s just unbelievable. It appears that he will stop at nothing!

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Randy,, This is ALSO True !,, of lucifer ! who Stops, at NOTHING ! To SUCK MANKIND! , into the WORLDLY, Riches, & FAME ! , WORMHOLE of FALSE gLOWry ! ( SumPin' FAMILLIAR Here !, Right ??! )

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We had a huge influx of transplants to Florida from the northeast following a bitter winter this past year and from Californians--looking for more affordable housing I think? I wonder if any give much consideration to politics.

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Don't forget the help of his close friend: Gerry Mander.

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Gerry is a popular guy these days!

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Thank you Judd!

This is fascism. The so called illiberal governance is also fascism albeit "lite". DeSantis knows what he is doing. Senator Grassley (IA) recently had the audacity in a response to a letter say fascism is not something America has ever had a problem with. Yuck.

Thanks to these fine independent journalists, we are understanding more and more.

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Thanks, Ricky ! mr. ( IA ) Does Not HAVE A PROBLEM, With FASCISIM ! , BeCause, ( IA ) is WEARING the " FACE-MASK", of Said FASCISM ...

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This is a really useful essay that demonstrates what happens when politicians decide to start a culture war aimed at creating a sanitized, hermetically sealed education system that offers students a limited, but politically approved, understanding of reality. I wonder how stupid they think the parents and students not to mention teachers are that by taking out the chapters on gender and sexuality in the AP course, those students, parents and educators will not be aware that there are people who are not like them in the world. I wonder what AP History is supposed to look like in Florida with its conservative politicians now arguing that slavery wasn't so bad. To have an education, students must be allowed to learn about reality with all its complications, contradictions and problems. They can make their own decisions about who they personally want to be but they need to know that others may be different. Not knowing never helps anything anywhere. Ever.

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Why don't more people understand this? We are the sum of ALL of our experiences and ALL of what we have learned. Why clip your own wings on purpose or worse, attempt to clip the wings of others so they too, will be groundbound?

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Haven't you heard? DeSanitization of AP History will soon erase the Holocaust and all will be well - again.

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I'm sure that deathsantis will make a law stating that the holocaust wasn't a place where they killed 6 million jews but a place where they placed jews where they could best serve the Reich !! You know like medical experiments and such !!!!🫢🫢🫢

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Actually, DeathstarSantis will correct Florida history books to show that the Jews, and other victims of Nazi fascism, were well fed and learned valuable life skills just like American slaves did before the Armies of Northern Agression, led by that radical Republican Abraham Lincoln, invaded the South and put an end (almost) to the highly successful economic system mistakenly referred to as 'slavery'.

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Man am I bad in not realizing the true history of Florida! Thanks for correcting me James ! Is this going to be on the test ????🤣😂😅🤣😂

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Of course! And don't you just love Ron's new military stlye shirts complete with double pockets, secret inscriptions, and cool patches? He hasn't worn a brown one yet, but I'm sure it's in his closet bidening its time. Makes you want to salute, doesn't it?

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And I'm gonna get ME some of those fashion conscious gum boots in white! Just like muh boy RonD. The "D" is for, uhhh I'll just spell it.


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Makes me want to 🤮🤮 !! He is just not a likeable person !! He probably bought a shit-load ( using Florida pension monies ) of Josh Hawley 's " manly " book to pass onto his cronies to show them the proper way to govern !!🤣😂😅🤣😂

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SEIG HEIL !! ,, IT !, BE COMMIN' !! DEMS !,, EVERY VOTE!, Has GOT !, TO BE BA- LEW !! GIT UP !, & VOTE ! ( THANKS !, James !)

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Kimberlee,, We ALL !, KNOW ! " It IS ALL, ,,, TOO TRUE ! " , EZEKIEL 37 1 through 10 " There WILL RISE !, a HORENDOUSLY LARGE ARMY ! " OUR LORD/GOD!! , is FULLY Capable, OF the IMPOSIBLE ! GLORY !!

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NEVER !, forget ! ,, THE SHOAH !! ( TOO Many ATHIESTS, & DENIERS !! )

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Has desantis started dictating what kind of pencil students can use to take tests? Hitler has been reincarnated. Why not allow parents to opt-in for their children to take the legitimate, full AP Psychology course and leave it at that. Oh I'm sorry, I forgot, he is against parental rights too.

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EXACTLY!! Just do a search and you’ll see there are lawsuits happening all over the USA today regarding curriculums and parental/students rights. Efforts have been made over the generations to have more standardized curriculums across the nation as when families RELOCATE, hopefully their students will be on the same general curriculum. What now?

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The article mentions that the College Board is a not-for-profit organization. Google “is College Board a non-for-profit company?” and have a read. If not done before, why not an in-depth article on College Board? The whole college entrance process from beginning to end is a quasi sham. It’s an anachronism that needs review and major change ..will we be living with College Board and an entitlement entrance process in 2030?

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To a point, I can agree with the non-profit sham. The whole non-profit status has become a sham industry. How many "churches" have popped up around you? How many foundations are started by rich athletes to protect their earnings from taxes? It is not just College Board, but the deluge of money making entities operating in a fake manner.

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Agreed! And mega churches are the worst!

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You mean, like the Federalist Society?

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Why the hell not? Hadn't considered it but, you know, they qualify. They worship money and themselves in no particular order right?

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LOTSA' " false prophets ! " , FLEESIN' Your Wallets !, for BOGUSS blessings ! ( GOOD TIP !, SEEK Out, a Small Church, that TEACHES HOLY BIBLE! Scriptural Content,,, With GODS LOVE!, AND HIS " HOLY GHOST ! " ( OUR GOD!, Can NOT LIE !!)

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LOADS, ! , Of MAMMONITES !! ( DOUGH !,,,, is the ROOT !, of ALL EVIL ! ) ( THEY, can NOT !, TAKE IT !, With THEM ! When They WILL Bow, BEFORE, !!, OUR LORD ! ) The WORLD, & ALL That, That IS WithIN! , WILL BE !, Burned UP ! I HOPE ! , " Our LORD!,,,, will, HAVE MERCY ! " Thanks ! Rickey !

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What is happening in Florida should be its own AP class in a few years. Political ambitions really are a societal cancer in the hands of the wrong people. Think about it - Ron's own warped view of the world, and his desperate need for power, are corrupting and degrading an entire state and the lives of the people who live there and just want to get through the day. What IF, instead, this is pure fantasy, decent people without an axe to grind and an in-check ego ran for office who instead focused on a balanced, healthy economy, hired good people properly trained and motivated for positions of power in their cabinet, legislated in a manner consistent with the fact the an unhealthy environment makes all other things unimportant and unobtainable, realized and acted in an adult manner to acknowledge that people in opposing political parties are not the devil, and looked for ways to make the lives of those with the least, better, knowing that if the poorest have a decent life, it works it's way upward into a healthy society, and lastly, didn't feel they had to be on TV and social media posing every minute, but could pay attention to the real and difficult job of actually governing. Again, this is pure fantasy today, but it's nice to say it out loud.

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All because one ambitious, angry man wants to be president.

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Thank you Judd and Tesnim for your intensive research and work to present this extreme agenda of Ron DeSantis in a way we can follow. You are doing a good service to expose the DUPEry that this presidential candidate uses for his modus operandi.

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Cambridge? That name does not give me a good feeling.

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Thank you for covering this in better detail than other places. The letters from the college board and state PTA should make it clear to everyone this isn’t resolved and I hope other outlets pick this up.

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It's mind-boggling that anyone thinks this is a good thing. The true indoctrination comes from the right. Censorship is their bread and butter. Agree with us or else! How American of them...I don't get the whole point of this anyways. Because DeSantis doesn't want to acknowledge trans people, doesn't make them go away. They still exist and he's accomplished nothing. Playing politics to try and rile up his demented and racist base. Republicans want to see the world burn.

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