Thank you for this information. I have just contacted Publix and demanded change. Please help keep us posted. If they don’t change, I will take my business elsewhere and encourage others to do the same.

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Don't wait. Do it now and let them know NOW why you'll be shopping elsewhere. We don't have time to wait around for them to make up their minds. IF they change, THEN you can return. It's called consequences, and it's not effective unless it's immediate.

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Companies, corporations and millionaires; that is how most of our politicians are funded AND elected. Until we put a stop to this and decide to fund people who want to run for office through our taxes, in limited amounts, for a specific period of time (say 6 months of campaigning) we will never, ever have fair and honest representation.

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Amen. Campaign Finance reform should be on the agenda

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This is disappointing. Mrs. Fancelli, like any other non-executive stockholder, can do with her money as she wishes. The corporate donations to the wingnuts are much harder to overlook. I've been a faithful Publix customer for over a decade (that bakery!), but it looks like I'm going to have to find a new grocer.

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Give them a chance to change their ways: https://www.publix.com/contact/contact-us

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Remember there are 1000s of Publix employees who just want to keep their jobs and support themselves. Boycott carefully.

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Publix needs to think about its employees, and stop its support of the far right, not me. I’m boycotting carefully the one I usually shop at. And I told them.

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Did that already.

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None of the post-election rabies frothing was necessary if anyone had produced verifiable evidence of fraudulent voting. It’s really quite simple. I have family members who insisted Trump was robbed of a fair election and I asked “can you show me evidence?” What they say (yell, really) is “it’s true! It’s true!” Prove it, just show the actual evidence, that’s all I’m asking. Georgia did a hand count THREE TIMES, plus a GBI-audited count and the vote counts matched the actual results. PA and MI did absentee ballot signature matching, nothing there either. So WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE OF FRAUD? I’m waiting for Dominion Voting’s lawsuits to go to trial. I’m waiting for that “evidence”.....

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keep calmly saying "show me the evidence" But also ask, "Can you help me understand why you need this to be true so badly?" "Why did judges, including Trump appointed judges, throw 50+ cases out of court?"

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I do stay calm...it's easy when it's true. But they don't have patience for longer sentence questions. (lol) One person said "you're just one of those commie liberals" and I replied "answer your phone, the 70s are calling you"

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Here in the South, the expression is "Bless your/his/her heart". My mother-in-law used that phrase to mean everything from "Isn't that special" to "What a %$#&*@ idiot!"

My youngest brother is one of those. I have, unfortunately, lost all patience, mostly because we're on-line and not face-to-face.

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I'm sorry your family members are being so hurtful. I have other friends who are having the same experience. Have you heard of the NVC aka Non-violent communication approach? It might be helpful if for nothing else than taking the combativeness out of communications with them. This insanity is tearing families apart.

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I’ve *lost touch* with the most antagonistic relatives. Really, just because you’re connected to someone by blood, doesn’t mean you have to like them. For others I say let’s just talk about something else. We are all entitled to disagree but it shouldn’t be a reason to get nasty. I’m from the south, we have a dozen ways of saying f*ck off with a smile and a sweet tea

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Got a friend who is always talking about how awesome Publix chicken is. I've never seen a Publix 'cause their "infection" hasn't got this far West, yet.

Anyway, I forwarded this issue to her. When she wakes up, she's gonna be mad. And, you don't wanna make this lady mad. She really likes chicken.

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I think they're going to stay in the Southeast. They do very well here and are really not set up to compete nationally with Walmart and Kroger, although that may be a goal for some time in the future.

And I would miss their chicken, too.

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My relatives in Florida love Publix, but it seems like the chief competition, Winn Dixie, does not make political contributions. I'm recommending Winn Dixie to friends and family in Florida. https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/politics/planning-on-boycotting-publix-you-should-check-other-stores-political-donations/67-558161715

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Winn-Dixie is like walking into the 1950s; people like Publix because it’s moved beyond balogne sandwiches, plus it has killer fried chicken. Tell your friends to let Publix know it’s not okay. They’re very sensitive to customer complaints:https://www.publix.com/contact/contact-us

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Where shopping WAS a pleasure! Now I'll be driving further and going elsewhere.

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Better that they change their ways and quit supporting far right terrorism: https://www.publix.com/contact/contact-us

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If any of your columns needed to be publicly posted, this one certainly does. I’ve notified my friends who shop Publix but this is what makes an impression. I have a feeling they are just the tip of one of many huge icebergs floating around just waiting to sink this ship.

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I had no idea until recently that Publix was such a supporter of right-wing causes. I no longer live in the South, but rest assured, I will not spend a dime in a Publix store if I am down there until it changes its donation policies.

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Please tell them because the nutcases they put in Congress, and ideology they support affects everyone in the U.S., not just FL.

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Disgusting. The Democrats must get fired up and do something. Let AOC lead the charge that lady has the guts the others don't have. You cannot not bring justice when tyranny is at the door. The next time they will succeed.

We have no Publix here, so my challenge is to work some friends who do.

I see Lawyers and law students have sued to get Cruz disbarred. We need that type of courage in our Democratic leaders. These people planned on executing elected officials with no due process. They were going to be judge, jury and executioners. How much more do you need to crack down on this treasonous behavior? Have they no stones?

Meanwhile the culprit aiding and abetting in mho:

The MSM Labradoodle once again protecting the 1% is going and chasing the ball is going to get us killed by the far right as we are discovering us full of ex military, military and LE.

Thanks for your reporting, PI.

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The fact that you have no Publix where you are makes no difference. Their actions impact everyone. Tell them in no uncertain terms it’s not okay.

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Unfortunately, Democrats generally don't have a killer instinct, and the exceptions are either crazy radicals or immature bulls in a china shop like AOC. Ocasio-Cortez hasn't learned how to effectively express herself. She spends too much time trying to win at insults. She needs to realize she's not in high school any more and that her way of going about things alienates potential allies and gives the right bigger ammo.

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Almost every one of those insults has been an pwn of somebody who insulted her. As for her expressing herself, you need to watch some of the committee hearings from the last session; she came prepared to every one of those. She and Katie Porter (who also comes prepared) will be sitting on the Oversight Committee together. Witnesses who try to waffle or obfuscate won't know what hit them.

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I know. I simply don't agree with pwnage generally. I think it's self-serving and showing off, and indulging in it is what's coarsened public dialogue. You're allowed to disagree of course. I'm not changing my mind about it.

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That said I'm glad she doesn't indulge in it everywhere.

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I'm not generally in favor of pwnage in polite dialog, but that return zinger is sometimes more than justified. That said, the public dialog hasn't been polite since at least Newt Gingrich.

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Can’t think of one single instance where Ms. Ocasio-Cortez hasn’t effectively expressed herself. Be glad to take a look at where she spends time trying to win insults rather than making valid points, and doesn’t express herself well.

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I agree with you. I find her refreshing because she says what she thinks. My 4 Millenial kids like her and I believe they are representative of their generation. All four are very different in their opinions except where Trump was concerned. And, they feel like she wants to America better for THEIR future. All four want the seditionists held accountable and are lamenting mealy mouth Democrats.A sleeping giant is awakening. They delved into the stock market with Robinhood last week. If that Generation takes over a party (or start their own) you will see change. Video gaming Government. LoL. Seriously they will change this country. There's plenty of them.

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Agree. But real change was Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Sanders had it all written out in his fantastic website. Biden had nothing like that because he isn’t change. He’s capitalist quo. Right now he looks good because he’s cleaning up Trump’s horror flick, but once that’s out of the way, he will quietly continue the capitalist agenda.

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I can, I've read them myself. Both things can be true -- she does at times elect to communicate effectively and she's also famous for her Twitter "clapbacks." You can search for that on your own. Maybe we have different ideas of effective communicating.

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I meant to amend what I said above, not that she --never-- does express herself in a good way but IMO she's undercut herself with her clapbacks.

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I guess nobody cares about this anymore--everybody moved on. But I just set foot in Publix for the first time since I read Judd’s report, and made it known I wasn’t shopping there anymore. When I checked out, the cashier said, “just one item?” which gave me the perfect opportunity to tell her and everybody in line “yeah, just one item and it’s one item too many because I’m not shopping here anymore because I don’t want my money going to far-right nut clowns." She professed not to know anything about it, but the bag boy piped in that it was only the heiress. I said, “no, my friend, it’s Publix too” and told him to read The Popular’s report. Then I walked over to customer service and asked the woman since PUBLIX IS AN EMPLOYEE OWNED STORE, did they vote on donations? She said she’s "never voted on anything.” I persisted that this is an employee owned store, but you have no say in how the money is spent? She seemed perplexed like the idea of democracy was something she’s never heard of. She gave me the number for corporate.

Publix is an employee-owned store. Maybe since they own it, Publix employees should have a say in how the money is spent? How about a lesson in democracy for Publix employees? Has anybody ever tried to unionize them? That would really set George Jenkins’ (founder) corporate executives on fire, wouldn’t it? And, you know, come to think about it, while Jenkins’ daughter has never worked a day in her life yet somehow has billions stashed in the bank, Publix employees making her rich are making how much? and don’t seem to have a clue what the word “democracy” means. Somebody needs to clue these employees in, and use their ownership interest to restructure the way things are done down in Lakeland.

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If corporate donations are to be protected speech under the Constitution, as our Supreme Court has determined, then it is only right and proper that they be held accountable for that speech. In this case, Publix is to be reviled for condoning, supporting, and facilitating if not encouraging unpardonable violence to America. I encourage every thinking, honorable person to boycott the chain until adequate public reparations are made.

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Publix is very sensitive to customer complaints. Let them know it’s not okay: https://www.publix.com/contact/contact-us.

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I want to know who is supporting texas politicians who are suppressing and restricting the vote. The GQP has been doing this here for decades and Texas is one of the most difficult places to vote in the Country.

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Looks like Publix is feeling the heat. I still haven’t received a reply:


Tue, Feb 2, 4:01 PM (1 day ago)

to me

Thank you for taking the time to share your comments with us. We value input from our customers, especially during these unprecedented times.

We are currently receiving a high volume of customer contacts. While we will make every effort to respond to you as quickly as possible, please be aware that you may experience a delay. We appreciate your patience and understanding.


Customer Care Team

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Yesterday I wrote to Publix, cited this article, and stating inter alia that their denials were disingenuous considering the number of insurrection abetting pols they had supported.

Here's the response i got:

"Thank you for taking the time to contact us in reaction to recent news reports regarding Julie Fancelli’s political donations.

"Mrs. Fancelli is not an employee of Publix Super Markets, and is neither involved in our business operations, nor does she represent the company in any way. We cannot comment on Mrs. Fancelli’s actions.

"The violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6 was a national tragedy. The deplorable actions that occurred that day do not represent the values, work or opinions of Publix Super Markets."

Publix - world renown DISartful Dodger.

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Well hit them back with the facts. Publix ALSO donated money to subversives in government. It wasn’t just the heiress.

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Like I said above, I cited THIS article, which is replete with facts of Publix's donations to the scusbag pols who aided and abetted the Jan 6 insurrection. Obviously, Publix intends to remain deaf to comments on it's misdeeds and deflect all criticism to "Mrs. Fancelli" which in itself is stupid. After all, she is a large shareholder and unquestionably has an influence on Publix's policy positions regardless of their contention that she hasn't.

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They may be changing their response. I have yet to get a response, and they usually respond within hours.

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