I worry that NC is well on its way to becoming FLA/TX. Pointing out the lies of the GOP is something PI does very well. How Robinson and these guys are still in this election as serious candidates is an exercise in big cities like Charlotte and Raleigh pit against rural NC.

Today my 200 post cards to a swing state go to NC to get blue voters off the sidelines and into the voting booth. The GOP must be stopped in the local, state elections as well as the federal level.

Vote Josh Stein for Gov.

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With the influx of "Yorkers" it is well on its way to become BLUE. How is Trump still in the race? M-o-r-o-n-s.

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I don't think you spelled that right Jennifer.

I once saw a trumpanzee with a sign that said "moran." Moran is the proper spelling according the disciples of the Mango Moran!


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To the contrary, Hazel, I am heartened that Democrats will take over all of the most powerful offices in beautiful North Carolina. Josh Stein is looked on with respect and affection--he stands to be the next Governor of NC. Roy Cooper was elected Gov. twice. Don Davis is running to be reelected to the House. Thom Tills almost lost his race for Senate, but the Democratic opponent was discovered to be cheating on his wife toward the end of their campaign. I only know a few who live in NC but they happen to vote Dem.

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I live next door. The state legislature like 42 others, is controlled by the GOP. I love and support Josh Stein. If you do a little research, you will see the state GOP is exactly like what Judd describes in this GOP candidate running for Supreme Court. In a state where our Gov is GOP and the state legislature is Dem. He and the GOP Attorney General still went ahead and purged voter rolls less than 90 days before the current Nov. 5 election. He has gotten away with it so far and less than 2 weeks before the Nov. 5th election.

I grew up when Sen Jesse Helms was the voice of NC. Google him. He would be a willing helper to Trump.

Thank goodness for Charlotte and Raleigh.

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Jesse Helms was indeed a mean-spirited Republican icon of North Carolina--harsh, antagonistic to all, so although he'd have been anti anyone Democratic, he didn't always "go along with" the Republican point of view. He was very popular among racist white voters; but so is T____!

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What about Charlotte and Mecklenburg County?

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Real investigative journalism done so well it’s a joy to read. Thank you!

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I agree Robert! This is why we need anti-trust action against the TradMedia; corporate media needs to be broken up.

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So Republican State Senators believe they can better interpret the law than a State Judge? Sounds very GOP . . . no lows, no shame, an abundance of hypocrisy. 🤬

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21 hrs ago·edited 21 hrs ago

More whining from NC republicans. Always whining. Without merit.

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Yeah, it's pretty much the only things they know how to do - whine, cheat and lie.....

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I live in NC and am honored to have met Justice Allison Riggs and Marcia Morey who are both amazing individuals with great integrity that I have the utmost respect for. I don’t know how these Republicans can sleep at night?

It has been an unfair and ridiculous political shitshow here in this state. There are hardworking people here trying to fight the good fight. But we need so many more! Thank you so much Judd for your reporting on this issue.

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Please share Judd's report as widely as you can among your NC friends and acquaintances. The type of political posturing and manipulation by the GQP has to be stopped!

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I live in Virginia and watch your shitshow from ours. The GOP controls the top 3 offices in VA. The Gov. and Attorney General purged our voter rolls with less than 90 days to the election. It's against the law and so far they have gotten away with it. And, our Legislature is controlled by Democrats and they haven't done a thing about it. The DOJ has "lightly" addressed it. What a surprise there.

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How horrible. Sorry to hear that Hazel. Do you have any Democratic groups to join that might help? It is very frightening and frustrating.

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If the Democratic House of Delegates and State Senate haven't addressed it, not sure the state party would either. Are they afraid of the Governor? That is my read.

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I worry the DOJ is underfunded and understaffed.

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There is a wonderful (and very effective!) group of folks from NC who volunteer at Neighbors on Call. We help to elect Democrats to the NC General Assembly. www.neighborsoncall.com . I highly recommend it to anyone interested.

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Lynn, in case you might care to share, I've posted some comments below that might help voters in North Carolina in their choice of judges and legislators.

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Republicans having a sad because a Democrat has chosen not to lie about their judicial philosophy in the manner of ALL Republicans.

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Even in states like Kansas, attacking women's right to control what happens to their bodies has been a loser at every election or vote.

I hope republicans never learn and so continue to lose.

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Thank you, Judd. This is an important election for our state (NC). I hope we can make a dent in the conservative majority.

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What a croc of crap ! NC has no right to talk about legalities since they have broken many of their own laws ! I guess the idiots know more than a judge ! Must be soooooo nice to know everything ! I'm so sick of their hypocrisy!

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So-called conservatives should pay attention. This is how it will go under a Trump administration both in the states and from the White House. Anyone who appears to not follow the party line will be hounded or silenced.. Reproductive rights was just one of the early targets on their list. Free speech, freedom of movement, freedom from military rule, from arrest search seizure and the freedom to vote are a few more. They aren’t shy about telling us. Why not believe them?

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Agree. Their vision is dark and frightening.

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NC’s Republican legislators are fond of putting themselves in control of what should be non-partisan boards. For example, they’ve taken over total control of the University of North Carolina’s governing bodies. And, of course, their gerrymandering of both NC House and Senate districts disenfranchises most Democrats and independents throughout the state.

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So these Republicans think different rules exist depending on your party affiliation?

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Republican nutters -- they want a full fascist state with zero voting rights.

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In the fraud that the SCOTUS majority called their "opinion" in Dobbs, they stated a standard that powerfully opposes the SCOTUS majority, as well as Judge Griffin and all those who claim or imply a "right to life" of anything that is not a person. Just substitute such so-called right for the other right that the SCOTUS majority plainly opposed on purely personal grounds:

"The Constitution makes no express reference to a right to" life of anything that is not a person "and therefore those who claim that it protects such a right must show that the right is somehow implicit in the constitutional text." It is impossible to prove such a right. It has not been done and it cannot be done. But very much of our Constitution does secure the right of actual persons to live their own lives without oppression and even without unnecessary interference by judges or legislators.

The issues are so simple, a fifth grader can grasp them. The Fifth Amendment protects the life and liberty of persons: "No person" may be "deprived" by any court or legislature of "life" or any "liberty" except with all "due process of law." The Fourteenth Amendment clearly established who is a person: our Constitution protects "persons" who necessarily were "born" somewhere and who actually "reside" somewhere, typically in a "State" (including any U.S. territory).

For good measure, the Fourteenth Amendment again emphasized that our Constitution protects the life and liberty of persons: "No State" has any power to "make or enforce any [purported] law" that "abridge[s] the privileges or immunities of citizens," and "citizens" means only "persons" who were "born or naturalized in the United States" and who also "reside" somewhere. No fetus can be a person according to the plain text of our Constitution. "No State" has any power to "deprive any person of life" or any "liberty" except with all "due process of law." "No State" has any power to "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

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I was unfortunate enough to have some of the Budd family as wealth clients. I have nothing positive to say about Ted or his brothers. Mark Robinson is an evil joke. We voted early for Josh Stein, Jeff Jackson, MO Greene, and Harris-Walz. Unless North Carolinians want to become another failing state run by ignorant rednecks, it's time to vote them out.

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It's a mad mad mad mad world.

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