It's long past time for supposedly "woke" companies like AB Imbev to put their money where they slogans is. Stop funding Republicans. They are not your friends. Tax cuts for your CEO are not worth it.

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How can a company donate to a political party that denigrates them? As usual, money trumps all reason. Are lower taxes the only thing that matters to these companies?

I won't even begin to discuss the rediculous idea that a beer comapny can undermine "American Values", whatever they may be. I was under the impression that free speech was an "American Value." I guess I was wrong.

Today's Conservatives have no answer for problems such as global warming and income disparity. Instead of trying solve reaal problems they make war on women's body's, attack a film company, and try to restrict what people can read and learn about.

When will people learn this is a smoke screen from a party with no answers for real problems?

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We have the best representation that corporate money can buy.

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Edward. I JUST CAN;T BELIEVE !!, How CRAZY ! That R Group of MANKIND! Are SO " WASHED OUT ! By the ORANGE BAMBOOZLER ! , and the LEMMINGS!, that " YES, man ! , BEHIND him ! " IT IS Power ! , and the MAMMONITES !! , that FOLLOW !

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Is that the stink of cancel culture I'm whiffing? Republicans. Money grubbing hypocrites.

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AGain !! Miss D, ! ALL About POWER GRAB ! and MAMMONITE- isim !

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Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

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Yet their supporters stick with them no matter what. Norms for thee but not for me…..

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I like to give every one of them a personalized beatdown. RW politcians and their adherents ruin the nation.

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Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...DeSantis said the investigation could lead to "a derivative lawsuit filed on behalf of the shareholders of the Florida pension fund because at the end of the day, there’s got to be penalties when you put business aside to focus on your social agenda at the expense of hardworking people." He has done this consistently with his "laws" on social justice.

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Glad that you are revealing how much money Anheuser-Busch donates to all of the Republican candidates and groups who trash and try to destroy people who have a life they don't approved of....

Hasn't it been the practice of all large corporations to donate to both parties and both sides supporters of issues--for decades? That is all the more reason to expose this practice. What about those running against Republican hypocrites? such as anyone running against Jim Jordan? And, does AB contribute to Joe Biden's relelection campaign (as well as to DeSantis' campaign)?

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Who's grooming who? New obfuscations tossed out like confetti while the GQP grooms the nation and companies "woke" and "un-woke" fellate RW politicians and are fellated in return!

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A-B LOVES their GOP--don't let them fool you. Also take a look at the National Beer & Wine Wholesalers association. Sheesh. Keep in mind that Budweiser is one of the MAGAts favorite beverages--or maybe it's too pricey for them now, who knows?

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Rather than grumbling to ourselves (which nobody hears) we need to quit playing defense, go on offense and be LOUD.

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Totally yes

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TELL IT !! , Tom ! Turn UP !, the DECIBELS ! Make LOUD ! , THE LOUDEST !! . GLORY ! MAKE ! ............The " JOYFULL NOISE !! "

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I would suggest humor as a weapon.

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Typical, Republicans take the money and take credit for legislation they voted against. These people are criminal liars and cannot be trusted to walk the dog. However, with the pervasive brainwashing from Fox and the corrupt greed of companies that are willing to buy any and all so-called representatives, the grift goes on. How Fox can continue to be considered a news organization without regulation is astounding.

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You're right about the dog. Lotta s-e-x offenders in the RW ranks.

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YESSS ! ADAM ! Right ON !

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This is a prime case where the Trumpublicans are not thinking (as usual). If I was A. B., I wouldn’t give another cent to any of them, promote them in any manner, especially those that refuse to abide by Supreme Court rulings (Alabama Governor Ivey), or refuse to give voting rights to its citizens.

No, all these companies pouring their money into the Republican Party and all of its candidates are doing nothing but promoting Dictatorship.

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A-B’s response will be, I predict, the usual poisonous cocktail of “We’re sorry people were offended” mixed with a shot of “Dah First Anendment”, followed by a chaser of Meaningless Platitudes and Aphorusms.

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Great exposé as always, Judd. Hypocrisy has no bottom when money is involved.

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This says a lot more about Anheuser-Busch than it does about these right-wing politicians. Why on earth is in Anheuser-Busch still donating to the very people trying to tank their business? Will these corporations never learn?!

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MAMMONITES ! , on the Road, UNTILL JESUS ! ..........RETURNS ( IT is WRITTEN, ! HE WILL ! ) GLORY !, Will be, MANAFESTED !

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Clearly we should put Anheuser-Busch and Bud Light out of business...but not for the reason the Republicans cite....

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